#the sex and the city mention threw me lol
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morsesnotes · 1 year ago
I'm kind of amused by Shaun Evans going from befuddled about the Morse/Joan storyline to outright annoyed over the years.
Jace Lacob: You mentioned your love for the fourth episode this season, “Coda.” I’m wondering if there’s a favorite scene that stands out to you from this third season?
Shaun Evans: Yes, and it’s the last scene where Joan leaves.
Shaun: Throughout, we’ve always had little glimpses of them catching each other’s eyes in the mirror, in walking her home, seeing what’s going on, and I’ve always been curious. And each time we have an interaction I always say, “Where are we going with this? Where are we … What are we doing here? Should we be playing that there’s a bit of an attraction here, or should we be … should she just be my boss’s daughter?”
Shaun: I think for something to be engaging, the audience have to root for what the hero wants. Now, if the hero doesn’t know what he wants, it’s difficult for them to root for him, then it just becomes procedural, every week he solves a case. Whereas, if you think of the great sort of stories of like Friends, or like Sex and the City, or any of those stories, you can think, “Will they get together? Won’t they get together?” And it’s that which is engaging.
God I’m going on now aren’t I?
But in conclusion I was pleased because I really felt strongly that there should be some interaction between those guys that we’re really driving towards. But I feel like it really came, the heart of the story, came to fruition in the final scene.
PBS Masterpiece (2016)
Jace: Why doesn’t Endeavour tell Joan that he loves her when he does have the opportunity?
Shaun: Oh, $64,000 question.
Shaun: There were so many back and forths about this, I’ve gotta tell you. And for me, I really … not agonized, but I thought, “Well, why go to all that trouble and not say anything? Why not? Why not just say something?” And we spoke about it constantly with the writer and it was his instinct that he doesn’t say anything, and I thought, “Why? But what’s the- why not just say one thing, not just say … Even call her by her first name?” You know? Why not say something, you know?” So you go with the majority sometimes, in cases like that. But I think it plays … I think it plays beautifully, you know?
Jace: I mean, so much of the show is in the unstated, rather than the stated.
Shaun: Mm-hmm.
PBS Masterpiece (2016)
Q: Morse is pretty useless with women -- does he have more luck this time?
Shaun: Yeah, he ballsed it right up with Nurse Monica, but she was just too nice. He needs someone who's a bit more [thinks] "Grrr". But Monica comes back, so we get to end that in a better way. And things with Joan take a twist, which is quite satisfying. It can be frustrating for me, too. I'm like, "Why isn't Morse saying something? Why isn't he speaking up?" But the writer says, "Please, just trust me on this." And he gets it right.
Heat magazine (2017)
Jace: The dynamic between Morse and Joan Thursday has provided a romantic spine to the series thus far. In the first episode of season six we get a bit of a flashback to the end of “Icarus,” with Morse asking if Joan’s offer of a coffee still stands. What happened between these two after Fancy’s death?
Shaun: This is one thing that we disagree about. I personally think that it would be interesting to have these two people begin a relationship and to have a night of passion and then the next day or a couple of weeks later, they’re like, ‘Oh this isn’t what I thought it would be. This isn’t the answer to all of my prayers at all.’ In a way for me, I think that’s way more heartbreaking, that you can’t be happy with anyone, rather than this, will they won’t they, which I personally think has a shelf life. So we have a disagreement about that, but that’s cool. So nothing happens between them. She’s busy, her life moved on. She hasn’t got time for him any more.
Jace: I do think it would be gutting for him to achieve this sort of idealized romance only to for only to find out that it is not working.
Shaun: Right?
Jace: And that there’s something broken within him.
Shaun: Because that speaks about you. Yeah exactly so, that’s my point exactly, right. That’s my point exactly. I think there’s not a fear, and I hesitate to say fear, but I think that for whatever reason, our writer, who I love and is one of my best mates, likes the idea of this will they won’t they. But I think that it speaks more to a real inability to form a lasting romantic relationship if you do that. So I’m very depressed about that. Someone you’ve lusted after for five years and then she’s like, ‘You know it’s…’
Jace:  ‘Thanks but no thanks.’
Shaun: Yeah, totally, or even if it’s him it’s like, ‘What’s this here?’
PBS Masterpiece (2019)
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lisired · 1 year ago
ex marks the spot
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pairing: ex!mark x (f) reader
genre/warnings: smut, a pinch of angst, mystery, exes to lovers, (mentions of) characters death, graphic descriptions of violence and murder, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex, oral (m/f)
summary: Two months ago, you and Mark called it quits and haven’t spoken to each other since. As per tradition, your respective friend groups gather each Christmas eve to keep the peace, but this year somebody has a different plan. And the new chick on Mark’s arm isn’t the worst thing to happen.
wc: 19.9k
author’s note: (this is a repost!) nothing like a christmas mystery lol. partly inspired by honey lavender by ieuan. as always, feedback is appreciated!
Distractions, you chanted to yourself, desperate to think about literally anything other than your many problems. 
A tall window overlooked the entire city, as far as you were concerned. Nightfall had taken over and the bustling streets were caked in thick clunks of snow. Pressing your fingertips against the glass, you could feel relentless winter. 
None of it did anything to soothe the white hot envy scorching its way down your throat. Across the room, there was a blonde girl on Mark’s arm, snuggling against his chest and sucking up all of his warmth. 
That should’ve been you, but you would never admit to yourself (or anyone) that you were jealous of her. You had way too much pride for a silly thing like that. Of course, Mark had never brought a girl to one of these events before, and you had an inkling it was solely to make you jealous. You couldn’t let him win. 
“This is my friend Jodie,” Mark had introduced the girl hanging on his every word like a lovestruck teenager, but noting how close they kept to each other amongst many other things, it was safe to assume they were more than friends. 
Less than lovers, probably, but undeniably more than friends. 
Johnny, the man of the hour, came floating your way with the grace of a butterfly and said, “Damn. You could just tell me if you’re hating the party.”
Your eyes flickered. “What?”
“You’re mad. It’s written all over your body language.” Then, he craned his head and whispered in your ear, “Have a drink and relax a little. Don’t let him know he’s getting to you.”
“He’s not getting to me,” you grumbled under your breath, but you knew that it was an obvious lie. 
“If he’s not, then Jodie sure is. That’s what he wants. The whole reason he’s sucking her face off by the hearth is because he wants you to see.”
You knew that. Mark always wanted to be seen, to be acknowledged. His whole life was based on making people look at him, to which you were no exception. Your relationship consisted of him doing anything and everything necessary to grab your attention, but in all honesty, it didn’t take a whole lot. 
You could never keep your eyes off Mark and he knew it. Wherever he went, he was the most radiant person in the room. He was a Leo to his fucking core.
Getting back in character, you straightened up your stance and threw Johnny a beaming smile. “It’s a wonderful party.”
Johnny grinned. “There she goes,” he said in his regular speaking voice, pleased at your new demeanor. 
He was the master of all things body language and human psychology. He had been friends with you long enough to be confident that you’d never want your ex thinking for a second that he had one up on you. At least you knew somebody would always have your back. With Mark and his friends, you couldn’t help but watch it. 
“Thanks,” you replied quietly, grateful he’d come get you together. And quickly at that. 
“You’re my friend.”
“Mark’s your friend.”
“Yeah, but Mark’s a dickhead.”
You snickered. “Amen to that.”
Johnny was the middleman between you and Mark’s individual friend groups. After an incident dating back all the way to your senior year in high school, your former friend group of nine was split in two. You, Jeno, and Jaehyun on one side, with Mark, Chungha, Haechan, and Yuta on the other. 
Johnny, the god of friendly relations that he was, managed to drift between both sides. Matter of fact, these parties of his were the whole reason you even saw the other side of the group every year. If it weren’t for Johnny wanting to maintain the peace, most of you would never be in the same room again for any purpose. 
You took a glimpse around the party. It was being held in Johnny’s sumptuous two-floor penthouse this year after the outdoor disaster that was last year's Christmas eve reunion. To say the least, hypothermia had never seemed scarier. 
Unsurprisingly, Mark still had his hands and mouth all over Jodie as they stood near the hearth, the fireplace decorated in limestone. Chungha was marveling at Johnny's case of precious stones and cabochon gems. Off to your right, Haechan had his face set in a scowl. 
“Haechan looks happy to be here,” you quipped with total sarcasm.
Johnny didn’t even spare Haechan a glance, like he already knew what he’d see if he looked, and chuckled. “Yeah, we got into a tiny argument a few minutes back. He’ll be fine.”
That piqued your curiosity, but you didn’t press. Haechan always went looking for trouble and Johnny stopped it before it could even happen. Of course Haechan disliked that. 
The elevator dinged, revealing a fashionably late Jeno. Johnny noticed and glanced at you, saying, “I’ve got to greet our favorite guest. Thanks for coming, by the way.”
You shot him an amused grin. “I came for you, but I’m staying for the margaritas.”
Johnny shook his head and laughed. After asking him to tell Jeno that you said hello, the two of you went your own separate ways. 
For a little bit, you went to mingle, but you realized quickly that there weren’t a lot of people you were keen on having a conversation with. Jeno, your best friend, was with Johnny. That left Jaehyun, Johnny’s stepbrother, but you knew he preferred to be left alone. 
Mark obviously wasn’t an option. Even if he knew you better than anyone in the room. 
In spite of knowing you wouldn’t be there long, you made small talk with Jaehyun for a couple of minutes before he got an apparently urgent text message on his phone and excused himself apologetically. 
To where, you had no fucking clue. This was your first time in Johnny’s penthouse regardless of how close you were. You spent very little time in the city and even less at your own home. It was a blessing you hadn’t missed one of these parties yet. 
Maybe a curse. To be frank, you didn’t want to be here, but that had almost everything to do with Mark. Bringing Jodie along to an annual reunion for friends was low, even for him. But you kind of wished you had somebody to keep you company like he did. 
You exhaled your feelings and pretended that they didn’t bother you. Your mother told you a long time ago that the only person you’d ever be able to depend on was yourself and though she had her own set of parenting  complications, it was the best advice she’d ever given you. 
Speaking of advice, Johnny’s was starting to appear way too appetizing and you made a beeline for the kitchen, slipping past Yuta who was apparently on the phone. Those infamous mango margaritas were calling your name. 
When you entered the hallway, turning around the corner from the dining room, you almost immediately retreated. You almost told Johnny that you couldn’t be here for another minute. But Mark noticed you and it was too late. He would immediately know what was going on and take it as a surrender. 
“Look who decided to come,” Mark said sharply, a greeting of his own in some twisted way. “I bet you were hoping to see a fruity cocktail.”
“Yes, and you’re standing in my way,” you spat, gesturing to the cabinets behind you. 
Mark furrowed a brow. “You aren’t going to take one that’s already there?”
You looked at him like he had fifteen heads. Those could’ve easily been spiked with any substance. “Mark, half the people in this house hate each other. I love margaritas, but I love my life way more. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Mark scooted out of your way, though only because he knew the bounds of your survival. It was all that you knew.  
You reached around, grabbing ingredients from various places. All the while, Mark stood there, hating how unbothered you were. He was desperate to get a reaction out of you and would go to great lengths to get what he was searching for. 
His eyes were fixed to your frame and the green sequin gown hugging it tightly. There was a long slit running down the side that Mark clocked before you turned to face the counter, offering a delicious view of one of your perfect legs. When his eyes lifted from your beautiful curves, he noticed the dress was backless. 
Fuck, you were still gorgeous. Worst of all, you were still exactly everything he imagined and wanted. The girl of his dreams. 
“I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you,” Mark admitted, staring daggers into your back.
You rooted in place with shock at the blurted confession, hands on a bottle of tequila, wondering if he had any liquor in his system making him a little more blunt than he should’ve been. 
Until Mark finished, “Because if anyone’s going to kill you, it’s going to be me.”
The flutter in your chest immediately settled back into exasperation. Mark wasn’t afraid of having an altercation with you and he knew he could get away with it without suspicion. Given the bad blood between your respective friend groups, occasional animosity was to be expected. 
Plus it wasn’t like it was still some grave-bound secret. It also wasn’t as if you never saw the glares Haechan threw your way. 
You recovered with a roll of your eyes, turning to him and snapping, “How long are you going to hate me?”
“As long as it takes,” Mark growled, parading out of the kitchen before you could get another word in. He wasn’t prepared to argue yet, but he refused to let you have the last word. 
You shook your head in contempt. Mark wasn’t just your former lover, but the other half of you, regardless of how corny it sounded. You knew he could hold a grudge until the day he was six feet under. As long as it takes. For what, you had no clue. 
Finishing up the cocktail, you cleaned up behind yourself and prepared to head back out to the party, though made a last-minute decision to linger in the kitchen. You were irritated and you weren’t in the mood to socialize or see Mark again until your system had a little liquor. 
A few moments afterwards, Jeno bounced into the kitchen eagerly, grinning from ear to ear like he knew that he’d find you here. As if to sell your suspicions, he greeted, “Found you. And it only took eight seconds.”
You chuckled, sipping from your glass. Though you already knew the answer, you humored him, asking, “How’d you find me?” 
“Easy. I just followed the tequila.”
“Me and tequila do go way back,” you replied, smiling at the memories. Some good, some… unspeakable. You gestured to your glass. “Want one?”
Jeno shook his head. “No thanks. I’m good.”
You gasped dramatically and joked, “What, are you pregnant?”
“No way. I’m a complete virgin.”
You burst out laughing. “You’re a complete fucking lie.”
Jeno looked like he couldn’t even take himself seriously. Then, he shifted the topic, mentioning, “I saw Mark storm out of here. That also was a hint as to your whereabouts.”
You fought a grimace, deciding nonchalance was key. “We talked for the first time in two months. Since the breakup.”
“How did that go?”
“Take a wild fucking guess,” you mumbled, the memory making you wince and take another generous sip. 
Jeno grimaced. “Yeah, he didn’t look too happy. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you assured him, though you weren’t certain. Your heart still raced a little when Mark was close enough. But a familiar pain always followed in its wake. 
Jeno gave you a knowing look, but said nothing. Both of you were distracted by the sound of footsteps, noticing Johnny and Jodie cruising down the hallways. From the looks of it, he was giving her a tour. She was giving Johnny heart eyes.
You arched a brow in curiosity, while Jeno appeared amused. To the average outsider, Johnny looked content as ever, but you and Jeno recognized him with dwindling patience. 
“This party’s getting interesting,” Jeno commented, eyes darting down the hall with interest. 
You nodded in agreement. “It’s already a step up from last year.”
There were painful flashbacks flickering behind Jeno’s eyes. “Damn right. As soon as I stepped into the lobby, all I could feel was warm air.”
You snickered. “Johnny doesn’t repeat mistakes. He hates it.”
“You really know Johnny.”
You noticed that Jeno’s eyes were already on you when you glanced up to look at him. “We dated. You know that.”
“For your mother’s sake,” Jeno replied. 
That was true. She was practically begging you to bring a guy home. Not because she was eager to have grandchildren (though the time would come where she’d start pressing you for an heir), but because having an affluent partner would make you look better, which would thus make the company look better. 
It was before Mark. The bad blood aside, he wasn’t exactly the type of person your mother approved of you being seen with. Mark was a rapper. Johnny, on the other hand, came from a lineage of prominent wealthy businessmen. 
In a weird way, it kind of made sense how the group separated. There was you, whose father was the chairman of an oil company, Jeno, whose father was the chief executive of a private equity investor, and Johnny and Jaehyun, whose mother was an entrepreneur, but Johnny was chosen to take over the business while Jaehyun was stuck with real estate. 
Then there were Mark’s friends. Chungha, who was a successful model and influencer. Yuta, a popular soccer player. And Haechan was the product of two fierce attorneys, but he obviously had no intention of following in his parents’ footsteps. 
Johnny was everything your mother wanted you to be with and to appease her, you dated him for a few months. And you were grateful. He helped you learn new things about yourself and how you navigated relationships. You were never in love with him, but you’d always love Johnny. 
Your heart still wanted Mark. You didn’t know what love was until you fell for Mark. 
“Yes. It was strictly business,” you confirmed, thinking nothing of it. This wasn’t news. Jeno knew you well enough. 
Jeno nodded in approval. “I’m gonna go take a look around the house. This is my first time coming over.”
At least you weren’t the only one. “Have fun. I’m gonna find some food. I’m hungry.”
Jeno told you that he’d see you later, then dipped. Meanwhile, you went around the corner to the dining room, finding plenty of food and wanting to dig in. You didn’t trust half of the guests here enough to eat unsupervised dishes, but unlike the previous years, you didn’t manage to sneak in a meal beforehand. 
Yuta and Haechan ironically didn’t seem to be as wary. They were sitting beside each other, chatting over their food. Out of his friends, Mark was closest with Yuta and Haechan. Their friendship was unwavering and one of the few to stand the test of time. In a way, they were like a trio of brothers. 
You subtly took glances at them. Haechan looked more buoyant and cheerful than earlier. Definitely not in the mood to poison anyone’s food. And Yuta, though you weren’t necessarily close anymore, still seemed like the Yuta you used to know. Before the incident ruined you for the worse.
Haechan couldn’t be any more different. He was the same spoiled little brat, you supposed, but he wasn’t shy about his disdain towards you. And the rest of your friends. If it weren’t for the fact that Johnny was just so goddamn likable, you were certain Haechan wouldn’t come. 
At least you weren’t on their radar for now. Neither of them seemed to be fazed by your presence. Thank god, you thought to yourself, glimpsing across the dining room. There were mistletoes hanging from here to there. You could hear typical holiday music from down the hall. 
It was a good sign at the very least. You were just paranoid and not having Mark to discreetly meet in a bathroom for a quickie forced you to confront the dark essence of these parties. With Mark, the feeling was still there, but at least you could convert it into tension of a sexual nature. 
You still remembered what it was like. Betting kisses on how many minutes of alone time you had before the others noticed you were coincidentally both missing. Those sweet nothings you’d whisper in his ear to coax him towards climax quicker. 
And they would work. Every fucking time. There was nothing like watching his face immediately tense with pleasure at those words and watching his orgasm consequently wreck through his utter being like a freight train. 
You chuckled at the thought. It was too fucking easy, but boy, Mark could fuck. 
Your thoughts wondered again. To Mark, and to Jodie. Did he fuck her, or was he merely using her as a pawn in this little game of his?
You wouldn’t be surprised. On top of his exigency for attention and demand for total adoration, Mark was fucking spiteful. He was the pettiest dude you’d ever met and would go to the ends of the earth and back simply to make a point. 
A few more glances around the dining area and you decided that there was nothing for you there, returning to the solace of Johnny’s marble kitchen. Thinking about your stupid ex made you lose your appetite. 
If you made it back home for Christmas tomorrow, there would be a full-course dinner with your relatives anyways. You used to hope that you’d be able to bring Mark to one of those holiday banquets, though you’d be delusional to think it’d be anything other than a complete fiasco. 
Hell, the only lover of yours to survive meeting your mother was Johnny, and that was because you didn’t know a single person who could possibly dislike him at all. 
To your surprise, a spine-chilling gunshot rang out somewhere down the hallway, jolting you out of your brief abstraction. 
“Fuck!” cried Johnny’s voice, startled. You knew immediately that something was wrong. Johnny, at least on the outside, was never afraid. 
Not since that night. 
You marched straight for the living room and the echoes of several pairs of hurried footsteps said that everybody was on the same page. Though you could’ve swore the gunshot came from here, when you got to the living room, everyone was there except for Johnny. 
No, Jodie wasn’t there either. You would know, because she’d be clinging to Mark’s arm right about now, like a child to their mother’s bosom in a grocery store.
Johnny stumbled out of the lounge with no apparent injuries, but an inscrutable look on his handsome face. 
Jaehyun was the first to ask, “What happened?”
“Jodie,” Johnny said emotionlessly, pointing to the lounge. “She’s dead.”
Nobody moved. You instinctively glanced to Mark, wondering what his reaction would be, but his face didn’t move a fucking inch. 
“Is that what that gunshot was for?” Yuta pressed. 
Johnny shook his head and replied, “No, the gunshot was for me. Somebody tried to shoot me from the overlook upstairs, but missed by an inch. I ran into the lounge for shelter, but found Jodie there instead.”
The bullet in the wall by a lamp was enough proof that Johnny wasn’t lying. One of his guests standing before him now tried to take him out. 
There was a familiar unsettling sensation burning through your gut like a gunshot wound to the abdomen. The room devolved into its own breed of silent chaos, but you could tell from everybody’s faces and guarded postures that the same thought was flickering behind your eyelids.
Mark finally expressed a pinch of anger in his tone, stating in confusion, “I only heard one gunshot.”
“That’s because she wasn’t shot,” Johnny replied coolly, running a hand through his hair. “She was butchered.”
Well, that sure didn’t paint a pretty picture. Just the thought of what you’d see if you walked into the lounge made you stiffen. You jotted down a mental note not to go in there unless absolutely necessary.  
You glanced up towards the overlook. It was tall and offered the perfect angle of Johnny from where you assumed he was standing, plus there was enough space between the metal bars for a bullet to fly. 
To its sides were two different hallways, both functioning as possible escape routes, but everybody got here fairly quickly. Wouldn’t anyone have noticed if someone fired a shot merely seconds before gathering here?
Your arms were folded across your chest and your face was fixed in a line to hide your fear. There was no room for it with this crowd of people. “You didn’t see anyone?”
“I looked up and they were only a sliver.”
Chungha didn’t look too happy. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”
“As if it’s ever that easy with us,” Jeno retorted. 
Johnny quickly shot the idea down. “Nobody’s coming in or out of my house until I know who did this. If you want to try me, be my guest.”
You weren’t keen on being cooped up in this house for only god knows how long with people who were as good as strangers (especially now that bodies were dropping), but you didn’t plan on disobeying either, even if Johnny’s threat did little to intimidate you. 
Johnny knew you. He knew you deep down. If Mark weren’t there, standing only a couple of feet shy of you, you would confidently say that he knew you better than anyone else in this room. But it was Mark who had seen all your ugly. 
Haechan irritably groaned. “Then, what’s the plan, tough guy?”
“Well, we can start with placing you all outside of the scene. What’s your alibi?” Johnny asked. 
Haechan didn’t take kindly to being accused, as evident in his tone when he hissed, “I was in the dining area with Yuta, eating. Our plates are still on the table.”
Johnny glanced at Yuta, who subsequently nodded to confirm that it was true. Plus you could still hear their chatter from around the corner when you were in the kitchen. Their alibi was rock-solid. 
“I was coming out of the downstairs bathroom when I heard the gunshot,” Jaehyun said, glimpsing around. 
Nobody countered him, and Johnny seemed to trust him, all things considered. They may not have shared blood, but they were brothers. 
You rubbed your temple. “I was in the kitchen.”
“I was in the den,” Mark claimed, holding his arm. You could see the slightest shift in his carefully constructed demeanor. “I saw Chungha coming from the back of the hall, so it wasn’t her.”
Chungha said nothing. She was warily glaring holes through the skin of everyone around her. Chungha was a sweetheart and never thought badly of you after the split-up, but she refused to let others get too close, and you honestly respected it. 
You were the same way. Skeptical of everybody that crossed your path and kept a tight-knit circle of buddies. After what’d you seen and done, there was no such thing as being too safe. 
Jeno huffed, “I was just walking around. I would’ve asked Johnny for a tour, but he was a little… preoccupied.”
Jeno didn’t elaborate and nobody asked him to, but you knew exactly what he meant, and you telepathically exchanged the same thought when you made eye contact for the briefest of seconds. It was odd that only seconds prior, Johnny and Jodie were walking together. Now Jodie was dead and somebody tried to shoot Johnny?
“Let’s not waste precious time. It’s obviously Jeno,” Haechan snapped, glare cutting through his enemy like a blade. 
Jeno frowned, offended. “Why me?”
Haechan’s face was tense with frustration. “You know why.” 
“Stop,” Johnny told them sternly, stopping the action before it could accelerate too quickly to be controlled. “We’re all adults here and we’re going to handle this like adults. If you have proof, by all means, share. If you don’t know for certain, then keep it to yourself.”
Unsatisfied, Jaehyun crossed his arms and asked, “So what now? We just continue on as if there isn’t a killer on the loose?”
Jaehyun sighed in distress, but he didn’t go against Johnny. 
The eight of you separated quickly, scattering about Johnny’s large house. He seemed to be aware that nothing would happen if you all remained together. 
Getting everybody alone upped the stakes. The perpetrator would be more tempted to act. And you needed them to make a mistake. 
At least for now, you decided to remain on the first floor where you were already familiar with your surroundings. In spite of being the obvious attack zone of the killer, you were comfortable here. 
On your way out of the living room, you noticed some of the group assembling into pairs. Unsurprisingly, Johnny and Jaehyun were together. As were Haechan and Chungha. It was a powerful method, but you preferred to be alone. That way there were less distractions. 
You also had no reason to view yourself as a target, though that made you ask yourself the glaring question. Why the hell would somebody want to kill Johnny?
Ironically, the purpose of these parties was to maintain the peace. Jodie’s killer obviously had to know that killing Johnny too would’ve been quite the statement to make. 
That there was no peace when it came to the eight of you. You were composed only of death and destruction. 
You were so deep in your thoughts that you barely noticed Mark walking in front of you until you nearly crashed into him, stumbling and being caught in his open arms. “Whoa there, baby,” Mark said, holding onto you tightly. “You should really be more aware of what’s going on.”
You wrested yourself out of his hold, but in the middle of doing your damnedest to free yourself from him, your fingers accidentally traced a familiar shape in his coat pocket and you stilled in surprise. “You have a gun?”
Mark didn’t try to deny it. “Why would I go anywhere without one, baby?”
“I’m not your ‘baby,’” you hissed, stepping a comfortable distance away from him. 
Mark only hummed. His attention was on the long slit in your emerald green dress. For a second, you couldn’t believe he was blatantly checking you out, then he angled himself towards you and drew his hand to your exposed leg. 
Your eyes flitted to Mark and when his met yours, a sly little grin spread across his lips. You’d be lying if you said that his hand on your legs didn’t instinctively reactivate carnal feelings inside of you, but you dared not reveal it on your face. 
Finally, after a few seconds of scooting up your thigh, Mark found what he was looking for and purred, “Smart girl.” His hand was at your obviously occupied thigh holster, pointing out the fact that you were also armed and dangerous. “I guess this makes us even, huh?”
You didn’t realize you’d sucked in a breath. It was maddening how perfectly he knew your habits, how predictable you were. You threw his hand off and hissed, “Did you try to kill Johnny?”
“No. Did you?”
Mark hummed, apparently believing you. Many things could be said about you depending on who you asked, but at least everybody could agree that you weren’t a killer.
You removed his hand from your thigh and straightened your posture. If the two of you had weapons, it was safe to assume that you weren’t the only ones. The gun strapped to your thigh was the only reason you weren’t totally frightened of being alone. 
Your eyes were fixed to Mark, studying him. You weren’t fond of the fact that you were met with the same level of attention, as if he was trying to make you falter under his stare. It wouldn’t be that easy. 
Breaking the silence, you told him, “I’m sorry about your piece.”
Mark didn’t look too bummed. “Didn’t care about her like that anyway.”
Yeah, that checks out. You rolled your eyes. “You never cared about anything or anyone, except for yourself.”
That response seemed to genuinely surprise Mark. “Is that what you think of me?”
You weren’t prepared to discuss your emotions with Mark and the sober part of you made the executive decision to walk away instead. The liquor had you feeling a little too honest. 
Mark, on the other hand, wasn’t done with this conversation. He grabbed your arm and demanded, “Answer me. Is that what you think of me?”
You wrested your arm out of his hold and snapped, “Just walk away, Mark. It’s what you’re good at.”
That’s rich, Mark thought, but rather than argue with you about it, he stormed off. You were unbelievable. After all he did for you, after how deeply he loved you, you seriously thought that he didn’t love you? That hurt more than he cared to admit.
You watched him walk away, bristling. It didn’t matter that he was only doing what you told him to do. He never fought for your love. He always chose himself over you. Why am I surprised?
Irritated, you made a dramatic exit of your own, wanting nothing more to do with Mark for as long as you lived. He just had to be so fucking difficult. If there wasn’t a slaughter party ongoing right now, you’d be tempted to scout for more alcohol.
At least you knew that you were right not to trust anyone. The food wasn’t spiked apparently, but your point still stood. This crowd was unpredictable and you were never truly safe together. There would always be that lingering tension in the air. 
You just wish you knew what their intent in killing Jodie and attempting to kill Johnny was. By now, you were so surrounded by death that you hardly blinked, but Jodie didn’t deserve to die. A puppet in Mark’s silly little games or not. 
As if you weren’t already totally pissed, Haechan made his way towards you and hissed, “Admit it. You’re behind all this.”
You resisted a groan and replied blandly, “I thought you said Jeno was the killer?”
“The two of you are besties. It’s not far-fetched to say that you’re in this together, all things considered.”
Rather than be offended, you were purely annoyed. You crossed your arms. “Even if that were true, that’s ridiculous. Why would I want to take out Johnny?”
“No, no, no. Johnny was Jeno’s idea. You had your eye on Jodie,” Haechan said like he had it all figured out. “I saw her corpse. The overkill? It was insane. I bet you took one look at her sucking the breath out of Mark and lost your goddamn mind.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, please. You’re pulling shit out of your ass, Haechan.”
Like it was all he knew how to do, Haechan kept pushing. “Two different modus operandis usually indicate two different killers.”
“Oh, yeah? Did Daddy teach you that?” you snarled, feeling your blood pressure soaring. 
Haechan shot you a venomous glare and replied back very belligerently, “It’s not rocket science. You’re jealous. Plus you already sided with a murderer once. Why wouldn’t you do it again?”
“God, it’s been years,” you groaned, bringing your palm to your forehead. This man was a walking headache. “If you don’t like us, then fine. But that blood is on all of our hands. Pointing blood-stained fingers won’t change that.”
Haechan was practically fuming. Obviously, he didn’t like that. 
You had already started to leave, traveling a fair distance away from Haechan, but spun on your heels to give one final retort, “And for the record, Mark having Jodie tag along to make me jealous was a weak move. Tell him to try harder.”
Then, you left. You left and you didn’t look back. It was hit after hit for you, and you just couldn’t seem to catch a fucking break. Haechan literally had no reason to bother you other than to be a nuisance. His parents were lawyers. He was certain that if push came to shove, he’d have nothing to worry about. And neither would the people he cared for. 
There was no telling if you would survive the night at this point. If a bullet didn’t take your life, then stress and frustration was a sure-fire way to finish you off. 
The important question was who would be anticipating your death? 
You wanted to think that you had never been more on edge, though that would’ve been a bold-faced lie. And an insult to your body’s self-preservation effectiveness. You were far from weak and if you were intent on survival, there was nothing or nobody that would stand in your way. 
In an attempt to abate the tension, you made a beeline for the in-door elevator. Hopefully before any other unwelcome visitors could try to snake their way into your path. 
When the elevator dinged, you were surprised to see Jeno. “Where are you headed?” you asked. 
Jeno retorted, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
You snickered and slipped beside him. Finally somebody whose company didn’t piss you off. “Second floor. Obviously.”
Jeno stepped out of the elevator, but extended his hand to keep the door from closing, scanning the bottom floor for other people. Apparently, there weren’t any, because he finally said, “There’s something weird going on.”
You snorted. “Other than the death and murder? Yeah, probably. Haechan accused us of being killers.”
“No, I mean…,” Jeno trailed, taking a peak across the hallway again. “What if he’s faking it?”
You made a face. That wasn’t something you’d even considered and you weren’t exactly convinced now that you had. “Why would he do that?”
Jeno shrugged. “Why do people kill? He was the first one to discover Jodie. And he’s the guy that hosts these parties.”
“Yeah, I think that’s a pretty solid reason to assume he’s not the killer. He’s literally a victim. No offense, but I don’t buy that he killed Jodie then somehow had enough time to make it look like somebody fired a shot at him,” you replied. 
“I guess,” Jeno mumbled, quietening. You were about to ask why, but you clocked Jaehyun casually strolling by.
Which meant he wasn’t with Johnny. 
Jeno cocked you one final glance and said, “People always look at the guy with his hands dirty. No one ever suspects the guy with his hands behind his back.”
Then, he recouped his hand and disappeared behind the elevator doors. In a time that it took you to blink, he was gone so quickly you could’ve imagined his presence. 
And now you were thinking. If Johnny were alone, who knew what he was up to, but in the same vein, that could’ve just made him more vulnerable. 
You immediately brushed the thought aside. Johnny? Vulnerable? Pfft. This guy taught you everything you knew about how to survive and it was only thanks to his valor and self-preservation skills that you were even breathing. 
The elevator dinged again and this time the doors made a little narrow opening for you to walk through. It was your first time on the second floor of Johnny’s luxurious penthouse and the very first thing you did was monitor the new environment. 
Few people apparently. Everything just seemed so normal and there was hardly anything out of place. You could faintly hear the Christmas songs still blasting from the speakers downstairs. 
You crept just down the hall, pausing at the overlook. The place where the gunshot was fired. You gripped the rails, scanning the ground below. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Chungha sneaking about, but she was gone just as quickly. 
The killer had to have been lithe. These little metal bars were thin and did little to conceal your frame. For Johnny to have barely seen them, you could only liken them to a thief in the night.
The problem was that literally everybody fit that description. There was no person that you could rule out, because you each had the capacity. If not the motive, then the means. 
That was why you couldn’t wrap your head around it. Your lone brain couldn’t fathom the devastation plaguing this group and you decided that you wouldn’t even try. With a little breath, you turned and searched for the fitness center.
It wasn’t difficult to find. All you had to do was narrow down your options, taking peeks through windows and quickly discerning that they weren’t your final destination. After some trial and error, you found your way to the massive gym area. 
According to the sign, and a conversation you’d overheard earlier during the party (before all hell broke loose), just around the corner was a soccer simulator. 
Somebody was already inside when you pushed the door open to enter. You bashfully waved your hand. “Thought I’d find you here.”
Yuta looked surprised to see you, but he only wore it on his face for a split second. “Stalker, much?”
“Nah. I just thought, ‘if I was a famous soccer player, where would I go?’ And this was the first place that came to mind.”
Yuta snickered. “Predictable. That’s a character flaw, I guess.”
A tiny laugh escaped your lips. Honestly, you were just glad that you even felt comfortable enough to joke around with Yuta, even if it was meaningless. Haechan was praying for your downfall and Chungha didn’t socialize with outsiders, but Yuta was thankfully normal. 
He didn’t seem to mind your presence either. The large screen glaring at you in a violently blue hue was definitely on, but Yuta’s eyes appeared elsewhere. He finally said, “This gang and parties don’t mix too well, huh?”
“I think not,” you retorted, crossing your arms in amusement. Staying detached from the darkness was the only way you could stay sane. “Somebody always ends up dying at one of them.”
Yuta took a seat in a nearby chair and kicked his feet up on another one beside him pensively. “Sworn enemies with an axe to grind in the same room under the guise of ceasing rivalry one day out of the entire year. I could’ve told you guys how that was gonna end.”
I could’ve, too, you said to yourself, a billion thoughts like a downpour in your head. It was why you never left your house unarmed and hesitated to eat food you didn’t make. 
Because you were protecting yourself. Just like everybody else in this house. 
“Well, it’s not a shock,” you replied in agreement. “We do enough damage on our own, but together? It’s all we’re capable of.”
Yuta fought a frown. “I feel bad for that Jodie girl. I’m sure you’re aware Mark was definitely using her, but she didn’t deserve to be dragged into our sick hell.”
Those pictures of her slaughtered body were flickering in your head again. It haunted you, and you hadn’t even seen her corpse. “Everybody that comes near us gets burned.”
Yuta’s demeanor shifted noticeably, brooding. “I feel guilty. Yet when Johnny told us she died, all I could think was ‘at least it’s not my fault this time.’ Is that wrong?”
His sudden vulnerability surprised you, considering Yuta wasn’t the type to randomly express his feelings, much less to you. You immediately put your hand on his shoulder in comfort and said, “Doyoung’s death wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know.”
Yuta shrugged. “If I had listened to my parents, if I hadn’t invited you all there, that night wouldn’t have happened. Doyoung wouldn’t be dead. And this friend group might’ve stayed in one piece.”
“Yuta, you should blame that creepy psychopathic weirdo. Not yourself.”
Yuta grimaced, as if the sole mention of that guy flung him back to a place he’d already buried. 
And you didn’t blame him. You didn’t even know the guy’s name, but you could describe him vividly. How could you not? The same pale guy in blood-stained overalls appeared in your dreams a little too often.
This little party turned bloodbath wasn’t you and your friends’ first rodeo. Matter of fact, you’d argue that the first round was a tad scarier. You still got flashbacks, so terrified for your life and everybody around you that adrenaline numbed you to the crisp, nipping autumn air. 
For his birthday prelude, Yuta invited all of you to his parents’ expensive farmhouse, sitting just on your hometown’s outskirts. It was quiet, remote. No neighbors, which seemed fun in the first half, but as the night progressed, it became a nightmare not having anyone nearby.
A birthday celebration quickly became a fight for survival, and Doyoung lost. He was one of you, still a part of you, locked away inside your heart but never forgotten.
Jeno had accidentally stabbed him with a gardening tool, thinking that he was the killer. Doyoung had come to his hiding spot desperately seeking shelter, but Jeno panickedly made a mistake that cost him his friend’s life and the trust of his others. 
That was how the friend group divided. There was the side that would never forgive him for Doyoung’s death, blaming him wholeheartedly. And then there was the side that showed him some grace. You were all frightened out of your minds that night. 
Though what Jeno did didn’t matter. You were all complicit in Doyoung’s demise, whether they wanted to admit it or not. The killer made you all finish him off, made you all bury his wounded corpse while it was still fresh. 
Your hands were still stained with dirt and blood, burning hotter every time you thought of him. 
“I blame Jeno,” Yuta seethed under his breath. 
You frowned. 
Yuta stood to his feet, unable to stay still. There was too much emotion in him now, pulling him every which way. “Every year I get whiplash from having to mourn my friend’s death anniversary then celebrate my birthday back to back. That’s unforgivable.”
Though you liked Yuta, you weren’t going to let anyone slander your best friend silently. “I understand, but it’s not just Jeno’s fault.”
Yuta chuckled. “If only you knew.”
Your brows furrowed. “What don’t I know?”
“That Jeno’s fucking obsessed with you. Always has been. We don’t hate him because he killed Doyoung. We hate him because we think he killed Doyoung for you.”
Your lips parted soundlessly, flabbergasted. 
Yuta read the confusion on your face plain as day and continued, “Think about it, sugar. Doyoung had a crush on you. That was everybody’s business. And it’s Doyoung who Jeno accidentally stabs out of all people?”
You couldn’t say anything. It wasn’t like you hadn’t turned down Jeno’s advances once before, but he was so fucking chill. You could’ve forgotten that it even happened. There wasn’t a single thing in your friendship that felt out of place. 
Plus he knew firsthand that you were head over heels for Mark only, even if you didn’t want to be anymore. It was pathetic. Yuta had just told you another guy was willing to go to lethal lengths to keep you away, and yet one of your first thoughts was how painstakingly you loved Mark. 
But Mark hated you. 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” you said, the lines between fiction and reality beginning to blur. 
Yuta relaxed. He could tell there was a lot going on in your head, because he recognized the conflict akin to the one warring within himself. “It’s dead.”
You appreciated that. Fuck’s sake, Mark and his friends usually liked to push until there was nowhere else to go. And then some. Your thoughts wandered there and you opened your mouth, asking, “Why are you nice to me?”
“I’m not nice to you,” Yuta replied, making you blink. “I just treat you like a regular human being. There’s a difference.”
“Because you haven’t done anything for me not to.”
You shook your head. “Mark wouldn’t agree,” you muttered, rubbing your arms. 
Yuta glanced at you. You were letting your guard down around him, something he was certain you probably hadn’t even done with Mark tonight. “Fuck Mark. He’s been lying to himself. And to be frank, I think he’s deluded himself.”
Your eyes were cold when you looked into Yuta’s. “Elaborate.”
“I mean, he wants to convince us and the whole world that he hates you and he’s moved on, but he hasn’t even convinced himself. You were his everything, man. Mark hasn’t been the same since the breakup. I want my friend back.”
I want my lover back. But Mark used to be your friend, too. A healthy blend of friendship and romance that made your love for each other feel depthless. 
If only you knew back then that your love would be tested. Would you have still sacrificed every piece of yourself to make him happy if you knew that it still wouldn’t be enough?
“I hope you have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow,” you told Yuta after a long pause, a telltale sign that you were leaving and had no more room for conversation. 
“If I make it to tomorrow,” Yuta retorted playfully. “Likewise. Merry Christmas.”
You smiled at him on your way out in a final goodbye. You only wanted one thing for Christmas, and that was to have Mark back in your arms. Where he belonged. 
For a good minute, you meandered about the hallways, cautiously monitoring your surroundings to make sure no one was trailing you. You considered heading to the den for refuge, but Mark obviously liked it there, and you’d had enough run-ins for one night. 
Instead, you opted for the in-door pool, where obviously nobody was. In front of you stood a long line of water with a set of hot tubs off to the side. It was the perfect place to clear your head without having to constantly check if there was someone out to get you. 
Before you could slightly relax, you scanned the room and clocked two exits. If you couldn’t get out of the main exit for whatever reason, there was always the option of the backup door. With that pressure off your shoulders, you took off your heels and sank your feet in the pool. 
Dangling your feet in the water, your mind began to race, hopping from one thought to another at a pace too painful for you to keep up with. You hated being this way. Always having to keep an eye out, never fully trusting anybody. Mark was the only person that you could turn your back to and confidently believe you’d be fine. 
Once upon a time, he was your safe haven, and now you weren’t sure if you could even trust him anymore. For all you knew, he could’ve been behind all this. 
It hurt to think of what you should’ve been, of the happy, oblivious couple you were only months earlier. The couple that didn’t go to bed angry or sleep in different rooms, too stubborn to spend the night beside each other. There was no problem the two of you couldn’t sort out back then. 
You started to wonder if Yuta was right about everything he said. First of all, Jeno didn’t kill Doyoung. It wasn’t that quick. He attacked him first, but you all had Doyoung’s blood on your hands. Literally. 
You only wished you could’ve seen Yuta’s point of view. Jeno was admittedly happy when you and Mark finally broke up, though you figured it was because he didn’t want to see you suffer, not because he wanted you to be with him instead. 
Worst of all, Yuta told you that Mark still wasn’t over you. And you hated it. If you wanted Mark and Mark wanted you, then why weren’t you together?
Then, you remembered. The lack of compatibility that burned your happy home together down to a crisp. Things failed because Mark wanted to conquer. You refused to be taken. What made him feel ignored made you feel free. What made you feel inhibited made him feel secure. When he started to feel unwanted, he pushed you away. 
Your love was a slow burn till the end. All of those years of pining for each other turned into you pining away from heartbreak, eating your heart out for a boy you were destined to never have at all.
You hated knowing that you and Mark would’ve never worked out whether you dated or not. Maybe because you knew that if you didn’t have Mark, then you had no one. It simply wasn’t written in the stars. 
Mark was the only one who knew your biggest fears. Your motivations. He knew firsthand the irreversible impact Doyoung’s death had on the rest of your life, because you confided only in him about the shame. You weren’t scared of being naked with Mark. He saw the ugliest bits of you and it wasn’t what sent him running. 
It was hard to explain to anybody that wasn’t there, but nothing was the same after Doyoung died. Thanks to your parents’ status, you were already used to being careful, but it was nothing like the girl you were after fighting for survival. It was your first time fighting for anything. 
Every inch of you was alive and awake, perpetually on fight mode. Mark wasn’t just the sole place where you could exist peacefully; he understood your trauma and loved you with every fiber of his being in spite of it. 
That was why you couldn’t be with any other guy. How could you explain those nights when you woke up screaming in terror? Mark didn’t ask questions. He just held you and told you that you were safe in his arms. 
If you couldn’t have Mark, then you knew you were meant to die alone. 
The sound of a door pushing open made you immediately stand up, preparing to take off without your heels. They would only slow you down anyways. You saw Mark enter and, rather than cool down, your stiff muscles were overloaded with apprehension. 
“I have an idea and I’m prepared to argue with you about it,” were the first words to come out of Mark’s mouth, speaking before you could dare to, as if he knew you’d have something to say. 
You played it cool, though your heartbeat was harshly thudding in your ears. “What do you want now?”
Mark took your tone in stride. “We should travel in pairs. As they say, safety in numbers.”
Your face tensed in disgust. “And why in the hell would I want to travel with you?”
Mark didn’t skip a beat. “Because if I’m the killer, you’re the only one that stands a chance against me.”
You folded your arms. Mark almost grinned looking at you, but resisted. It was like your favorite pose ever. “I thought you said you didn’t kill Jodie?”
“Technically, I said that I didn’t try to kill Johnny,” Mark answered, a sly smile on his lips. “Do you trust me?”
“I don’t trust anyone anymore,” you replied coolly. Not after you broke it. And me. 
“Good. You don’t trust me and I don’t trust you. We don’t have reasons to. But let’s at least be forward with our intentions here,” Mark said, stepping closer. “I intend to survive. And you?”
“I intend to survive as well,” you asserted. 
Mark added forthrightly, “And we’ll do anything to live, even if it means killing someone else for our own sake. We’re not strangers to sacrificing other people for our benefit.”
You heaved a breath and groaned impatiently, “So what? This is some truce or something?”
“Or something,” Mark replied with enough uncertainty to make you overwhelmingly suspicious. “We’d just be working together. Who says that you have to trust me?”
You hated that you were seriously considering it, but he was making a pretty decent point. It was stupid to be by yourself. You had to admit it, even as somebody that valued her independence like it was your lifeline. 
Mark recognized you in conflict with yourself, even as you tried your hardest to appear neutral. After all those years spent by each other’s side, he guessed it was simply natural. Your bottom lip stuck out, though only slightly. You were giving it your best shot at keeping composed. 
You weighed the pros and cons in your head. If you didn’t pair with Mark, you would be more vulnerable, but if you did, it would be increasingly difficult to ignore having to confront the whirlwind of feelings he left you to soak in. 
You didn’t want that, but it wasn’t like you wanted to die either. Finally, after a moment of contemplation, you relented. “Fine.”
Satisfied, Mark grinned victoriously. “Two heads are better than one.”
That was what you used to think. It used to be enough to simply look into Mark’s eyes, knowing that he was there. Now you couldn’t stand to be beside him. “Not when they’re bumping into each other,” you grumbled. 
Mark cocked a brow. “Then, let’s not make this about us. Let’s focus on survival. That’s our common interest here.”
Obviously, that was easier said than done, but you didn’t argue or complain. This was a rare moment of Mark willing to set your differences aside for a better purpose. At least for now, you intended to behave. 
Plus you wanted to see how long the two of you could go before Mark started barking. He looked sweet, but if anybody thought Mark was all sugar and rainbows, they clearly hadn’t met him. This boy was all fire. 
And you were air; gentle as a featherlight, ocean breeze, but capable of roaring like a tornado if provoked. Forceful enough to spread his flames out further, but not to blow them out. Mark was untameable. You had that in common. 
It sounded corny, but it was the truth. You bettered one another in some ways, but enabled one another in others. Your similarities seemed to work against you, neither of you wanting to set your pride aside. 
That was the problem. If you pushed, Mark pushed back harder. If Mark screamed, you screamed back louder. It was like a fucking seesaw that you couldn’t get off of. 
Rationally, an important question kept prodding at your ribcage. “How did you even find me?” you asked. 
“I had to look everywhere,” Mark said, slight exasperation in his tone. “I knew you wouldn’t be out in the open, so it was just a matter of finding out where you were hiding.”
You nodded. That would have to be a satisfactory response. You weren’t going to press him about it. “Okay, but if we’re going to be a team, we need to try and figure out who’s killing and what’s going on.”
Mark bobbed his head. “Yeah, I know. Have you been seeing anything suspicious lately? I noticed Jaehyun creeping out like he’s got something to hide.”
Your brows furrowed. “Seriously? I did too. When I was talking to Jeno in the elevator. Chungha looked a little suspicious, too.”
Mark obviously didn’t expect that. “You’re kidding. You know how Jaehyun said that he was downstairs when the gun went off?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“I saw Jaehyun coming from down the hall, where I also noticed Chungha come from. She came after him, but it looked timed. Kinda like how we used to leave at different times so nobody would think we were together.”
The mention of those times sent you back, perfectly calculating the ideal time to exit the same room without raising suspicions amongst your friends and foes. 
Bidding the thoughts to go away, you quickly recovered, mentioning, “That’s odd. I don’t know if it’s connected, but earlier when I was talking to Jaehyun, he excused himself to go upstairs.”
“Before the gun went off?” Mark asked, skeptical. 
You leaned down to fix the strap of your heel, which you’d slipped back on after you realized the intruder was only Mark, discerning that he was no threat. “Yeah, somebody texted him. From the face he was making, it looked urgent. I just assumed one of his relatives messaged him and he went to god knows where upstairs to take a call.” 
Mark shook his head in disapproval. Disappointment, maybe. “They’re in cahoots, that’s for sure.”
You pressed, “But why in the hell would Jaehyun and Chungha be working together? They’re not even on the same side.”
“Motives to kill,” Mark sighed, face twisted cutely in thought. It was so stressful pretending that you weren’t attracted to every little thing he did. His eyes widened a little and he said, “Wait.”
“It’s common knowledge that when Johnny’s mom died, she left him to take over the family business, while Jaehyun got stuck with real estate…,” Mark trailed.
You quickly noticed where this was going and added, “Jaehyun always wanted to be the chief executive. Ever since we were teenagers, it was all he talked about.”
Mark tapped his chin. “I still remember what it was like. I couldn’t tell if he was more depressed about his stepmother dying, or not inheriting her multimillion dollar business.”
“You think he’s still holding that grudge?”
Mark shrugged. “Who knows?”
You subconsciously scratched your forearm. You didn’t realize, but Mark did. It was something you often did when you were anxious, which was basically all of the time. “Chungha’s been paying an awful lot of attention to Johnny’s jewelry case.”
“She likes anything bright and shiny,” Mark responded, thinking nothing of it. “Why? You think she stole something?”
You shrugged your shoulders and replied, “I think anything’s possible, but I don’t think it’s worth killing over. I mean, she’s not just rich. She’s wealthy. She can afford her own diamonds.”
Trying to figure those two out was like attempting to unravel the identity of Jack the Ripper. Jaehyun was composed and Chungha was vigilant. Their guarded natures combined made them both mysterious and lethal. 
Mark couldn’t wrap his head around it, either. But he was certain that those two were up to no good. “Well, we’ve got their motives. Let’s try to think of the others.”
“Johnny told me he and Haechan got into an argument before the party. He looked pretty pissed earlier,” you recalled. 
“Yeah, I picked up on that, too,” Mark said. When a guy who sent earthquakes wherever he went was agitated, it was impossible for the whole world not to notice. 
“Speaking of holding grudges,” you started, gathering any pieces you could find and linking them with each other. “Johnny left Yuta at that shack and because of it he got an injury that almost cost him soccer.”
Mark didn’t seem convinced. “Yeah, but Yuta’s been playing soccer just fine for years now. Plus he told Johnny to leave to find that weapon.”
“The reasoning doesn’t have to make sense to anybody but the killer.”
Mark was silent for a long time, cautiously contemplating. “What about Jeno?”
You were irked at the mention of your best friend, but knew that nobody was totally off the table. Not even yourself. You played innocent. “What about him?”
Mark exhaled a breath, but laughed. “You know, I can’t tell if you’re playing dumb, or if you’ve truly never noticed how much Jeno’s into you. You can’t seriously think him attacking Doyoung was an accident.”
Yuta had already brought you up to speed on the whole jealousy killer Jeno theory between Mark and his pals, which you were none too convinced about. “If Jeno’s the killer, I don’t understand what he’d get out of killing Johnny or Jodie. By your logic, that means you should be dead. Not your girlfriend.”
“Maybe Johnny likes you.”
“Ignoring the ridiculousness of that statement…” 
Mark interjected before you could continue, “Is it so ridiculous? You and Johnny dated, and it was your decision to break things off. You were never in love with him, but have you ever considered that maybe Johnny loved you?”
You hadn’t really considered it, you always assumed Johnny knew he was doing you a favor and it was nothing more or less, but that didn’t stop you from snapping, “Jeno knows where I stand with Johnny. That I was never in love with him. Why would he kill a man that isn’t a threat?”
“Did you like Doyoung back?”
“No,” you hissed. 
Mark shot, “And you don’t see him walking around here, do you? You said it yourself: the reasoning doesn’t have to make sense to anybody but the killer.”
“I think that says more about the faultiness of your theory than mine.”
Mark opened his mouth to speak, but you didn’t let him get a word in. 
You sneered, “And are you seriously going to ignore the fact that Jodie was killed? Carved out like a pumpkin. That sounds like something only somebody with a lot of rage for her would do.”
Mark was losing patience, you could tell from the look on his face. “Are you implying that I killed her?”
“I’m not implying a damn thing. But you were pretty nonchalant over the fact that you got an innocent girl killed,” you replied, definitely insinuating that he was responsible. “Outside of being tainted by your touch, that is.”
“Maybe you did it,” Mark snapped. 
You rolled your eyes. This was the second time you’d gotten this accusation today and you weren’t keen on hearing it again, but Mark was already yapping before you could tell him not to bother. 
“You couldn’t stand to see me with a girl that wasn’t you,” he said, a turmoil of wildfire dancing in his pupils. “So you got rid of her.”
You threw your head back and grunted, “Oh, fuck’s sake. Get over yourself.”
“Get over me,” Mark hissed. “We’ve been over for months. It was never gonna work, you know? Everything’s sunshine and rainbows during the honeymoon phase.”
“Fuck you,” you seethed, turning away and heading for the door. You didn’t know why you thought he was capable of having a civil conversation with you. So much for not making this about us. 
Mark grabbed your arm, glaring at you in disapproval. “I’m sorry, was this too much pressure for you? You couldn’t handle the heat and now you’re walking away again?”
You screamed, “You pushed me away!”
“Because you pushed me first,” Mark yelled, matching your energy. Matter of fact, what you gave, he doubled it and handed it back tenfold. And vice versa. 
Running your hands down your face, you wanted to scratch your skin off with your nails. “Dude. What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about all those times you made me feel like you didn’t want me. All those times you left me alone without a reason why. You got so distant on me, baby. Really had me wondering if there was somebody else.”
Somebody else? You couldn’t believe he was serious. Your heart would never want anybody that wasn’t Mark, because she knew he was the only one that could satisfy her. 
Your face softened for a fraction of a second. “All I wanted was you.”
“You sure had a funny way of showing it,” Mark grumbled under his breath. 
Guilt flickered in your eyes, stinging them to crystals, but you didn’t let them fall. “I needed space. I liked being with you, but not at the expense of losing touch with my soul. I needed room to breathe.”
Mark frowned. “Why didn’t you just say that?”
You asked just as quickly, “Why didn’t you just ask?”
“It felt like a waste of time. I thought you already decided that you didn’t want me. That you were just another girl who underestimated how much attention I need.”
“Wow,” you mumbled quietly. Amused, but angry. “You fight, but for all the wrong reasons.”
Mark’s eyes flitted towards yours. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That you wouldn’t fight for us to stay together, but you’ll shout in my face at literally any other given opportunity.”
Mark reined in his head, running his hands through his hair. “Listen, I’m no good at this relationship stuff.”
“I know.”
That made Mark bristle. It wasn’t just his fault, but you refused to hold yourself accountable. “You’re no expert, either.”
“I know,” you sighed, lips curled into a frown. 
Mark’s eyes flickered. 
It appeared you were finally realizing how egregiously the two of you had mutually fucked up. “We didn’t talk. And that was okay. Our problems were small enough that after we climbed into bed with each other they were long forgotten. But then they got bigger and we didn’t know what to do, other than what we’d always done.”
Mark scratched the back of his head. “But it didn’t work. The problem was still there.”
Part of the reason why you two never worked through the issue was because you failed to specifically identify the problem. Mark didn’t just want to be loved, he demanded it. And he did it by completely seizing power over your mind, body, and soul. 
Your mind in life. Your body in bed. Your soul in everything in between. 
You didn’t like to feel dominated in that way. It made you dig into your heels. Letting Mark exercise this assertive power over you, letting him have control over the tiniest piece of you that was left, it felt like a betrayal. To yourself, and to the dead.
Because you were still clinging to that girl. That girl whose hands were clear of blood and didn’t spend hours scrubbing under her nails away a stain that wasn’t really there. The girl who didn’t take that final blow to her friend’s chest and watch the light in his eyes dim until he was gone. 
It was cruel and unforgivable, but even with the hurt on Doyoung’s face, there was an understanding twinkle in his eyes. You’d seen it, for a tiny fraction of a second. Or maybe you imagined it so that it would be simpler to live with the crippling guilt. 
You were the girl he loved and the last thing he saw. Every anniversary, you swore one of the stars in the sky twinkled brighter. 
I didn’t have a choice; it was him, or all of us. What was my other option? Plus he was going to die either way. The police didn’t arrive on scene until dawn. He would have bled to his death if we didn’t finish him off. 
Mark knew he was high-maintenance and he knew the toll Doyoung’s death had on you, but he somehow never exactly pieced together how it would impact your relationship. That there would be days where you didn’t want hugs or kisses. You just wanted to be left alone.
Plus Mark was so sympathetic about everything you went through and all of your feelings to the point you assumed he would just know you needed space. Somehow you had mistaken his understandingness for being a mind reader. 
And Mark, somewhere along the line, sensed you drifting away, so he discarded you first. Mark didn’t get abandoned. It wasn’t in his nature to stick around when he knew he was on the brink of being cast aside, left high and dry. 
He wanted to be loved, but he wanted to love himself. And he was not against hurting himself, because the pain was easier to cope with than if he let somebody else hurt him.
At least he thought it would be. 
“We couldn’t just fuck and make up anymore, so we started to argue over petty things, and we never got to the core of the matter,” you said, picturing yourself back in that living room, shouting. 
Mark remembered, because it was all he’d been thinking about for months, asking himself what was the final blow in spite of being aware that he was the one who chose to break up. “Pillowtalk was the only time we really discussed our emotions. Remember?”
God, how could you not? This boy would fuck the shit out of you then snuggle you to sleep immediately after, chatting about anything under the sun (or moon) until your eyelids got too heavy and started to flutter closed. 
You simply nodded your head, unable to open your mouth. Though you both were being vulnerable, you were afraid of what you might’ve said. 
Mark chuckled. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I always had these doubts about you, to be honest. You were too good to be true. Most girls get tired of me after a minute so I never stay too long, but you’ve been in my life since we were kids.”
Your eyes were sad when you glanced into his. “So why did you leave me? Why didn’t you fight?”
Mark’s eyes twinkled with regret as he whispered, “I was scared of being abandoned by the girl I loved. So I dipped. I ran before you could tell me that it was over. It gave me some kind of agency over my heartbreak.”
You laughed in disbelief. This breakup was so dramatic, and for what? “In hindsight, we’re just a pair of fucking idiots,” you said, shaking your head in disapproval. “Imagine if we just talked about this months ago. It could’ve all been so simple.”
Mark hung his head in shame, resting his hand at his nape. It would’ve spared him some pain. And so many tears. 
“I’ve spent months thinking that I don’t deserve love because of what I did that night. Because if I can’t have you, Mark, then there’s nobody else out there for me,” you told him, releasing the words you’d been holding back for eons. 
Mark blinked, processing. Then, deciding he was short of words, he said, “I’m done talking,” and smashed his lips against yours. You were surprised, but immediately molded your lips into his, feeling his hands instinctively get a hold of your hips. 
It had been a lifetime since you’d last felt his touch on your skin and to say you missed it would be an understatement. Your body felt like it was being reawakened, dormant sensations coming back to life again. 
Two star-crossed lovers, discreetly meeting each other for one final rendezvous before your individual lives inevitably drove a wedge between your passionate sparks. That, or death. For now, you were content to be in each other’s hold, kissing like it was the last time. 
As your bodies swung in each other’s embrace, you noticed Mark’s feet dancing dangerously close to the edge of the pool. “Careful,” you warned, shuffling him out of the way. “Don’t want your flames to get doused.”
Mark snickered. “Please, baby. I have enough fire for the both of us.”
“I know you do. That’s what I love about you.”
Mark’s ears perked up at that. You loved him? You didn’t know how long he had been waiting to hear you say that. And it made him remember what you told him only moments ago before his brain went blank. “I love you. Don’t ever think that you don’t deserve to be loved.”
Your chest filled with warmth, but you purred, “Or else what?”
Leaning into you, Mark nibbled at your ear a little before whispering, “Or else I’ll have to show you how much you mean to me.”
It was difficult to play nonchalant. Your heart was skipping beats now. You wanted Mark desperately and it drove you to the brink of insanity. “Oh, no. I’m so afraid.”
Mark grinned, dragged you away to a padded chaise. 
You sat there, your entire body excited, but your brain (at least for now) was still capable of thinking rationally and you asked, “Are we seriously about to fuck in a pool chair?”
“We’ve fucked in worse places and done even worse things,” Mark replied offhandedly, thinking about nothing but getting his hands on those pretty thighs of yours. 
You pressed your lips together, aware that you had little to zero grounds for argument. Bathrooms weren’t even anywhere close to the most outlandish location you and Mark had decided would be an apt backdrop for sexual intercourse. Those places were unspeakable. 
Mark took your silence as a victory and whispered silkily, “Sit back and relax, baby.”
You giggled. Mark had never left you unsatisfied. A time with this boy’s head between your legs was guaranteed to be a sacrilegiously fulfilling experience. 
Mark grabbed your left leg, draping it over the side of the chair so that he wouldn’t have to literally bend over backwards to go down on you, and when he noticed the gun poking out of your thigh holster, he laughed. “With your permission, I wanna take your gun. If it makes you feel better, I’ll set mine aside, too.”
You let him take your gun and disarm the weapon before setting it on a poolside table wedged between the chaise you were currently occupying and another. If this was some ruse to get you unarmed, Mark was simply stupid. He would’ve had way better opportunities moments prior. 
But it wasn’t. Mark was tugging your panties down your ankles, something you were certain he wouldn’t bother to do if he had murder on his mind. You usually felt naked when you were bare of a weapon, but something about Mark naturally made you relax. 
Your dress rode up above your hips, giving him complete access to your dripping pussy. Just thinking about what he was about to do to you, you swore, breathing became the most difficult chore. 
Mark took one fucking glimpse at your glistening pussy and almost howled like a goddamn wolf. Instead, the sound that emerged from the back of his throat was identical, animalistic and ravenous as if he couldn’t wait to dig into a full course. 
The comparison wasn’t far off, because as soon as he stopped staring hungrily at you in a way that made you shift, slightly self-conscious, his calloused palms were clasping your thighs tightly and his mouth was flush against your throbbing core. 
“Jesus. Fuck,” you moaned, thighs tensing already. And he just started. To be fair, it had been a couple of months since anybody’s hands - or mouth - had touched you there. You had been unable to give yourself to anybody that wasn’t Mark, which you felt like a total fool for when you saw him boo’d up with Jodie. 
And yet here you were, still letting him have his way with you, giving him the power to break you down and build you back up as he pleased. Your breaths were quick, your lips parting in a shaky exhale at every pass of his tongue against your glistening folds. 
It reminded him of the past couple of years, sneaking around to fuck in the most isolated location you could possibly find. All of those times he mounted you on a fancy bathroom counter to get his head between your thighs, or fucked you there so hard the mirrors clouded. 
All Mark knew was sex and destruction, and half of the time, those things came hand in hand. For a minute, he was more than that with you. Until you were gone and he knew he was at least partly to blame. He wanted to prove to you that he was more than your reckless lover. 
Though that would have to be put on hold. As of right now, his intentions consisted only of wrecking you.
“God, I missed the way you taste,” Mark grumbled with a mouthful of pussy. 
His voice was deep and handsome, and so sexy that you likely could’ve nutted then and there, too aroused to keep a rein on yourself. Mark had that effect on you and the worst part was that he knew it. Sex used to be a game of seduction, teasing each other for hours to see who would break first. 
Of course, you folded the better half of the time. Mark had fucking cheat codes. This boy knew your every weakness and used them to his advantage. The hell were you supposed to do when he made you watch recordings of the previous times he’d pleasured you? Not kiss the very ground that he walked on? 
Pfft. Yeah, right. Though you never went down without stating in defense, “You cheated!”
Oh, fuck Mark. He just had to be so good with his hands. And a pleaser. 
You always got your lick back, though. Mark may have won in the first half, but you knew exactly how to take him down. First, you had to make him think that he’d already won. Then, you had to return the favor, making him swear he saw stars. That was how you kept the balance. 
Mark’s tongue was expertly navigating your clit and you wanted to be mad at it, but all you could bring yourself to do was writhe in the gray chaise. Had not his hands been locking your thighs in place, you would’ve snapped them closed in sensitivity. Mark was not to be underestimated. This boy was way stronger than he seemed. 
You resigned yourself to the fact that your only option was to lie there and take it all. There was nowhere for you to escape. When it felt too good, it was a telltale warning that Mark would seize control of your whole body, and you were torn between fleeing and letting him have it. 
“Don’t try to run away from it, baby,” he whispered knowingly, though he knew you couldn’t resist the temptation of the satisfaction you were promised. “I’ve got you.”
You rolled your hips into his face in a hurried pursuit for relief, desperately wishing you had something to anchor yourself with and lower you back down to earth, but Mark had brought you to a constantly ascending high. 
Mark chuckled, because he knew he had your body down to a science. If you thought it couldn’t get anymore dangerously intense than this, you were wrong as hell and had another thing coming. Mark released one of your thighs, gathering your arousal on his sticky fingers, and fucked it right back into you. 
You gawked. You almost couldn’t believe he was making a mess out of you like this, but then you remembered that he was Mark fucking Lee. Taking your breath was what he did best. His mouth was still on you, sucking and licking, because you were the closest thing to heaven he would ever know and he couldn’t get enough. 
All the while, he thumbed your clit, making a tremble roar through your utter being and your toes clench, tucking into themselves. 
“I’m so close,” you whimpered in the tiniest voice. 
“I know,” Mark replied, pulling back. “What did you think I was doing all the extra shit for?”
You winced your eyes closed and heaved the thickest breath, attempting to regain control over your body, but to absolutely no avail. That was when you came to terms with your fate. Mark was going to finish you off. 
“You know what I want. Let go for me,” Mark whispered darkly. “Do it on my fingers.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” you chanted, feeling something tense in your belly. The pleasure blending with the yearning created a sensation unlike any other. Your whole figure was engulfed in flames, scorching you from head to doe. 
It was closing in. You could feel sin’s darkly cloaked hand reeling you in, pulling you closer and closer, and closer to the jagged edge. There was no point in struggling; you were in nature’s grasp now and whatever happened was entirely up to her. 
As someone who prided himself on his ability to please, Mark took great delight in pleasuring you and it was no shock that he knew exactly how to coax you towards climax. “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Let it all go. I’ve got you.”
Finally, you started to cum, ecstasy shooting through your body every which way in the form of uncontrollable warmth, making your head feel light and your toes curl. Mark’s encouraging words became static to your ears, your senses totally overpowered, the life leaving your body for all but a split second. 
Mark was sporting the slyest of grins, watching you wind back down as if he was marveling at his own handiwork. You should’ve been singing his praises, applauding him for his grand efforts. “There you go. Good fucking girl.”
Sex was one of the most powerful weapons in Mark’s arsenal. He sucked at relationships, but he could only walk away after claiming the best nut of your life. 
After a moment or two out of the atmosphere, you came back to the ground, having just stopped tightening around Mark’s digits and shuddering involuntarily. You raised your eyes to meet his own, chest undulating. Gripping the arms of the chair for dear life. “Fuck you. You are the devil.”
Mark snickered, reluctantly recouping his fingers from between your legs. “Oh, yeah, baby. Fuck. I always loved that dirty mouth of yours.”
You rolled your eyes. He must’ve forgotten how good you were at taking back everything he stole from you and giving him damage tenfold in retaliation. Those sets of expletives would be escaping his pretty pink lips any minute now. This was only the beginning of the end. 
Throwing your leg back down, you climbed out of the chaise, standing to your feet with a little stumble. 
“Whoa there, baby. Be careful,” Mark said, grabbing a hold of your wobbling frame and holding you flush against his chest. “I’d hate it if something bad happened to you.”
God, you were weak in the fucking knees for this man. Literally. 
You grabbed Mark by his suit tie and pushed him back first onto the chaise. His eyes went wide in surprise, but he quickly recovered and grinned. “Damn, babe. I like where this is going.”
You chuckled, crawling on top of him and pulling his face into yours. Mark’s hands were below your ribs, holding you in his arms while the two of you made out for what felt like an eternity. In the best way ever. 
Mark grunted none too quietly when you felt his tight bulge pressed sharply to your core and mischievously got the clever idea to grind against it. The sound had you throbbing again, desperate to mount his cock then and there, but you were bent on teasing him at your own expense. 
The wet smack of your lips meeting only enhanced your arousal further and while you did a significantly better job at keeping composed, Mark was losing his mind by the minute. 
His hands dropped from your skin to his pants in an attempt to free his aching cock, but you were quicker, gathering his wrists in your palms and pinning them over his head. “Mm-mm. My turn, baby. Just… sit back and relax,” you mimicked, refusing to let him take the wheel. 
Mark let you have your way with him. Frankly, he would let you do whatever you pleased. 
You did the honor of unfastening Mark’s pants, pulling them and his underwear down his thighs just enough for his stiff cock to spring to attention. You licked your lips, salivating. The tension in your core got even tighter. 
Mark groaned when you pressed your lips to the head of his cock, kissing it tenderly. That understanding, patient guy was nowhere to be found when his dick was involved. Or at least when he wasn’t the giver. Instead, Mark was less than human, a voracious beast that longed to feed. 
Your tender kisses became delicate licks, neither of which provided Mark very much relief and you were aware. “Fuck. Baby,” he called out to you, hopeful that you’d quit the games soon. “Do something.”
“Something like… this?” you asked, gripping his hard cock and pumping him in your fist. Then, seconds later, you sucked him into your mouth, making all of the air flee Mark’s lungs. 
Mark immediately cursed loudly. His cock hadn’t known this amount of relief since he left you and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Little did you know, Mark hadn’t fucked anyone else since you, either. It would’ve felt like cheating, like a betrayal, even though he knew that you were over. 
Probably why Jodie had been throwing herself onto Johnny, hoping to get some dick, because the boy that brought her there only wanted to kiss her when you were there. 
“Fuck,” Mark groaned like it was the only word he knew. It probably was, all things considered. It wasn’t uncommon for his mind to go blank when your lips were airtight around his cock. His whole body shuddered in sensitivity, having been aroused since he started eating you out. 
And you were just sitting there, straddling him like a little devil, doing things to his cock that had him rethinking his whole life. Nobody had ever riled him up like this. Nobody instinctively knew how to get him off this quickly. Nobody, but you. 
Mark was looking at you with a certain darkness when he somehow summoned enough willpower to ask, “Don’t finish me yet. Please.”
You came up for air, but obeyed his request. You were well aware that you could finish him both ways, but there was no way of knowing how much time you had left before something inevitably demanded your attention, and you wanted to ride him so badly it made your head spin. 
Mark could finally breathe, but he should’ve known that it would’ve been short-lived. You didn’t waste a second to grab his cock and mount him, slowly but certainly sinking down to take it all. 
Your wet walls were quick to clamp down on his thick cock, drawing a deep, low swear out of Mark’s lips. Your nails gripped his shoulders for purchase, eyes winced closed, taking a minute to relish in the feeling of being full again contentedly. 
“Mark,” you whimpered, feeling yourself throb and tighten. You could’ve cried at the relief, so thrilled to be as close to Mark as your bodies could physically be again, and selfishly still aching for more. 
Mark blinked through the haze in his mind that you had single-handedly constructed, thrown back into the mist the second he heard you call out his name. His eyes closed, mind flickering with images of you, recalling all of those times you rode the soul out of his dick. 
You were an ethereal seductress, Mark was convinced, deceptively leading him to peril, rendering him helpless at the mercy of your enchanting charms. Your body did unspeakable things to him. With how tight you were around his cock, Mark would follow you to his demise. 
Was it fucked up to have sex while people were dying all around you? Yes. But that’s what you and Mark were. Two fucked up kids who never got healing.  
You felt healed when you were with each other, stripped to your truest forms, without fear of judgment. Mark taught you how to let go. You taught Mark how to let himself be loved. 
At least you made up before you fucked. In your opinion? That was progress. 
“Fuck, you ride me so good. I swear, you’re the best I’ve ever had,” Mark said, obsessed with your every motion as you rocked your hips down onto his cock, resuscitating all of those carnal sensations you woke up inside his soul. 
The best I’ve ever had. Your mind was spiraling, faint from the heat burning your bodies up a thousand degrees hotter. Your body was built to take him, or at least it felt that way. Like the satisfaction you got from each other could only exist between the two of you. 
Again, you grabbed Mark by his tie, pulling him in for another heart-stopping kiss. There was no hesitation. He kissed you back devilishly, getting a hold of your waist tightly, sucking on your tongue without bothering to be clean or slow about it. 
You could kiss Mark until the day you died. You never wanted to forget how he tasted in your mouth. How he felt pressed flush against your semi-naked skin, your soft lips. How he looked at you like you were the only woman he’d ever loved, ruined for any other girl.
Mark wanted to complain when you parted from his lips, but suddenly they were on his neck and he sensed a shiver run down his spine, shock and pleasure taking the sound before it dared to leave his mouth. Your teeth grazed his collarbone, finding his pulse and sucking at it. 
You watched Mark melt on the spot and giggled. Your friends and his friends were definitely going to clock the bright red marks on his throat, but neither of you could bring yourselves to care. If you wanted to suck and nibble at his neck, then by all means, Mark would let you do whatever you wanted. 
Mark’s guttural groans were your greatest vice, making you noticeably throb around him, which thus only yanked a mouth-watering hiss out of his lips. He was looking at you through fluttering eyes, the corners of his vision dark and reeling, watching you ruin him from below. 
To be fair, you already ruined him. All those days Mark spent waiting for you, waiting to hold you, were days of complete and total annihilation. Not only the ones after the breakup, but before it. Those days where he only watched you from afar, dwelling on you. Pining for you. 
You separated from his neck to say, “God fucking damn. I love your dick. I love the way you feel inside me.”
As if Mark wasn’t already fighting off his looking orgasm. “Yeah?”
“No one will ever feel as good as you. I just wanna keep you close to me like this, Mark. Forever. I don’t want anything to come between us ever again and I won’t let it.”
“Me, too,” Mark wheezed, his breaths barely enough to keep him alive, though he didn’t mind it because he had you. You were on top of him, killing him softly and giving him life all at the same time, and it was more than he could handle. 
You could tell from his tone of voice that he was dangling over the edge and was attempting to stave off his impending orgasm, holding himself at bay. Mark didn’t want this to end so soon. You just came back into his life and he wasn’t keen on letting go of those endorphins. 
It wasn’t like you were far from release yourself. You couldn’t resist it, not when Mark kept making those sexy fucking sounds and your bodies were exchanging warmth. You couldn’t wait to take him to bed properly, bones tensing with the very desire to do things to him that you sadly couldn’t do here. 
Mark felt the same way. He wished your clothes were completely off, but this would have to suffice for now and that was fine. This was enough to kill any man. Your soft sighs as you rolled your perfect hips, your bodies skin to skin, directly absorbing everything you did to each other. 
You were too good to be true, as Mark said. He oftentimes thought he was dreaming. It was unbelievable that a girl of your caliber could love him through each of his many flaws and proudly stake her claim to him, and in a way, that was what you were doing now. Telling the whole universe that you were Mark’s and you didn’t give a fuck who saw. 
Mark’s eyes tightened closed. You were making short work of him and he was minutes away from coming undone. Maybe seconds. 
Taking one look at you Mark was both relieved and shattered out of his goddamn mind. For one, you were obviously also standing at the very threshold of climax, though he could’ve pieced that together from how vigorously you were riding him. To say the least. 
But for two, you looked bewitching as hell with your face tensed in pleasure, and it was making the blood rush to Mark’s cock. 
“Fuck. Shit. Fuck,” Mark cursed, because they were the only words that would come to his head, other than the occasional, “Jesus Christ.” It was safe to say that you had him right where you wanted him; so far over the edge that there was no returning. No going back. 
You moaned his name, preparing to take him there. Mark was already gone. He blew his long blond hair out of his face so that he could take a better look at you, going to town like no other before you. 
Mark hoped that you wouldn’t finish him earlier than he needed, that you wouldn’t pull out all of your priceless tricks, but he would’ve been naive to truly believe that you would let him off that easily. No, you wanted to wreck him thoroughly. The same way that he had wrecked you. 
At long last it was time to reap what he’d sowed. And you absolutely did not intend to show him any mercy. You wanted to see him at his worst. 
Finally, you leaned into Mark’s ear like he feared that you would, whispering in the velvetest voice you could, “Come on, baby. I know that you’re close. Don’t you wanna finish inside me?”
You hit the jackpot. Mark’s brain faltered at the thought of releasing his load inches deep inside of you, imagining the sated noise that you would make when you sensed him empty his balls inside of you. “Fuck.” The temptation burned hotter than before, sending tingles through his limbs. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you told Mark in a shockingly level voice, though he could still hear a slight tremble in your tone. “And I want you to cum with me. Please?”
Mark bobbed his head. You were so deep in his head that he would do whatever you wanted, no matter how insane the request. Plus that sweet tone you were using on him was getting under his skin, making his face strain. 
You quickened your pace, pulling out all of the stops to get him to finish, knowing he was weak and defenseless against your methods. Mark started to shudder and it became obvious that his fight was over. It was a telltale hint. You were going to get him off. 
And then it hit him. It sped into him like a semi-truck on the interstate, a head-on collision that burst into an uncontrollable path of fire, setting him off. Mark cursed in the lowest tone he could make as he finally orgasmed, a steadfast grip on your hips. 
His hips bucked up into yours as he rode out his high, releasing every drop of semen into your hot vice-like pussy. You moaned like he knew you  would at the sensation, trembling with your second release, nails digging into his shoulders that were (thank fuck) safeguarded by his suit. 
After all was said and done, you collapsed onto his chest, panting for breath. Mark took a few blinks to try and clear the misty look out of his eyes. They were dark and soulless, thanks to you. For half a minute, he swore he couldn’t barely see a damn thing. 
Neither of you wanted to move for the longest time. You desperately wanted to remain there in Mark’s arms and he was content with just holding you there. Though in favor of looking presentable lest somebody caught you, you forced yourself to come up off his softening cock, grabbing a pool towel to clean up your mess. 
Mark stubbornly fixed his clothes, though with the look on his face, all you could liken him to was a heartbroken puppy that nobody wanted to play with. “Dude. It’s already over.”
You checked your phone and chuckled, “Mark, it’s been like an hour.”
Right as you were about to set your phone back down on the poolside table, it vibrated in your hand, your screen flashing brightly. You glanced at it again, noticing a message from Johnny. Living room. Now. 
You noticed Mark’s phone had also pinged when you flitted your gaze to him. “Johnny?”
“Yup,” Mark replied, suspicious. “What do you think? Set up?”
You huffed, “A hell of a smart one. Even if it is, we’ve got to go check it out.”
“Yeah, but I just wanna go home with you,” Mark grumbled under his breath. 
You frowned, patting his back. This night would be over eventually, whether the daylight came first or Johnny ceasing it brought it on. 
Mark stepped back, letting you tug your dress back down. You were wearing your thinking face again so it came to him as no shock when you asked, “Who do you think did it?”
“I don’t know. We’re all capable of the unspeakable.”
“That’s what scares me,” you whispered. 
Mark’s lips made a line. 
The two of you grabbed your weapons, tucking them back into their hiding spots. After making sure you looked presentable, you and Mark emerged from the pool area, not bothering to look like you weren’t together or you still loathed each other. 
You loved Mark and Mark loved you. Why should you hide? 
To your misfortune, you and Mark were the last to arrive, which inevitably gathered unwanted attention. Your attention, however, was on the gash on Jeno’s arm, and you came up to him to ask fretfully, “What the hell happened?”
“While you and Mark were obviously busy making babies, somebody attacked Jeno. At least we know it wasn’t you two,” Haechan said, the perfect balance of sweetness and venom in his tone. 
Johnny glared, but continued, “That, and I noticed something from my case was missing. My mother’s necklace was stolen.”
You and Mark knowingly glanced at each other. It was you that said, “Well, I’m not saying she did it, but Chungha’s been paying very close attention to your case lately.”
Jeno hissed, “Is that what you’re worried about right now? I need a doctor! Johnny, you can’t possibly think we’re staying here all fucking night so that you can play Benoit Blanc.”
“First of all, I didn’t steal anything. If I wanted something, I would just ask. But your mother’s necklace? Johnny, I’m your friend,” Chungha replied as if it was the most absurd accusation ever. 
Johnny hadn’t smiled in so long it was starting to become terrifying. And you honestly couldn’t blame him. First somebody tried to kill him, and now his dead mother’s necklace was stolen? You’d go ballistic, but Johnny was relatively level when he said, “I consider you all my friends. And yet one of you tried to shoot me dead.”
Chunga said nothing. Her lips were in a frown. 
“So we’re just going to ignore me?” Jeno asked bitterly. 
“It’s a light gash, not a bullet wound. If you don’t get an infection, you will be fine,” Jaehyun told him coolly. 
Jeno grumbled something under his breath incoherently. 
You patted his back compassionately. There was a lot going on and it was hard to divide your attention between Jeno’s cut and Johnny’s stolen items. “I don’t understand the purpose of this meeting. Awareness? What are we doing to figure out who’s behind all this bullshit?”
Jeno hummed in agreement. 
“I don’t understand the purpose of these parties,” Haechan huffed exasperatedly. “Nevermind. Yes, I do. I know exactly why we come together every fucking year. We don’t see each other to ‘keep the peace’ or ‘remember Doyoung.’ We do it to forget. Forget what happened.”
Johnny opened his mouth to say something, but Haechan didn’t let him. And for once, you weren’t complaining. 
Haechan glanced at Johnny’s glaring face and said, “Don’t look at me like that, man. We’ve all been thinking it. I’m just the only one with enough courage to admit it. We all committed a sin. Now that we have our fancy public lives, we wanna make sure the truth stays dead and buried.”
You glanced to your feet as Haechan went on this little tangent of his. It was supposed to make you uncomfortable. How could you live comfortably with what you’d done?
"Each of you come here to save your own fucking asses, because if the media finds out that you're killers, it makes Mom and Dad look bad. That's it. That's the purpose," he ranted, ending his tirade bluntly. 
Well, he sure didn't beat around the bush. But that was the Haechan that you'd always known, confident and outspoken. To his right, Yuta was standing there, nodding along at everything he said in approval.
Jeno clapped his hands together. "You know what? I can't stand this guy, but round of applause. He's right."
You couldn’t argue even if you’d wanted to. After graduation, the group was indefinitely separated into pieces, but the eight of you agreed to never speak of what happened again. Of course, all of you went on to have successful careers, mostly because of who your parents were. 
Mark was the only exception. Your relationship wasn’t only private to your friends, but to the whole world. And for a weird reason. In spite of his affluence, your mother would have a heart attack if she knew you were dating somebody that wasn’t born into his wealth. 
Once upon a time, Mark Lee was a regular boy from Toronto. Somebody you vouched for and let into your circle, assuring him your friends weren’t just stuck-up rich kids. And he happened to make a killing doing something he loved. 
You wished you could say the same. 
Johnny said nothing for a long time, standing there with his hands posed behind his frame, which made you question him. It made you recall what Jeno had told you in that elevator a couple of hours earlier. People always look at the guy with his hands dirty. No one ever suspects the guy with his hands behind his back.
You glanced at the boy you were holding. Jeno noticed, peering back at you, but there was something different about his stare. Like there was something paining him. Then again, he did take a knife to one of his arms. 
Your gaze flitted back to Johnny. But how could he be guilty? It would’ve taken an insane amount of self-assurance to think that he’d pull a stunt like this off. And Johnny had plenty, but it wasn’t in his nature. Instinctively, he was a protector. It was this man’s natural instinct to defend what he loved with his life. 
Johnny leaving Yuta in that shack to search for a weapon wasn’t the whole tale. He left him there, but the weapon he found was the same one he used to kill your tormentor. This man risked his own life to put an end to the most traumatic night of your lives. Like that, the fight was over. 
You narrowed your eyes. Somebody here was guilty. But it wasn’t Johnny.
“You’re all dismissed,” Johnny said after a long pause. 
There was something recognizably off in Johnny’s tone, but you didn’t get the chance to ask questions, because Mark tugged you away from Jeno and led you down the hallway for all to see. 
“Dude, what the hell?” you screeched. 
Mark put his finger on his lips and said, “Somebody sliced up Jeno and I think that same person is framing Chungha.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” you huffed, rubbing your head. “I hope it wasn’t Haechan. He’s such a cancer.”
“Actually, he’s a Gemini.”
“That’s not…,” you trailed. “Nevermind. I love you, Mark.”
Mark still wasn’t used to hearing those words leaving your mouth again and instinctively he drew you into him, kissing you against the closest fucking wall with all of the affection within his very bones. 
You were so happy that you forgot you were even there. That danger and death were sputtering and crepitating all around you, because none of it seemed to matter when you were with Mark. 
“You didn’t tell me you two were back together.” 
Jeno’s voice startled you back into brutal reality. You would recognize it anywhere, but the ferocity in it was foreign. And you quickly noticed the gun in his hand. 
Mark tensed, but hid you behind him. He went to draw his own weapon, but Jeno threatened, “Any sudden moves and I’ll shoot.”
Your heart was racing. Fear coursed through your veins, but it was washed over by unadulterated anger. You broke out of Mark’s grasp, hissing, “What is this?”
“Baby, don’t,” Mark told you. There was worry in his eyes, but none for himself. All of it was for you. 
Jeno laughed, but you could tell that deep down he was bristling. “No, let her. She just doesn’t fucking listen, does she? I told her that you were bad luck, and here she is with her tongue down your throat. You can’t save somebody that doesn’t want to be saved, Mark.”
Mark was irritated, but said nothing. Not with a gun pointed squarely at your chest. 
It was overwhelmingly obvious now that Mark and his friends had been right about Jeno, but you hadn’t realized until now, when it was far too late. “You’ve been jealous this whole time?”
“Everybody else noticed that I was in love with you,” Jeno said with total vitriol. “Never you. You’re too busy sulking over Mark to pay me a lick of fucking attention.”
If it weren’t for the weapon glaring you down, you would’ve been tempted to give him a piece of your goddamn mind. The sting of the betrayal sitting in your gut numbed you to most of your fear, but not all of it. 
An irrational, heartbroken man that felt entitled to your affection holding a gun? There was no telling what he would decide to do. 
Jeno was spiraling and it was obvious. He was at the end of his tether which made him all the more dangerous, because that meant anything was fair game. “You know, I thought I took care of us. I thought that having Doyoung out of the picture would give you no choice but to look at me, but I was wrong. First it was Johnny. Then, it was Mark. It's like I wasn't even an option.”
Fighting back the incoming threat of tears, you shook your head and tried to keep your voice level, “You killed Doyoung so that you could have me?”
Jeno answered smartly, “Nah. That was all you, babe. But I would’ve done it. I would’ve done anything for us.”
Mark wanted to pull you out of harm’s way, but Jeno cocking his gun at him made him still. Never in his life had he felt so helpless. His heart was thudding so violently, twisting in his chest, because the girl he loved was in danger and he couldn’t do a damn thing to help her. 
You couldn’t tell if he was addressing you or Mark when he said, “Love is a weakness. You want to, but you don’t want to. Your brain’s telling you this, but your heart’s telling you that. Who do you listen to? What’s good and what’s bad?”
Your head was spinning. Your muscles were tensing with the overpowering urge to attack, as were Mark’s, but you knew Jeno was a threat. You coaxed sweetly, “Jeno, put the gun down. You and I, we’re friends. We can talk this out like we always have.”
That only made Jeno’s rage worse and he snapped, “That right there is your fucking problem. You think I’m stupid. Don’t you know I can tell when you’re lying to me?”
You heaved a breath. If it weren’t for Mark’s body still pressed so closely to yours, you probably would’ve panicked. 
Jeno was mercurial in his feelings, switching from resentful to indifferent, to petulant like a newborn child. His voice was wounded as he confessed, “I’ve spent so long wishing that I could have you there with me. And every time it feels like I get close, there’s another guy. I’m back where I started. It’s always one step forward and three steps back with you.”
You shook your head, slipping your fingers through Mark’s. “What’s your endgame then, Jeno? You know I’ll never be yours.”
“I know,” Jeno said, glaring as his eyes dropped to your intertwined hands. “And that’s why if I can’t have you, nobody will.”
There was a loud crackling in the air, so loud your ears started to ring, but you thought it was out of shock. 
It was over before it even started. Mark shoved you out of the way, sending you barreling to the ground just in time for the gunshot to miss you, but pierce him through the shoulder. 
Jeno wasn’t none too pleased about the bullet missing his ultimate target, but because he’d already gotten started, there was no way that he was stopping anytime soon. The second he raised his hand to fire another bullet, a second shot echoed out behind his frame. 
You gasped when Jeno collapsed, a pool of blood peeking out from under him, but you crawled over to the body crouched beside him and shrieked, “Mark!”
Mark was leaning against the wall, taking inhale after exhale. You tried to reserve panic for later, taking off Mark’s coat and applying pressure to the wound. His eyes winced closed and he hissed, “Fuck! That hurts.”
“I know, baby. I know. But we’ve gotta stop the bleeding,” you replied, vision blurring from tears. You hoped to god the bullet missed his nerves. 
Jaehyun came rushing over as Johnny looked over Jeno’s body, making certain that he was no longer a threat. He took his gun and said to Jaehyun, “Call emergency services.”
Jaehyun bobbed his head, pulling his phone out of his pocket immediately and calling a number he had on speed dial. 
“Keep the pressure on him. I know it doesn’t look that serious in the movies, but a shoulder wound can kill him,” Johnny told you, intent on sitting there until an ambulance arrived. 
In the corner of your eye, you noticed him pull a chain from Jeno’s coat and mumble something under his breath. 
You briefly lifted one hand off Mark’s shoulder to wipe a tear away. Being with Mark again blinded you, tricking you into thinking that you’d finally be happy solely because you had Mark back, but this burst your bubble. It’d never be over. Days of living in unbroken fear would never stop. The internal warring would never end. It was a constant. 
“I hate that sound,” you mumbled under your breath. 
Mark’s voice was quiet, but he pressed his other hand to your forearm to let you know he was still there. “What sound?”
An invisible icy breeze crept over your shoulders, making you shudder as you replied, “Gunshots.”
“Then, we’ll go somewhere we’ll never have to hear them again. It’ll be just you and me. Maybe a family, if you want one.”
“I’d like that,” you whispered.
Mark smiled as wide as he could, squeezing your forearm. 
“And then what happened?” Maxine asked. 
Mark, holding your six-year-old daughter in his lap, answered, “I went to the hospital. Your mommy rode with me in the back of an ambulance.”
Turning the corner to your bedroom with cups of hot cocoa in your hands, you threw your husband a look and asked, “Is it a good idea to be telling our children about this, Mark?”
August swiftly begged, “Wait no. We want to hear the rest of the story about how Dad got his scar. Right, Maxi?”
Maxine bobbed her head. “Mommy, please?”
Mark’s bottom lip protruded, mimicking the cute pouts and puppy eyes of your shared children. “Please, Mama?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at your husband’s behavior, but he and your kids were too damn irresistible. “Oh, what the heck. Okay. Fine. Go on.”
Maxine stood on her father’s thighs, dancing excitedly in celebration. Mark watched her fondly, but kept a close eye to make sure she didn’t fall. August, on the other hand, simply smiled. He’d always been curious about you and his father’s life endeavors. 
You passed cups of hot cocoa to your two kids, both of whom gave you a sweet, “Thank you.”
August took a sip and asked, “So, what happened at the hospital?”
“I had to get a surgery on my shoulder,” Mark explained. “When I woke up and I could keep my eyes open for longer than a few minutes at a time, it wasn’t Christmas eve anymore. It was New Years.”
You bobbed your head. “I spent Christmas with your father in that hospital. I was supposed to go home to have dinner with my parents and a bunch of shareholders, but I couldn’t leave his side. Especially not without knowing if he was okay.”
The only time you left was when you literally had no other option. Bathroom breaks or the doctors kindly asking for you to leave. The others occasionally came to give him a visit as well, but as long as Mark was there, that hospital was your new home. 
Their company meant a lot back then. It helped not to be too lonely there from time to time. You half expected a huge, ‘I told you so’ or something from all of Mark’s friends, but they were surprisingly sympathetic. 
Imagine Mark’s surprise when he woke up for good and you told him that Haechan had even hugged you. 
Maxine’s eyes winced closed. “Ow! That’s hot,” she exclaimed, setting her mug on the nightstand. 
“Careful, sweetie. You’ll burn yourself,” Mark said, eyes flickering with care. 
Your lips curled into a grin. You liked watching Mark sometimes, like you weren’t even there. Here and there, you would peek around the corner after coming home, listening to the sounds of your husband fathering your kids. He was so attentive and patient with them. It meant everything to know your babies were in good hands. 
Mark showed Maxine how to blow her hot cocoa and she mimicked his actions with cautious sips, demanding politely in between, “Keep talking. I wanna hear the rest of the story. Please?”
You chuckled. This little girl would follow up the most aggressive demand with a sweet-sounding ‘please?’
“Your mommy had to enlighten me on what happened after I went to the hospital, because I was too out of it to see the mystery unfold in real time,” Mark replied. 
You nodded your head. You still remembered sitting there beside that hospital bed, ceaseless beeping fading into background noise after enough hours spent basically alone. You’d told Mark, “He tried to kill Johnny to throw off whatever investigation succeeded the shooting.”
Mark had blinked, processing. Thinking took entirely too much strength hooked to whatever equipment was keeping him alive in that damn hospital. “What about Jodie?”
“Jodie was collateral damage, maybe a surrogate. I was obviously the actual object of his rage. His endgame. It gives me chills, thinking about how he smiled in my face when he knew he wasn’t gonna leave that party till he or I was dead.”
The little flashback made you fight a sigh. People had betrayed you before, but none like that. You banished the thoughts away and kept entertaining your kids. Jeno was gone. In hell somewhere, hopefully. 
As you snuggled under the blankets beside your son, he questioned curiously, “Who stabbed Jeno?”
“The medical examiner looked at him. She said the wound was obviously self-inflicted to a trained eye,” you replied with a snicker. At first, you were outraged. Nowadays, all you could do was laugh. 
You weren’t even slightly worried about your kids comprehension skills as you regaled them on that ever so wonderful time in your life. Your kids were brilliant. Maybe it was all those books they liked to read, but you could have the most advanced back-and-forth conversation with those two and they would understand every single word. Sometimes it was frightening. 
“And to think, he had such a fit over an injury he made himself,” Mark added, shaking his head in astonishment. 
The thought made you want to roll your eyes, but another one made you want to burst into laughter. “God, do you remember his face when Jaehyun told him that he’d be fine? I think he and Johnny suspected Jeno was the killer.”
Maxine was beaming from ear to ear. “Uncle Johnny is so cool. Is he still coming over next weekend?”
You bobbed your head. “Yup. He said he has a surprise for you. And before you ask, I’m not telling.”
Maxine pouted. “Please?”
“Nope. Your cute tricks won’t work on me this time. I fortunately value my life and Uncle Johnny will kill me if I tell you,” you replied, crossing your arms. 
Maxine sighed sadly. You hated it when she did that. It made you want to give her the entire universe.  
Fortunately, Maxine forgot rather quickly, because she whipped around and asked her father, “Daddy, how long did it take you to heal?”
“I was all better the next day,” Mark lied through his teeth. 
You deadpanned, “He’s lying. He was in the hospital for a week and it took three months before he was even slightly normal again.”
Then, you moved here. Jaehyun and Chungha came over to help you with interior design. Imagine your shock when you found out the reason they were suspiciously walking around Johnny’s penthouse was because they were sneaking around to kiss and hook up. Apparently, they were taking a page out of your book. 
You glanced at the alarm clock on your nightstand. Noticing that it read eleven o’clock, you said enthusiastically, “Alright, kids. Who’s ready to open up their Christmas presents?”
There was a loud chorus of, “Me!” Your kids started to jump up and down on your bed in excitement, nearly crushing your legs, exactly as they had done when they woke you and your husband up a couple of hours ago. 
Mark chimed in, “First one there gets to open up their biggest present first.”
Immediately, Maxine and August hopped off your bed, racing each other to the living room as quickly as possible before the other could get there. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. Never in a billion years did you imagine having this future with Mark, but you were endlessly grateful. “Merry Christmas, love of my life.”
Mark leaned in to kiss your cheek. “Merry Christmas, baby. I’ve got a little surprise gift for you later.”
Mark snickered at the mischief on your face. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”
“How do you know what I’m thinking?”
“Because you get that little look on your face,” Mark replied with a sly grin. 
You shook your head, but you were still smiling. “Okay. If it’s not that, then what is it?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”
“Okay, fine. Have it your way. I don’t care,” you groaned. 
Mark was sporting the biggest smile ever. For what, you had absolutely no clue, until he pulled you for another kiss and confessed, “I’m so glad we made up that one Christmas.”
Your skin came alive against his. Your whole body was filled with bliss and wonder. You laid your head on his chest, feeling his heart race. “Me too, baby.”
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someplace-that-is-else · 2 months ago
A Writer's Gratitude
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2023 was a lot.
I lost out on a career (or two) that I loved. I lost out on friends…well people who claimed that they were my friends. I found myself in dark places. And I found myself in what the young’uns call a situationship. In fact, I didn’t realize it until it was too late. I lost myself.
I really should have known that when I did not have any book releases during that time. So much was happening to me. The pain of betrayal. The pain of loss. Again…it was a lot.
I leaned on the friends that I could. The realities of the situationship really hurt because…what was I thinking? Also…a close friend. And who I would run to with my problems. But…when one fell off the horse…one got back on.
So 2024…when I thought about it, all I could think about was…gratitude.
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I have to give it to Tina. She was not wrong.
Tina was a longtime friend. Our friendship went back across decades. She remembered me as shy. She also remembered me as that boy that was always bubbly. The boy who dyed his hair fire engine red and wore nothing but red to a rave to prove a point. She also knew me to bounce back from whatever life…or people…threw at me. We texted constantly throughout our days. She also brought something to my attention that I was not expecting.
She texted that she thought that I was really taking the betrayal really personal. More than she had ever seen me take in such a thing. Again…she was not wrong.
One thing that I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older, the struggle to bounce back...is REAL. Where once something could happen to you and you took…in the words of Charlotte York on SEX AND THE CITY half the time you were involved in something to get over it, now when something happened to you…that bounceback time had lessened.
Sometimes a person just doesn’t ‘bounce back.’ A person got scarred. A person turned into a recluse. A person simply wanted to be left alone. Scared to open back up or do anything when invites came along. Person AKA me.
However, Tina gave me food for thought. And I asked myself…how could one get over it? Cuz I must have been talking about it waaaaay too much for her to mention it. LOL.
So I did what any writer would do? I threw myself in writing.
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It was a good year for writing.
It has been a while since I have added to my Darkenverse. I released DARKENED TABULA in 2020. And while I still had to finish off the DARKENED series with the last book in my series, it was simply just ideas in my head. Part of that was being busy with what had been going on in my life. The other part of that was that I had two other projects I wanted done before I started to work on that last book. With all the loss in my life, it felt like a good time to head back in. If I was not going to work on that last book until the other projects was done, nothing was held me back or distracted me. I was in my own sometimes lonely bubble of self-healing.
And 2024 saw the fruits of that labor. If you stopped by my Author page (www.facebook.com/darkenverse), I was currently serializing DARKENED SOUL: THE RYN. It told a tale that I hinted out in my book DARKENED TABULA…the history between the characters of Eli (villain in DARKCHILDE, love interest in DARKENED TABULA) and Deimos.
The story also world-built around the wolf shifters that I introduced in DARKCHILDE the Forryn. I had been doing short stories about the Forryn for a while on my Author page. While I originally was not planning on a serial, it felt like the perfect place.
Meanwhile, I spent most of 2024 researching, editing, and rewriting DARKENED SOUL: THE BREAKING OF CIRCLES. I had mentioned it years ago. It would be my next short story collection that dove into the history between the characters of Titania, Antonio, Fredrick, and Jacob. All were important side characters in my DARKENED series. This new book also allowed me to focus back on my Nosferatu. While going back to basics, I even got to stretch myself in the writing of it. The only problem I had was that of time. I kept missing my book release deadline. I blamed myself. But entering 2025, I had finished another draft. So onward and upward.
Of course the real highlight of 2024 was HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. While the two Darkenverse projects took up the latter half of the year, it was my first gay novel that took up the first half of it. It was a book dear to my heart. It was my first normal (for me) fiction. It was also my first published work with an African American protagonist. A long time coming as I mentioned in other blogs.
A whole new genre, it was still finding an audience. But fingers crossed, it would continue to be found. I had a friend in L. A. message me as he was reading it. That was a highlight for me when I was heading into work this past November/December. He especially loved Eugene, how messy some of the characters were, and that my book gave him the kind of annoyance a reader got when they were at a good scene and had to stop for someone or work.
So…hope springs.
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Honestly, I miss the park.
One thing that I loved to do as the year went by was go to the park. It was great when it was nice and warm. People walking or running about. I had my little spot. I would sit there and usually journal a bit. Or I would write. It was just…refreshing.  It was…nice. But the weather was currently too cold for me. Just brrrr. Still, it did allow me to center and feel contented.
I wished that I had a lot more content for people in 2024. I usually posted about my writing life and tv shows on my blog space. Or I would have short stories on my book page. However, I was happy to see that I had done frequent EDITING, TYPING, & WRITING and WHAT YOU READING posts on my Author page. And I DID release a new book in 2024.
But…consistency. I was finding that the more that I focused on being consistent on my writing routine, the better off I was. Yeah, it could be a bit lonely, but something could be said for enjoying your own company.
And those losses that I had over this past year? It taught me about having gratitude for what I had. I still had a way to go, but I was grateful for the roof over my head. I was grateful for the jobs that kept a roof over my head. And I was very grateful that 2024 had aimed me back at the dreams that I desired to keep a roof over my head.
Happy? Not yet. But…on my way.
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#writing #gratitude #africanamerican #blackmen #blackfiction #2024 #retrospective #grateful #relationships #blog #inspiration #readers #parks #losangles #hopesprings #satc #sexandthecity #writer #charlotteyork
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flightlessangelwings · 3 years ago
Reason to Breathe
Joel Miller x fem!reader
Word count: 4.9k (yeah this got away from me lol)
Warnings: HOLY SHIT SMUT (18+ ONLY!), sex pollen, fuck or die, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving), multiple positions, multiple orgasms, so much sex lol, pining, protective!Joel, softness, love confessions, no use of y/n (hopefully I covered everything, let me know if I forgot something)
Notes: I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while now and I’m so excited to share this! I’m a sucker for the sex pollen between two people pining and it works so well with Joel too! And yeah, this is long by my standards but after multiple edits I’m happy with it! Let me know what y’all think!! And that one line near the end is 100% me making fun of myself for the premise I came up with here lol.
Feel free to also follow my update blog and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post @flightlessangelwings-updates​
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“Are you sure this is a good idea, Joel?”
He let out a sigh as he leaned against his horse, “For Ellie’s sake, I gotta try.”
A group of passersby mentioned a research lab while you hosted them for drinks at the bar last night, and it immediately got Joel’s attention. He quickly asked more about it, and although the men were fuzzy on the details, there seemed to be a lab not too far away that was researching a cure. 
Or at least, that’s what the rumor was. Either way it was enough for Joel, and he wanted to check it out. He didn’t mention anything to Ellie yet until he was sure, but he knew he had to at least give it a chance.
“Then I’m going with you,” you spoke in a resolved tone as you threw your gear on your own horse, “Someone’s gotta watch after you.”
Joel’s shoulders slumped, but you could see in his eyes that he was secretly relieved you decided to join him, “Alright.”
The journey took several days, but luckily it was quiet for the most part. You and Joel took out a few stray infected whenever you came across them, but overall you were able to just enjoy the peace and fresh air as you rode on your horses through the forests toward what used to be a vibrant city. The whole time, you couldn’t help but steal a glance in Joel’s direction whenever you thought he wasn’t looking. And you couldn’t help but think of how nice his company was. 
You both kept your guard up as you weaved through the overgrown streets until you made it to the building he was looking for. After you set your horses in the shadows to be kept hidden, you and Joel pulled out your guns, ready for whatever you may encounter inside. But, just like the streets, the building was completely barren. And the further you both ventured inside, the more you both realized this trip may have been in vain.
“Dammit,” Joel mumbled under his breath once he pushed a large bookcase out of the way of the door and you both stepped inside.
“Looks like everyone jumped ship years ago,” you whispered, afraid to upset him even more. You knew how much finding any information or even a clue meant to Joel, and how disappointed he was to come up empty.
“Might as well take a look around, see if we can find anything,” he told you as he scanned one corner of the space.
You hummed in agreement as you rustled through the desk on the other end of the room. You and Joel made your way from opposite ends of the room until you both ended up in front of the same bookcase. After a whole lot of nothing, you finally noticed something.
“Hey Joel, what’s that?” you pointed to a sealed bag at the top of the shelf.
“Don’t know,” he responded, “Hang on,” Joel reached up and touched the bag in an attempt to knock it down. But, the bag must have been more fragile than it looked from being worn down over the years and the moment he tried to nudge it, it exploded. A shower of bright yellow power rained down on both of you, which caused you both to cough.
“Shit,” Joel breathed as he turned to you, “You alright?”
“Yeah,” you wheezed as you fanned the air in an attempt to clear the powder away from both of you, “What the hell was that?”
Joel scrunched his face as he scanned the shelves in front of him again until his eyes landed on a small recording device, “Maybe that’ll tell us.”
He picked up the device and hit play, and all the breath left both of your bodies as you listened to the message the scientist left behind.
“I told myself I’d never give up no matter what. But, I’m tired, so tired. I can’t do this anymore. Every attempt at a cure, or even just a glimmer of hope comes to a dead end. The closest thing we got is this drug we formulated, but even that was a far shot from our goal. It appears this drug we created causes unbridled lust within an hour in whoever inhales it and if orgasm is not achieved, their bodies go into a state of shock. Luckily this is the last of what we made, and it seems to be the weakest of the batch. But, from trials, the effect starts about an hour after ingesting and lasts about 12 hours. I’m done.”
Joel slowly turned his head to face you and you did the same. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity, and you felt your heart pound in your chest. The tension you saw in his jaw told you Joel’s thoughts mirrored yours, yet neither of you were sure what to do next.
“Come on,” he grabbed your hand with a sense of urgency as he led you back outside, “Let’s find somewhere safe.”
It didn’t take Joel long to find an abandoned house near the outskirts of the city that seemed stable enough to provide safe shelter for the night. He was quiet and laser focused as he set your horses in the garage before he barricaded you both in the attic. Tension hung in the air as you stared at each other in silence again.
Suddenly, you felt warm as you lost your footing; an hour must have passed already. You fell forward with a gasp as the world spun around you, but you never hit the ground. Joel quickly closed the gap between your bodies and whispered your name as he caught you and held you close. In your delirium, you noticed how warm he felt too and you wondered how much restraint it took him to keep his composure.
“Listen to me,” he whispered your name through gritted teeth, “I’ll leave you on this side of the room and I’ll barricade myself over there and…”
“Joel,” you cut him off with an urgent tone as you clung to him, “I think we need to just fuck,” you paused as Joel stared at you with wide eyes. “You know, so we don’t die.” Your body trembled as you suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to just pounce on him. 
His breath hitched in his throat as he almost choked on air, but Joel held you tightly still, “You sure about this?” His voice was strained, and you could tell that the drug started to affect him too. Not to mention you also felt his cock harden between your bodies. A low groan escaped his lips before he added, “Once we start this, I won’t be able to hold myself back.”
“I’m sure,” you pulled back enough to look him in the eyes as you took a deep breath and calmed your nerves before you confessed, “I know you think it’s the drug talking but it’s not. I’ve wanted you for such a long time, Joel.” Heat pooled between your legs and your heart pounded in your chest.
You and Joel were close, and you knew how much he had lost in his life. You knew that he lost almost everyone he ever loved and that he was scared to open his heart up again. You knew because your story was similar. Yet, through all that loss and heartache, you felt safe with Joel, and you trusted your heart, and your body, in his hands.
“Please, Joel,” you whimpered as you hovered your lips over his.
He murmured your name as his lips stayed hovered over your own. You could tell from the way he held you that he was conflicted. What you didn’t know was how badly he wanted you too, even before the drug that pulsed through his veins. After several tense moments, Joel couldn’t hold back anymore and he closed the gap in a passionate and heated kiss. He swallowed the moan you let out as you parted your lips for him and deepened the kiss.
Passions erupted as you and Joel tangled tongues while you clawed at each other. All composure he had was lost the moment he made contact with your lips and he growled in your mouth as he tore at your clothes. You matched his intensity as you tugged at his shirt and pants. The two of you fumbled together as you stripped each other and lowered your bodies onto the floor.
Luckily, the attic had plenty of blankets and sleeping bags, and Joel quickly rustled a few together and made a comfortable pile for the two of you. The drug made his vision hazy, but the moment Joel looked back up from the pile on the floor and really took in the sight of you bare before him, he let out an involuntary groan.
“Fuck, baby,” he breathed as he reached out for you and pulled you flush against his body, “I never imagined this would be how we broke the ice.”
You giggled as you admired his body and ran your hands over his chest, “Me either,” you whispered as you drank in the sight of all of Joel’s skin and the feeling of his muscles under your fingers.
A newfound desperation took over both of you as a rush of heat ran through you both. Joel cupped the back of your head and pulled you flush against him as he took your lips in another passionate kiss. You kept your hands on his chest as you surrendered yourself to him and you ran your fingers over his nipples. Joel hissed against you as his cock twitched between your bodies.
“Shit, baby,” he moaned between kisses as his hands wandered down your body. He squeezed your breasts in his large hands and savored the moan you let out.
You bucked your hips against his in a desperate attempt for some friction against your aching cunt, and it caused both of you to whimper softly. Joel grabbed onto your hip with one hand while his other snaked between your legs. He whispered your name and watched for you to open your eyes before he moved again.
“You absolutely sure about this?” he asked in a strained voice as he fought to hold himself back. Although he wanted nothing more than to feel you.
“Yes,” you replied breathlessly as you dropped one of your hands down to his length, “I trust you, Joel.”
“I trust you too, baby,” Joel said before he cupped your pussy.
At the same time, you grabbed his cock and stroked him. As if the dam broke loose, Joel pushed two fingers into your pussy and growled when he felt that you were practically dripping wet. While he thrusted his fingers in and out of you in a fast rhythm, you pumped his cock just as desperately. 
Moans and groans filled the room as you and Joel worked each other as you knelt on the floor. You leaned forward and rested your forehead against his as you kept your rhythm up. His cock felt thick in your hand, and your mouth watered at the thought of it inside of you. You let out a whimper as your head spun and Joel’s fingers entered you over and over again.
“Fuck… Joel…”
“I know baby,” he cooed in your ear as he held you tightly with his other hand.
Fueled by the drug, it didn’t take you much longer before your orgasm exploded from your core. Just as Joel hit that sweet spot inside you just right and his thumb brushed your clit, you came with a loud scream. As you came, you squeezed Joel’s cock harder, and with a loud groan, he spilled himself between your bodies. Both of you kept going until you felt like your climaxes should have been ridden out. Yet, though you both came harder than you ever had before, Joel was still rock hard, and you still felt a pulse of neediness between your legs.
“Shit,” you both breathed at the same time as you both realized you were in for a very long night.
Your eyes slowly trailed up Joel’s body to meet his gaze, “Fuck me, Joel. Please,” you begged as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. 
In a flash, you suddenly found yourself on your back with Joel’s broad body on top of yours. You immediately wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and he wasted no time in complying with your request. Joel’s eyes were glazed over and darkened with lust as he thrust himself into you in one swift movement. You cried out as you felt so filled, but it was a scream of pure ecstasy.
He rocked his hips against yours as you clung to him for dear life. Joel’s grunts went right to your core, and you felt the heat that radiated from both your body and his. You dug your nails into his bare back as you let him take you over and over again. Vaguely, you were aware that you scratched and clung to Joel hard enough to break skin and leave marks, but in the moment you didn’t care. And neither did he.
It only took a few more thrusts for Joel to cum with a low groan, and the way he pushed into you with everything he had made you lose control right after him. You trembled as he rode out both your climaxes, but yet again, neither of you were satiated. With a frustrated growl, Joel thrust into you again without fully pulling out, and you cried out as you started to feel overwhelmed with emotions. You clung to him as you both came again, but again, you felt no relief in sight.
“Fuck baby,” Joel murmured as he picked up his pace again. This time, he was more aware of how tightly you clung to him, and he groaned when you also wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Joel…” you whispered as you dropped your head back and held him tighter. Your mind swam as you felt his cock hit every spot that drove you wild over and over again until you came once more with a loud scream.
Your ogasm triggered Joel’s, and with your name on his lips, he spilled himself into you again. Sweat dripped from both your brows as Joel collapsed down on top of you, his cock still deep inside you. Both of you panted heavily, exhausted already but the drug that pulsed through your veins was not offering any break.
“Hold up, baby,” Joel cooed as he wiped a bead of sweat off your forehead. He slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows before he eased out of you. When you let out a whine, he rested his hand on the side of your head and brushed his thumb across your cheek, “Don’t worry baby. We ain’t done yet.”
The needy whimper of desperation you let out made Joel’s cock twitch, and the soft moment of stillness quickly ended. With hardly any effort at all, Joel flipped you over so that you were on your stomach. He caressed your ass and gave it a squeeze before he leaned forward and growled in your ear, “On your hands and knees, baby.”
Another needy moan escaped your lips as that was all you were capable of. But, without hesitation, you did as you were told and you pushed yourself up onto shaky limbs. You didn’t even have time to comprehend your movement when you felt his cock at your pussy once more, and you fought to keep yourself up as Joel rammed into you at this new angle.
“Fuck,” you cried out as he grabbed your hips and slammed into you with refound passion.
Joel gritted his teeth as he thrust into you over and over again until you both came at the same time. He felt your body shake in his hands, but he kept going. Joel even felt his own arms tremble, but he didn’t let up. At this angle, he saw himself enter you over and over again, and he saw how hypnotizing it was to watch your pussy lips wrap around his cock like that. It sparked a new flame and Joel thrust into you harder and faster until he came inside you with your own climax right after.
Every time you both came, you both hoped for it to be the last time. Yet, relief eluded both of you, and Joel fucked into you again and again and again. A mix of his and your cum dripped down your inner thighs as your cunt couldn’t hold anymore. But, Joel still had more to give and he came inside you over and over again while you came around him over and over again.
When Joel made you both cum again, he fell forward, the strength he once had evaded him and he couldn’t hold himself up over you anymore. With a gasp, you were forced forward onto your stomach with Joel on top of you. Joel rested his head between your shoulder blades as he lightly kissed the sweaty skin on your back. At the same time, he reached forward and took hold of your hand and gripped it tightly.
“Joel, you ok?” you whispered, your voice hoarse from your screams.
“Yeah,” he answered after a few deep breaths, “Just gettin tired,” he admitted.
At this point, both of you wanted a breather, but the drug still coursed through your bodies and didn’t allow more than a few minutes rest. 
“Let me get on top for awhile,” you turned your head and kissed Joel’s beard.
He groaned as his cock twitched inside you, and you both knew that was all the break the drug would let you have. As you worked in tandem, you and Joel lifted yourself up off the floor before Joel fell onto his back. You turned around and the sight of him splayed out with his cock at full attention for you made your heart skip a beat.
Your mouth watered as your eyes drank Joel in, but the rush of need that crashed through you didn’t allow you to savor the moment for long. With all the strength you could gather, you pushed yourself up and straddled him, his cock between your parted legs. You reached for it and pumped it a few times before you lined it up with your entrance and sunk down.
Both you and Joel let out a gasp as you dropped down onto his length with ease. Your wetness mixed with your releases provided all the lubrication you needed. Joel grabbed your thighs and held you tightly as you bounced on his cock. Your hands roamed all over his chest and you gave his pecs a squeeze to mirror his actions.
Joel looked up at you with a glossy expression as he watched your breasts bounce while you rode him hard. The squelching sound of your pussy only made it hotter for him as he watched you impale yourself on his cock over and over again. Between the drug and how high the emotions ran within both of you, it didn’t take long for you both to cum even harder than you had before.
With trembling legs, you collapsed down onto Joel, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He peppered kisses wherever he could reach as he planted his feet on the ground and fucked into you from below. Like before, all you could do was cling to him as he thrust into your pussy over and over again until another strong orgasm crashed into you both.
“Joel,” you whispered when he collapsed down again for another much needed break, “I’m still feeling this fucking drug, but my pussy is getting sore,” Joel let out sharp exhale before you added, “Let me suck your cock for a bit.”
“Ok, baby,” his voice was soft as he caressed the back of your head.
As you pushed yourself up and shimmied yourself down, Joel stayed still with his eyes closed. His cock was still rock hard and red even after hours of fucking you, and you only hoped that this would help a bit. You licked your lips before you wrapped them around the tip, and the moan Joel let out went right to your core.
You bobbed your head up and down his length as you took all of him into your mouth and sucked hard. You ran your tongue along the prominent vein on the underside and swirled it around the tip when you reached it. Joel’s moans were unlike anything you ever heard before, and it fueled you on to suck him harder as you hollowed out your cheeks.
Joel forced his eyes open to watch you, and he gently caressed your face while you continued to suck him off, “Baby, you look so pretty with my dick in your mouth,” he purred.
You moaned around his length, which made him groan louder in response. You swallowed as you pushed your face against his hip and fought back the gag as his cock hit the back of your throat. That was all it took to push him over the edge and with your name in a whisper, he came hard in your mouth.
When you pulled off, a trail of spit still connected you as tears fell down your cheeks. But, as you blinked them away, you noticed that while Joel was still hard, his cock didn’t seem as angry. 
He must have noticed too because he quickly pushed himself up and placed a hand on your chest, “Let me now.”
You let Joel guide you onto your back before he settled between your legs. He murmured something about how beautiful you were before he dove in enthusiastically. You screamed and buried your hands in his hair as he lavished you with his tongue. Joel was definitely talented at it too, and he ran his tongue along your folds before he swirled it around your clit. 
Tears streamed down your face as you felt so overstimulated, but he still did not let up. You felt like you would float away if you let go, and you kept a strong grip on Joel’s hair as he worked you with his tongue. It wasn’t much longer until you felt that familiar tingle from your core again, and before you had the chance to warn him, you came hard against Joel’s face. You felt a gush of wetness as your strongest orgasm of the night washed over you, but Joel didn’t let up until he pulled every drop he could from you.
Once you had enough, you fell completely limp on the floor, and Joel finally pulled away. “Baby? Baby, you alright?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, “I think that finally helped,” you added in a weak voice.
“I think so too,” he ran his hand along the side of your face.
When you opened your eyes, you were met with Joel’s beautiful face only inches from yours. And the look of concern in his eyes made your breath hitch in your throat. You were exhausted and completely spent, yet the drug still clung to your system. That and your emotions ran wild.
“Fuck me one more time, Joel? Please?” you whispered as you ran your fingers along his beard, which dripped with your juices. Even as worn as he looked, Joel had never looked more beautiful to you than when he looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
“Anything you want, baby,” the softness in his voice matched your own as he guided his cock to your pussy once more. Even though the drug that pulsed in his system, Joel thought you had never looked more lovely than when you were underneath him like this. And after so nights he dreamt about you like this, the reality was a hundred times better, and he never wanted to let you go.
This time, however, the feeling of urgency wasn’t as strong, and Joel took his time in entering you. Moans flowed freely from your lips as you felt his cock stretch you out again, yet this time it felt different. Joel covered your body with his, yet he rocked slowly against you. This wasn’t fucking to stave off the effects of a drug, this was making love.
“I care about you a lot, you know,” Joel spoke in your ear as he thrust into you, “This fucking drug aside,” he laughed weakly.
All you could do was moan in response as you felt another climax approach. You clung to Joel tightly as you chanted his name over and over again until you felt your final orgasm of the night wash over you. He held you tightly with one arm while he snaked his other between your bodies to rub at your clit.
That was the last push you needed as you came undone under Joel’s masterful touch. Your orgasm triggered his own, and with your name on his lips, Joel came inside you. He continued to thrust into you in a slow but steady rhythm until you were both completely spent for the first time all night.
Once Joel caught his breath, he slowly pulled out of you and quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you close, “You ok?”
“Now I am,” you whispered back, “And this was the weak batch too,” you added with a soft smile. But it was most likely why you were both able to hold back at first until your passions exploded. Neither of you wanted to know what the stronger batches were like, though.
Joel joined your laughter, and the rumble in his chest warmed your heart. You were content to just lay there, but Joel shifted up to sit. He ran a hand through his damp hair as he sighed, “Looks like the sun’s comin up.”
You opened your eyes and saw that light peered through the cracks of the boarded up windows. But, you had no energy left in your body, and while you heard Joel rustle around, you closed your eyes again and instantly fell asleep.
But, you were only asleep for a few moments as you felt Joel’s hand on the side of your face and his worried voice in your ear.
“Baby?! Baby wake up!”
You blinked your eyes open again, and your heart skipped a beat when you focused enough to see the concerned look on his face, “Sorry Joel, I think everything caught up to me. I’m exhausted.”
“It’s alright,” he dropped his shoulders in relief once he knew you were alright, “Let me get you cleaned up.”
With extreme care, Joel used a towel he found to wipe the sweat off your face and the mess between your legs. Once he finished that, he helped you stand and moved you both over to another blanket; one that was clean and not stained in your releases. Joel laid on his back and kept you flush against his chest as he wrapped his arms around your body and held you close.
The two of you laid in a comfortable silence before you broke it with a thought that was on your mind, “Hey Joel… I know this sounds weird after we fucked all night, but thank you. You saved my life.”
“And you saved mine.” Joel replied as he gave you a squeeze. He was quiet after that, but when you giggled softly he asked, “What is it?”
“How badly do you have to fuck up a cure for the infected when you end up with… whatever the hell that was?”
Joel joined in your laughter and his laugh warmed your heart, “Get some sleep baby. We’ll rest for a few hours then head to that settlement nearby. Then head back to Jackson tomorrow.”
“Sounds good,” you whispered as sleep started to take hold of you. But, before you drifted off completely, you let out a hushed, “I love you Joel.”
Joel’s heart skipped a beat, but your soft snores told him you weren’t available for discussion at the moment. He held you close and watched you sleep for a while before he whispered back, “I love you too baby.”
You both slept until midday, when he woke you up and led you to the nearby settlement in the next city over. Neither of you had the energy to make the trip back to Jackson after the night you had, and the people there were very kind and offered hospitality without question. As you both got settled in a spare room for the night, Joel took your hand and said your name in such a sweet tone.
“I know we kinda did this backwards, but I’d like to take you out on a good old fashioned date when we get back to Jackson,” he seemed nervous, but he hid it well.
You smiled so brightly that the sun envied you, “I’d like that.”
A few days later when you finally made it back home, hand in hand with Joel, you were met with a chorus of “finally” from everyone, especially Ellie and Tommy. The story of what happened while the two of you were out, however, stayed between you and Joel. Luckily, no one asked. They were too busy paying their bets to the winner of their secret “when will they finally get together,” which made Joel roll his eyes. You thought it was funny though, and now that you and Joel were finally together, you couldn’t be happier. And Joel felt the same way.
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passmethatcokezero · 3 years ago
Hi! What you wrote for Vernon and Seungcheol was so good! I love the little breaks in between the dots to explain a bit more. Can you write about how Mingyu is in bed?
Hi! thank you for thinking so! ig it's just my instinct to always explain myself every single time lol but anyways let's get to how I imagine THEE Mingyu is in bed:
oh dear. i think i need me to prepare myself first cos it's getting hot in heeeyaaarr
warnings: degradation, BDSM, daddy kink
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Mingyu can make every bed encounters feel like the first time
Not the freaky first time, but the sensational one where you can feel every inch of his shaft rubbing your hole, his weight all over yours, sweat mixing, and breaths shaking
is actually kinda subby, but he just know you want him to dominate you
his submissiveness would come out if his tired
or if he is guilty about something he did wrong (((this needs!!! a separate!!! oneshot me thinks!!!!)))
Not once you ever felt unsatisfied even at nights you didn't come—which is really rare—
cos his size filling you perfectly, stretching you to your maximum already sends you to heaven
"Are you sure?" Mingyu cooes at your imperative suggestion as he slows down his pace. Funny enough, he took your words seriously without listening to your side causing him to sulk. "Well, I just changed sheets this morning, we cant stain it just yet!" "Then should we just continue in the bathroom?" It wasn't so easy but since you caught him off-guard, you succeeded in toppling him to lay on his back. "Does my baby want to come so bad?" He moans at your sudden dominance, eyes closing as you sink on his stick as you ride him. You continued kissing him slow, and mumbling in between. "I guess we should just... keep it like this for now yeah? Just spending the night warmly." No words went past his quivering lips, rather answered you with a heavy groan and one forceful flick of his hip.
Really sweet in bed, considerate of everything. Heck even the ventilation in the room, he asks if it's comfortable enough
Knows all your sensitive spots; and would consciously neglect them (not too long) to tease you
Loves it when you call him puppy
But would destroy you when you call him daddy
—a mutual kink which started after he overheard you once in your room, touching yourself to the thought of him ramming inside you
He never heard you mention it, nor he never thought he could actually hear it from your own sweet, not-so-innocent whispers. There you were, laid in the darkness of your room, some erotic content long forgotten playing in your tablet. He was early, days early from his promised arrival to the city from his hometown. On his hand was a bag of fresh side dishes his mom prepared for you, which almost fell from his butterfingers.
"D-daddy.... please..." You hiccupped at the pressure that little toy gives you. "I've been a very good girl waiting for you to come home."
His lips almost turned bloody from biting it-he can't help it. He wanted to hear you say it on his face and not on the absence of him.
"Mingyu... Daddy..." Your toes curl, feeling the nearing come.
"Is my princess close?"
You gasped at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend amid the dark. His lustful eyes shines at littlest of light, lips inching yours in no time.
"Baby girl, i missed you." It was wild, his kiss. As if he was hungry of it, he threw off his shirt ruggedly, as if few seconds away from your lips would cost his life. "I see you missed daddy."
You whined at his remark, the guy really just busted you and your fantasy.
"Let daddy's dick take over this tiny toy, hmm?"
(((I... got carried away....alright let's move on)))
he would get clumsy at times (it’s flowing in his veins istg) but he would always makes up for it
All that starts with a cuddle will surely end with one
Angry sex? Hell yeah the guy's so hungry for your attention he doesn't want anyone flirting with you, even if it's a joke among his friends
Deep breaths were echoing all over as he drills his red, angry cock into your dripping hole. You were pressed against the wall, body sandwiched by the cold wall and the warm lust that envelops him. His sight never left yours, looking down from hooded eyes.
"Letting him touch you like that? You slut."
"He didn't!" You cried in protest. "We were dancing," true enough, Soonyoung willingly taught you the choreo to the latest song they have been preparing for, just for fun while waiting for your boyfriend to be dismissed. Half of the guys, including him, had to re-record their share of lines, and you were left with the performance team inside the practice room. And when Mingyu got back, oh the excitement to go home melt into jealousy when his eyes met through the huge, misty mirrors Soonyoung's playful smirk as he hugs you from behind in a snap, followed by his rattle of laughter.
The boys knew your relationship with Mingyu, although having no idea it is - if in color - deep true red not cotton candy pink. So the teases come naturally, just as how they tease him of his clumsiness.
Knowing that fact did not tame the fire in his eyes, though.
“You’ve been getting this dick, yet you want another? Is this not enough for such a whore you are, huh? You want two dicks fucking your holes?”
You swore you might break your neck, stretching it up as you arched your back. His idea weren’t so bad, you thought. And as much as you need to calm him down and talk it out, you wanted more of the friction, the mad force of his tip hitting your spot - and right then your moans have betrayed you. You feel yourself tightening around his size, but he was quick to pull himself out.
"Bad girls can't come, baby,"
Likes seeing you gag from his length
And he loves mimicking your moans to tease you as he eats you out
Loves being under you and yet still able to assert dominance
(He just love the sight of your chest heaving, nipples erect, breasts bouncing to every thrust)
Finds it hot when you unconsciously pull his hair—an indicator of losing yourself to nirvana
Always leaves kisses on every inch of your skin
And never fails to tickle you with his soft, dirty whispers against your ears
Plays with your clit in an intense manner as he fucks you from behind, you're seeing white stars in the back of your lids
Butt plugs heh
I feel like he'd be into BDSM 🙉
He has been waiting to hear your loudest whine of the night, and you, his manly hands to clutch your breasts and make it his.
"Babe? What did I tell you to call me?"
But he had other plans, much better than that.
One hand grabbed your sore nipple, the other rubbing your clit with an ice cube you weren't sure where he got, as he rips you from behind on all fours, blindfolded. The overstimulation and slight infamiliarity sends you to another realm of pleasure and you know your lips are now bruised by your teeth.
"Good. Now what does my sweet little kitten want?"
With slight tears in your eyes, you choked on your words: "Make me come, Master, please..."
"But you're not being loud like what I told you to. Ain't you stubborn, little kitty?"
He then bites your neck after leaving a wet kiss on it. You squirmed as you let out a moan louder than the sultry music playing.
"That's it, now louder."
He spanks your ass followed by a baritone groan, seeing his hands leave red marks on your silky skin.
Would last hours you can't believe his endurance
Actually can do it all day, with all the needed rest in between if he can
He just can't stop glamorizing how beautiful you are
Would take a picture with you in afterglow looks
actually,,,, not just a selfie, but he has suggest once doing an erotic photoshoot with you in bed
Turns a complete 180 degrees after a hot sex
Being fluff and corny as he does your aftercare
Would even serve you midnight snacks or dinner if you haven't had yet
Spoils you in kisses as you fall asleep (if not, late night debates about anything ensues)
Spooning :>
A/N: He is just so perfect I want someone like him in my dry life so bad :< happy weekend <3
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tasmpeter · 3 years ago
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ 🩸 ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ . night shift
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one: back in hell
— summary: after pretending to be doctors and teachers for the last forty years, you had grown tired of playing nice. so, when you find yourself in evergreen, you decide to become a stripper. easier access to men, who threw themselves at you, whom you’d then drain of blood. being a vampire isn’t always glamorous. however, when your evil ex boyfriend is in town, murdering innocent women, you are forced to reunite with an old friend (and ex lover) to kill him. but, that cute little Vigilante is so hard to work with, when all you want to do is jump his bones.
— pairings: adrian chase x vampire/stripper!reader , emilia harcourt x vampire/stripper!reader
— warnings: sexual themes (lap dances, stripping, mentions of sex, making out, implied sex, public making out), murder and violence, swearing, implied abusive relationship with original male character. 18+ minors dni
— authors note: lol what’s with me and love triangles, i can’t help it. i still haven’t figured out who the reader will end up with at the end because i love adrian so much, i can’t help but want him at all times lol. so let me know who you suggest reader should end up with! but i’m finally publishing this work in progress i’ve had forever!! i’m so excited. also, female pronouns are used for the reader. reader also has a stripper name/stage name of Roxy and wears a pink wig while stripping. if any of these descriptions are not what you are looking for in a fic, i suggest you don’t read!
masterlist 🩸 night shift masterlist
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In the sixty seven years you have been alive, you have been many different people. (Dr. Julie Dano, Professor Kathleen Cooper, Ms. Pamela Brown.) However, you have never moonlighted as a stripper. Being a vampire wasn't easy. You required a lot of blood — constantly — and easy access to men's necks was required in any position you decided on. Being a doctor was the easiest position. Being a stripper was something that never really crossed your mind the last forty five years of being a vampire. You chose safe, respectable, positions and didn't really draw any attention to yourself. You've grown tired over the last forty five years of playing nice.
Evergreen wasn't a place you decided you would call home. You stuck to big cities — Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Miami — and never stayed for more than ten years at a time. You had been on your way out of Seattle, headed to Portland, when you stopped to get gas in a ghost town. A town that you don't think much of. When you were filling your 1955 Ford Thunderbolt — it was your fathers and occasionally you were grateful you were born in 1957 — when you spotted the flashing neon light across the street. You couldn't help but smirk as you saw the name of the club, The Landing Strip. It has been forty five years since you had real fun, and decided to walk inside.
The club was what you expected from a small town strip club. Velvet carpets, purple neon lighting, a few seats scattered around the pole in the center, and a dimly lit bar. You asked the guy at the bar if they were hiring. (You were grateful you were wearing a low cut tank top and your good push up bra). They hired you almost instantly. (Guess they don't get that many new hires).
You found a cute little two bedroom house on the outskirts of Evergreen, close to the club and the truck stop. When signing the closing papers — you paid cash and the buyer wasn't going to turn down that —, you needed to chose a new identity to go by in the town. (You couldn't be traced, you learned that a while ago. Never give you your real name, and never ever use a credit card). Roxy was slutty enough for the strip club, but tame enough to sign on closing papers.
Staying in Evergreen wasn't what you had planned, but the club paid you handsomely and you were often left alone after that. (The men at the club paid you handsomely. Mainly for you to not gossip to the town that you just gave a lap dance to a married man). They usually never lived long enough to have their reputations ruined.
You weren't sloppy with your eating habits. You chose your targets carefully and with purpose. Married men only on Wednesdays. You only killed men. (Go ahead, say that you are a female justice warrior or whatever. You just had a deep hatred for men as a whole). Sure, maybe you got sloppy on the occasional bad day or shitty customer, but you weren't perfect. (You escaped law enforcement once, and you can do it again).
In any other senario, Adrian Chase would be way too uncomfortable to be in a strip club. It was never his vibe. He never knew where to look or where to keep his hands. (Adrian had only ever been into a strip club once. He declared never again after that). Luckily for Adrian, he was here on Official Vigilante Business. He had been noticing the bodies drained of blood appearing all over town. They usually had a slit throat or a gunshot wound to the head.
When he had been showing the task force photos of the murders, Harcourt immediately perked up. Many years ago and early on into her career, Emilia Harcourt was assigned to a task force designated to capturing The Vampiress. Bodies drained of blood, with slit throats and puncture wounds to the hands, scattered across the United States. Vigilante and Emilia had put two and two together and figured out that the Vampiress must have made home in Evergreen. Emilia spotting your 1955 Ford Thunderbolt in the parking lot of The Landing Strip was just more confirmation on her hunch. Then, young girls started appearing around town, drained of blood. However, compared to the clean murder scenes the Vampiress leaves behind. These were brutal, and bloody, and personal. Emilia knew of your estranged ex husband, whom turned you into a vampire when you were nineteen. The young girls he murdered were reminiscent of you. So, instead of having you be arrested for your crimes, Emilia decided to have Vigilante and Peacemaker bring you to Emilia, in order for her to convince you to help.
You had just finished a very successful set on stage, and were wondering the floor, looking for your meal for the night. Men were calling, whistling, and touching you to get your attention, but none of them looked tasty enough. Then, in your corner of your eye, you spot two men lounging in the corner of the club. One was wearing a red and white latex suit, which you could only assume was Peacemaker. The man next to him was concealed head to toe, a black mask with a red visor hiding his face. He had a lean body and wide shoulders. You wanted to pounce on him based on his body alone. However, you were more curious to what two superheroes/antiheroes were doing at your club. You hesitated, wondering if they found out you were a vampire and had come to kill you — if they could figure out how. Instead, you persisted, desperate for a taste of Vigilante.
"Hey, fellas. What do I owe the honor to for meeting two superheroes?" You asked, making sure to tower over Vigilante. He was slowly sinking deeper into the leather chair. His visor, however, never left your eyes. You wanted to peer into his soul, learn all of his deepest secrets as you drink his sweet blood.
Peacemaker spoke, noticing the staring contest between you and Vigilante, "Just wanted to have a fun night. Saving the city is so hard, you know?"
You giggled, even though you thought he was meathead. A girl has to make a living somehow, "Well, since you boys do so much of your city, I would be willing to forego my usual private dance fee. A way to give back to my community, you know?"
Your eyes were still locked with Vigilante, who had yet to say a word through his black mask. You bent over, giving Vigilante a better view of your cleavage. You ran a manicured finger down the grooves of his suit, teasing him.
"You want a dance, pretty boy?" You asked softly, just enough for Vigilante to hear over the bass thumping throughout the club.
Vigilante nodded vigorously and you giggled at his eagerness. You stood back up and extended your perfectly manicured hand to guide Vigilante to the back. He quickly accepted and stood up. You nodded for Peacemaker to follow you two into the private room. The boys followed you into the back, past drunk men and your giggling coworkers, and entered one of the private rooms.
The two boys sat down in the leather seats that surrounded the room. You slowly made your way over to Vigilante and straddled him.
"You know, I normally don't let my clients touch me, but because you do so much for the community, I'm willing to forgo that rule, pretty boy," You whispered into what you could only assume is his ear. Vigilante eagerly grabbed your hips as you gyrated on his lap to the beat of the music.
"So, when did you get into town? I haven't seen you around before," Peacemaker spoke up a few seats away from you.
You grinded yourself on Vigilante's lap again, "A few weeks ago. I was on my way to Portland, but I stopped here for gas, and I found the cutest house. So, I decided to stay."
You leaned down to whisper into Vigilante's ear again, "You know, pretty boy. I could always give you the address to my house, if you wanted to come over tonight."
Vigilante's head whipped to look at you, as you dragged an acrylic nail down the edges of his mask, "Y-You want me to come home with you?"
You giggled, "Yeah, pretty boy. To give back to the community, you know?"
Vigilante nodded and Peacemaker rolled his eyes, "Do I not get a dance?"
"Sorry, not my type. I'll have to charge you," You said, as Vigilantes hand went to grope your breast.
"Well, fuck this then," Peacemaker said, before drawing his gun and pointing it at you.
Your eyes widened and quickly hopped off of Vigilante, running towards the door. Before you were able to make it to the door, Vigilante tripped you, causing you to fall flat onto your face. You groaned and rolled onto your jack, clutching your head, as you watched the two men tower over your body.
"P-Please don't hurt me! I'm just trying to make a living! I-I'm sorry that I wanted to fuck your friend and not you! You can join! If-If you don't kill me," You begged, trying to maintain your façade as Roxy The Stripper.
"Bullshit. We know you are a vampire, and we know that you have been killing men around town," Peacemaker stated. The barrel of his gun still locked on to you.
"Yeah, Roxy! If that is even your real name!" Vigilante exclaimed, his gun also drawn, pointing at your leg — at least he was being polite about it.
"Dude! It's not, it-it's like her stripper name," Peacemaker said exhaustively, turning his head away from you to look at Vigilante. You took this opportunity to  kick Peacemaker in the shin with your stiletto heel, before trying to stand up to run to the door.
Peacemaker cried out at the stab to his shin, screaming some expletives and calling for Vigilante to grab you. You were almost about to open the door, before Vigilante ran up behind you and clutched your throat with his gloved hands.
"Didn't know you were into the kinky stuff, Vig. I bet you are really kinky, huh?" You quipped, giving him a seductive smirk. Vigilante whispered an apology into your ear, which scared you. It was the last think you heard as a needle dug deep into your neck, sending you to sleep.
When you came to, there was a bag covering your head and you were bound to a chair. You suddenly started regretting your decision on giving Vigilante a free lap dance. The bag was torn off your head and you squinted your eyes to adjust to the sunlight. You were bound to an office chair, still wearing you outfit from the club. You looked at your surroundings, noticing Peacemaker and Vigilante hovering over you, until you locked eyes with Emilia Harcourt. You had a long and complicated history with Emilia Harcourt. One that ended with you almost being arrested.
"Hey, Emmy. You know, if you missed me, you could have just called," You chirped out, giving her a toothy smile.
Emilia rolled her eyes, "You keep changing your phone number, babe. Can never keep track."
Peacemaker and Vigilante shared equal looks of shock and confusion. (Vigilante was very good at expressing his emotions through the mask. God, you wanted to fucking pounce on him).
You spun yourself in the office chair, "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"
Emilia gripped the back of the office chair to keep you from spinning, "Whatever you tell them is going to be wrong."
You pouted your lips, "I can't believe you think so little of our love affair."
Emilia turned her attention back to the men, "Well, I told you I was assigned to a task force that was dedicated to capturing The Vampiress. I, may have gotten a little too close to target."
"Emmy, you fucked me and told me to run because I was about to get captured. I think that's more than a little too close."
You made eyes with Vigilante, who still seemed to be in shock from the revelation, "It's okay, pretty boy. No hard feelings for kidnapping me. I'll still take you home after this if you want."
Emilia and Chris shouted, "No!"
"You are a vampire! You are probably going to kill him," Chris shouted at you.
You pouted, "I wasn't going to kill him! Suck his blood, maybe. But only if he was into it!"
"Whatever! That's — whatever!" Emilia shouted out, running a hand through her short blonde hair in frustration
You smirked, "You jealous, baby?"
Emilia scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Trust me, babe. If I didn't need you right now, I would have let Vigilante kill you tonight."
You frowned and turned your head to Vigilante, "You were going to kill me? I thought we had something special going, pretty boy?"
Vigilante remained calm and his voice seemed deeper than when you spoke to him inside the club, "You were also going to kill me."
You shrugged your shoulders the best you could while strapped down to the chair, "To each their own, I guess. Now, can someone please explain why I'm here if I'm not going to jail?"
"Your husband is in town, it appears," Emilia said coldly.
You shuddered, "Do not call him my husband. Technically, I'm a widow."
"Well, technically he is too. But, that's besides the point. We need your help to track him down and stop him for killing any more girls."
Your eyes widened and whispered. You weren't one to be timid, unless it involves him, "They all look like me, don't they?"
Emilia nodded and gave you a sympathetic smile, "Yeah. I'm sorry, babe. I-I wouldn't ask you to do this if I had any other options."
You gave her a genuine smile, "Thanks, Emmy. Now, can you please untie me. My arms hurt."
Emilia reluctantly untied your binds and you stood up from your spot in the office chair. Vigilante, Emilia, and Christopher were ogling at you as you stretched your arms behind your head, giving them a great view of your outfit. You were still wearing your clothes from the club, a bejeweled bra and a purple thong. You rolled your eyes at the three clearly staring at your exposed frame.
"Did anyone bother getting my stuff out of my locker?" You asked, placing a hand on your hip and slowly peeling off the bright pink wig that you wore when you worked at the club.
The boys stared at you lost again, watching as your real hair cascades out of the wig. How you shook your hair loose, giving them a perfect view of your neck. Emilia sharply smacked the both of them in the head. Peacemaker groaned and began putting up an argument with Emilia. You decided to ignore them and focus your attention back on Vigilante, who was awkwardly standing in front of you, not knowing where to look.
You placed your hand on his chest and grinned at him, “My place?”
Vigilante nodded eagerly again, and you couldn’t wait to attach yourself to him. You never wanted to let him go, “Just to make sure you get home safely, you know. Since I’m a hero, and all.”
You gave him a seductive smirk and laced your hands with his gloved ones, dragging him out the door. You winked at Emilia and Chris before running out the door with Vigilante.
Vigilante scooped you up into his arms. In response, you wrapped yourself around him and quickly made work to expose his bare neck. He seemed to stop for a second, maybe hesitant on if you were going to drink his blood. But relaxed and carried on to the car as you began to suck hickeys into his neck.
He leaned you over the hood of his car and quickly pulled his mask up over his lips, allowing you to attack them with your own. You two were sloppily making out on the hood of his car, in front of Emilia and Peacemaker, who stood in the doorway, watching with awe as you two aggressively made out.
“So, you and the vampire, huh?” Chris chirped up, whispering in Emilia’s ear and he watched Vigilante press kiss his way down your chest.
“Shut it, Smith. Do not tell anyone else about this? Got it?” Emilia grumbled out, turning away to walk back into the office before Vigilante could tear your bra off.
Chris laughed and watched as Vigilante sucked on your breast, “Be here by nine tomorrow! Debriefing!”
Vigilante gave him a thumbs up, not even detaching himself from you, before picking you back up and throwing you into the passenger seat on his Vigilante-Mobile, and speeding off.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years ago
It Takes Two
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Pairing: Soft Dark!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings:  18+, Minors DNI. Curate your own experience. Cursing, drinking, cheating, breakups, rehab, recovery, deception, lies, celibacy, manipulation, wedding planning, semi-public explicit, rough, sex, oral sex (m receiving), degradation kink, breeding kink, choking, dubiuous con (b/c of deception). Darkish! Scott Evans. This is not proofread!
A/N: @lovebittenbyevans gave me a great idea about still dealing with Chris when commenting on The One.  I thought that the Chris in that fic could really go left and get pretty Dark and dirty. And then.... 
Anonymous asked:
Imagine Chris cheating on Y/N …
That made me think up this fic. It is a sequel to The One. I hope you like it!
You left him.
You flew to Montreal to surprise him on set, trench coat and lingerie and everything, and when you opened the door to his trailer, you saw Heidi on her knees giving Chris a blowjob.
You cussed him out, threw the ring back in his face and turned around and left. 
You blocked his number, moved out of his house and cut off all contact.  You were done.
The audacity of Chris being indignant about your warnings about Heidi when he was boning her all along.
You loved Scott, but you had to cut him off too after he tried to explain that Chris was drunk when you found him, and was going to rehab to deal with his issues. 
 It was classic celebrity bullshit and you didn’t have time for it.
You decided to center yourself, and swear off all relationships and sex. You wanted to purge your mind of all that weighed you down. 
You concluded that love, sex, and Chris Evans made you feel heavy as fuck. 
You moved to New York City. It was far enough away from Chris and your folks in Houston to give you some peace. 
You could still run your business and even think about a storefront.  It was the perfect location to live your best life, eat healthy, exercise, socialize and network. 
You fell in love with yourself, and you didn’t think much about Christopher Robert Evans at all.
Only every time you went on IG or Twitter, even though you blocked him and his hashtags.  And every time you went to Target, because his fucking movies and merchandise were everywhere. 
But you were cool, because you were doing you. You weren’t looking for love.
Of course, that’s when it found you.
Six months after you left Boston, you were at a natural beauty products expo in Brooklyn hawking your wares.  
Your business had taken off, with almost a half million dollars in sales, and you were being interviewed by a major news outlet of color when one of the correspondents caught your eye. 
You flirted, exchanged numbers and ended up going on a date. In another three months you were engaged to him.  
Kevin Watts made you feel safe, protected and loved. And he wasn’t just after sex. He was well off, and secure in himself and you.  It just felt right. 
When Kevin proposed, it was just you and him at your favorite restaurant. So romantic. 
Not like the rowdy family 4th of July party at which Chris asked you to marry him last year, in front of both your parents.
The laughter and the joy was just a little much. 
This was perfect. You didn’t miss Chris at all. You set about planning your wedding with a profound sense of peace and safety.  
You and Kevin were meant to be.
Chris was nothing without you.
Nothing but an award winning actor and producer, a multi-millionaire and founder of a major organization dedicated to bringing opposing political viewpoints together. 
All of that was cool, and it kept him going, but when he lost you, he lost his motivation.
Chris didn’t take any more roles after the sequel with Heidi, and he dumped her post haste. He did enter rehab and realized that he depended way too much on alcohol to dull his emotions. 
He got drunk off his ass when he was away from you because he missed you so much, and that led to him letting Heidi think that she could have him.
She’d had him physically, but never his heart. Or his mind. You owned those.
Chris followed your business closely, and was proud of your success. 
Of course he followed your social media on burner accounts and saw that you were doing well. 
You looked like you enjoyed being single and seemed healthy and happy.
He couldn’t ask for anything more for you.
Except to be his again. 
Chris was just biding his time for your reunion, deciding to give you a year before he made his move. 
Now he felt every emotion, and he knew that you must still love him too.
You just needed to realize that your life would be even better with him back in it.
The year apart would be just punishment for what he’d done to you, and when you came back together, it would be better than before.
Everyone speculated on his bachelorhood, wondering if he would settle down, speculating and gossiping about who he was with, but he just played coy and kept quiet.
No one would know that he was yours and yours alone, and that you were still his.  
You just didn’t know it.
But you weren’t going along with the plan that you didn’t know about. 
About seven months into his self-imposed purgatory, a complication started popping up on Chris’s feed. 
And a couple of months after that, a post of a proposal, in a restaurant.
The asshole probably didn’t even ask or involve your folks.  Chris was in a rage for a week. 
He almost started drinking again, but as he got ready to drive to the liquor store, Kevin’s face flashed on his screen doing a report on the election.
Instead of making him even more angry, he smiled, elated at the thought that came to him.
Chris had a new plan, and it was going to be even better than before.
The last three months had been a whirlwind, and you never thought it would turn out this way.  
You were planning your wedding with your mother, discussing the seating at the reception, and you deciding where Chris Evans and his date would sit.
What a time to be alive.
Your mother only let it slip a couple of times that you should be marrying Chris, but for the most part, she kept it cute.
You explained to her that everything was squashed between you and Chris, and that he and Kevin had a great relationship, were friends, even.  
They’d bonded over politics when Kevin interviewed him, and became buds before Chris even realized that you and he were together.
Kevin knew, but he wasn’t the jealous type, and he didn’t want to make things awkward. Surprisingly, Kevin insisted that he be at the wedding. 
You thought about it and decided it would be the ultimate closure for Chris to watch you marry someone else. 
You were pleasantly surprised at Chris. He was handling this very well. He never tried to contact you, and according to Kevin, never even mentioned you. That was growth. 
Maybe you too could be friends. 
You felt good about it. So much so that you unblocked him and started a dialogue.
Chris saw your number come across his apple watch and he practically did a dance. It was 9:24 pm.  He picked up his phone and stared at the word, forcing himself to wait and not respond.  He went to work out.
47 minutes later, he responded.
This time, he sat and waited for your response, which came 7 minutes later. 
I just wanted to say, I appreciate the way you're handling this.
Chris bit his lip, imagining you sitting there, thinking of what to say and staring down at your phone.
I’m sorry, I don't know who this is. You may have reached a wrong number?
He grinned at the play. 
Your heart dropped. Did he no longer have your contact?  
Why would he do that?
You don’t know why you felt some kinda way; you’d blocked him. 
Maybe he had changed his number and this was no longer his. Your heart was beating fast when you texted back.
Is this Chris?  This is Y/N.  I was just texting about Kevin Watts.
You anxiously watched the thought bubbles on imessage.
Even though you’d texted back almost immediately, Chris kept you hanging for just a couple of minutes. His dick was hard at the thought of communicating with you. 
Fuck, you were such an aphrodesiac.
Oh shit! Y/N I’m sorry.  I got a new phone.. You know how it is…
He knew you wouldn’t believe that. That’s why he said it.
You just stared at the phone. That was bullshit. You can easily port your contacts into a new phone.  You just never believed that Chris would really move on.  And you didn’t know why. 
You had.
You took a deep breath and continued.
Lol, No worries!  Just wanna say thank you for being cool with my Boo. I’m gonna turn in now. Check you later.
You tried to keep it light.
Chris ignored the ‘my Boo’ comment and focused on the thought of you in bed. 
You usually slept in a tank top or t-shirt and panties, and the top would invariably come off because you got hot. 
And then things would invariably get hotter if he was in bed with you….
Cool! Sweet dreams. Check you later. 😉
Chris made sure to exit your message thread and come back so that you wouldn’t see the thought bubbles that he saw when you kept staring at the text.
You  were lost in the times that Chris always used to say that to you, and when he whispered “Sweet Dreams” in your ear when he was far away, you always had wet dreams about him. 
And that wink. 
How could a fucking yellow emoji turn you the fuck on?
You reached for your bullet vibrator as you continued to stare at the interaction.
Chis had already started stroking himself when you told him you were going to bed. 
Knowing that you were thinking exactly what he wanted you to got him close, and he didn’t even have to pull up your old videos to get off. 
Not tonight.
Over the next few weeks. you’d texted a few times, Chris ‘made amends’ and you accepted his apology. 
Then, you started texting more regularly, mainly joking around about sports, your Celtics/Rockets rivalry ever raging. 
From your perspective, Chris was always appropriate and respected your relationship with Kevin.  You were glad because you’d missed your friendship with him.
You felt giddy that your life was working out so well, and you traveled to your weekend getaway in the mountains for your bridal shower with a light heart.
Chris attended Kevin’s bachelor festivities with only a week to go until the wedding.
From Chris’s perspective, things were working out better than he’d hoped. 
Scoring an invite to the wedding was more than he’d imagined, and Kevin inviting him out to his Bachelor party was just icing on the cake.  
Maybe he could make Kevin slip up enough so that you would dump him before the wedding. Chris was hopeful.
If not, Plan B was the nuclear option. 
Kevin was following the stripper’s ass like a puppy. He was lit on booze and pills (that Chris provided) and his guard was down.
Kevin considered Chris a friend. 
Chris just wanted to keep Kevin close because he was the enemy.
They were talking about you.
“She’s so fucking innocent. A sweeter angel there never was. I’ll have to teach her how to fuck.”
Chris almost choked on his water.
“I'm sorry. What now?”
Kevin just barreled on, ignoring the question.
“That's how I know I need to wife her.” He was talking to Chris, but still staring at the stripper.
“She would never chase the D. Hell, she won’t even touch mine. You know, her being celibate and all.”
Chris raised his eyebrow and smiled, which Kevin never noticed. Chris shook his head at your antics.  His little beautiful love.
“That’s why I was never pressed that you are her ex. I mean, I’m impressed you were with her as long as you were.”  
Chris just smiled and nodded, curious as to where this was leading.
“A man like you don’t have to put up with that. You must have punani lined up for days, bro.”
Chris’s heart lept. This dullard did not have access to your pussy. HIS pussy.  Never has.
Chris could fuck a lot of people a million ways from Sunday with one text. Except for you. And you were all that mattered. 
“I don’t know about all that.” Chris put on his best, ‘aw shucks’ act.
Chris was over the moon. You were still his. In every way.
Kevin kept tipping the stripper and was trying to call her over. He asked her about a private lap dance.  Chris’s eyes lit up. This asshole was making it too easy.
The stripper nodded and went back to finish up her set.  Chris walked over to the bar.
“Aye!” Chris summoned tha bartender over. 
“What can I get you, Sir.” 
“I don’t need a drink.  I wanna take care of my friend over there. He’s gonna have a lap dance with Star. It’s his bachelor party.  I need it to be extra special.”  
Chris started peeling off hundreds so the barkeep could see. 
“And I need him to have some keepsakes, so he’ll remember it always.” 
More hundreds came off. The bartender’s eyes got bigger and bigger. “That’s no problem.”
Chris flashed his famous smile.  
“Great, let me tell you where to send them. Wanna make them a wedding present.” He wrote down an address on a napkin. 
He was now on Plan C. And it was perfect.
A week later and the rehearsal at the church was more fun than you thought it would be.  You weren’t allowed to participate, just watch, as the result of an old wives tale.
The church secretary found you in the pews. She handed you a manila envelope.
“This was mailed here yesterday, probably an invoice of something for the wedding, I put it aside for you, sweetie.”
You smiled back at her and tucked it into your purse, not wanting to distract yourself with more wedding bills. 
Later, when you and Kevin were in the back of the car to the restaurant for the Rehearsal Dinner, you pulled it out and opened it. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
You threw the pictures of him fucking a stripper in his face, startling him out of staring at his phone.
He picked one up, his mouth dropped open and started talking. 
“Look, Baby, Baby! I can explain!...”
Kevin was on his knees in the back of the suburban. 
“Listen to me.. Listen.  I’m a man. I have needs…”
“Kevin, I swear to god….”
“Okay, okay… I admit it…”
You listened to him and your heart went silent.  You couldn’t even absorb what he said.
When you pulled up to the restaurant, you straightened your dress and looked at him coolly.
���I am NOT going to deal with this tonight. Tonight was supposed to be a fun celebration of our wedding. I will decide later if it's still going to happen.”
Kevin was terrified.
“Right now, you and I will go into this place, greet our friends arm in arm and pretend that you are not a fucking narcissitic asshole who just ripped my heart to shreds. Got it?”
“Yes, but I-”
“Do NOT speak to me unless I speak to you first. Or it's automatically off.”
Kevin just nodded and cleared his throat.
You raised your chin and said, “Let’s go.”
Two hours later, dinner was over, and you were lit on your way to TURNT.
Chris observed you, from the moment you entered holding hands with Kevin to the second you dropped his hand in disgust, to the way you held yourself away from him at dinner, but then put on a sweet face when everyone spoke, to Kevin, who was an absolute mess.
He figured you got the pictures. He suppressed the glee that was coursing through him.
But he couldn’t figure out why you were still going on with the charade.
Chris didn’t make a beeline for you like he wanted to, he just let the natural flow of the party lead you to him.  He was talking to your cousin when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around.
“Hey you.”  
You cocked your head at him in that way and looked up at him, your smile brightening your face.  Damn, he had to plant his feet. You smiling at him like that made him feel faint.
You both heard your cousin say something, but you didn’t pay attention, caught up in your own orbit.
Chris crossed his arms, and you swore that he was recalling the time when you told him your forearms made you horny. Fuck. Chris made you wet and you were fresh out of fucks tonight.
“So, I can’t have a hug?”  
Chris shook his head at your line and opened his arms to embrace you, keeping a respectable pressure and distance until you hugged him tight and pressed close.  
He couldn’t help but pick you up, but he put you down immediately, cleared his throat and backed up, looking uncomfortable.
That wouldn’t do. You wanted more of his scent, his warmth, his HIM. You pouted unconsciously in your buzzed state.
Chris’s cock stirred.  That fucking mouth had haunted his dreams for almost a year. He was pleased that you were flirting, but he had to work the plan.  Couldn’t go too fast.
“You look… great.  I can’t wait to see you tomorrow in your wedding dress. You will be a beautiful bride.”  
Chris broke his voice in just the right place to convey a wistfulness, making you think that he thought he lost you.
You felt bad.  Chris was so sweet.  You thought about him and you thought about Kevin. 
What was the difference between what Chris did and what Kevin did?  
And who did you have more chemistry with? Chris.  
Why were you even marrying Kevin?
You looked over at him looking at you and Chris like a lost dog.
You had no idea why you were marrying him.
“You look… Like Chris fucking Evans.” You two laughed.  
“I bet you’re fighting them off with a stick.”  You sideyed him.
Chris reveled in your interest in his sex life.
“Well, you know. After rehab, I’ve laid off the... physical part of my life. It only brought chaos, you know. I’m trying to be more… zen. Haven’t really had… that  for the better part of a year.”
He watched your eyes get big.  
“Word?”  You smirked. “So you…”
Chris held up his hand.  The one you knew he jacked off with.  You grabbed it and started drawing on his palm.  Chis pulled it back and cleared his throat again. 
You pouted again. Him being hard to get made you wet.
And Chris knew that.
“So… you ready to marry the love of your life?”
 Chris’s sea blues looked you deep into your cocoa browns. You were transported back in time.
 Then you snapped out of it.  
“I mean… the church is set up, the dress is bought, everyone’s here. I guess so.”
Chris laughed as if you were telling a joke.  
“I miss your sense of humor.”
You all made small talk and you caught up a little before you asked what you wanted to know.
“So what are you up to tonight?”
Chris looked at his watch.
“I’m actually about to go to my condo an turn in. I get up early to work out.” He felt your eyes sweep up and down his body, and he flexed even though he was fully dressed. It was true. Working out was a regimen. He wanted you drooling for him. 
“It’s the Marvel condo in Brooklyn?”
You nodded, remembering good times.
“So you have a car picking you up?”  Your mind was whirring.
“I actually have a rental.” 
You gulped your drink down, not daring to look in his eyes. Now, not only was your pussy wet, your nipples were hard as hell. 
“It’s in the parking garage down the block.”
“Well, I need to clear my head. I’ll walk you there, and you can drop me back?”
Chris looked down at your cute face, and then around the room, spotted Kevin and gave him a nod.
“You sure that’s a good idea?”  
You looked at Kevin, too.  You wanted to stick your tongue out, but you just took Chris by the arm and headed toward the door.
“I’m a big girl. Nobody owns me.” 
You looked up into Chris’s eyes and instantly regretted that statement. You played it off and pulled him through the door.
You didn’t talk at all the entire way, both of your heads deep in the clouds of you and him.  The chemistry was crackling the air between you.
You held on to his arm, and he let you, reveling in your touch.
When you reached the parking garage, Chris pressed the button with his knuckle and you got in, headed for the top deck.
You just stared at each other, both thinking the same thing. Chris chuckled.
“You’re dangerous, night before your wedding, you probably have cold feet, I’m here. Maybe you want to be sure that you’re sure…”
You cocked your head. “Who said I wanted to fuck you, Chris Evans?”
Chris cocked his head too, mirroring you.  “Who said ‘fuck?’ I was thinking you wanted to talk.”
He smirked and you scowled as the door opened.
Chris left you in the elevator stewing as he walked over to the black Tesla he’d rented. There was no other car on the deck.
You scoffed, and followed him out.
He was about to walk around to the driver's side door when you grabbed his arm before he made it. He stopped directly in front of the car.
“Do you mean to tell me that you don’t want me?”  You were hot, in more ways than one.
Chris leaned back against the hood.
“That’s not what we’re talking about, y/n. You’re getting married tomorrow. To someone else.”
You smiled and reached up, fingers grazing his neck and playing with the hair at his nape. You ran your fingers through his beard.  Kevin’s couldn’t compare.
“That’s tomorrow. Tonight I’m single as fuck.” 
You stood on your tip toes and brushed your lips against his, reveling in the moan that came from his throat.
Chris fought to control his urge and continued with his act. His fingers tightened around your waist and you thought this was it.  He turned you around in front of the car and then let you go, stepping back to pace back and forth.
“What? What is this? You’ve had almost a year. Kevin’s my friend. What do you want from me?”  
He advanced on you, and you had to remember to breathe.  He knew what you wanted.
“You. I want you, Chris.”
Chris attacked your lips with his own.  He took two seconds to savor them before he ravaged your mouth with his tongue.  You moaned and he broke from your mouth to re-discover your face, your neck, your cleavage.  He had to control himself not to rip the bodice of your blush pink chiffon dress.
He had a raging hard on, which you were feeling up, remembering how you always struggled to take him.  You wanted him to hurt you with it now.
“Give me this Chris… please…”
You were reaching into his pants, thumb caressing his wet, thick tip. He was leaking for you.
“Remember when you told me that I would meet you in a parking lot, and let you fuck me over the hood of your rental car? Even if I was with someone else?”  
You pulled your hand out and started sucking your thumb, closing your eyes at the taste of Chris after so long.  You pulled it out with a pop.  
“You were so right.”
Chris practically growled, grabbed your arm and spun you, pushing your back until your chest hit the hood of the Model X.  He leaned over you, pushing his covered crotch into the back of your dress, you moaned, wanting more.  His mouth was at your ear.
“Oh, so you want to be my cock whore on the eve of your wedding to someone else.”  You moaned because it was true.
“It’s been so long, Chris…”
He reached down in between you and flipped the flouncy skirt of your dress up, exposing you to the wind of New York City.  He looked at it for a minute, your ass always his favorite.
He caressed it with both hands, pressing into you with his thumbs.  
“So you want me to feel you up?”  He pulled his hand back and sucked one of them, practically jumping for joy when he tasted you. 
“You want me to pull your panties to the side….” and he did so, seeing your slick shine in the moonlight, and playing in it for a minute, tracing your lips and making you quiver around nothing.
The way you were moaning his name was everything right now.
Your face was pressed against the cool metal of the car, and it was the only thing tying you to the earth.
“Oh yes, Chris…. Please please yesss...fuck me… damn...stretch me out…”
Chris’s dick pulsed and he needed you around him. He moved close again and unzipped his pants, the sound making your knees weak.
He teased your cunt with his tip, collecting your arousal and smearing it not only around your pussy, but around your asshole.
“I know you’ve fucked him, but have you let him have your ass?  Am I still the only one…?”
Chris was still playing the game. 
“No, no, no… I haven’t let him… I haven’t given him anything. I’ve been celibate, too.  It’s still yours Chris. All of me is still yours.”
Chris almost came just hearing you say it out loud. He already knew, but hearing you say it was the shit.
He pushed into you with a grunt, and it was difficult.  He didn’t make it. Your cunt squeezed him out.
“Ffffuck, y/n. You’re practically closed down.  Is it true?”  
He started rocking his tip into your pussy slowly, both regretting and reveling in the fact that he didn’t stretch you out with his fingers beforehand.  Then he decided that he wanted you to feel this fully.
You couldn’t answer, only responding with moans has he painfully breached you. You welcomed it, though.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah… yes Chris.  Only you.. Since you and I….”  Talking about it and the fact that you were taking him again made you wetter, and eased Chris’s way, although your pussy was already stinging with his girth. Your eyes rolled back in your head.
You would never get over this and were so grateful for the feeling again.  
Chris watched you and had to grit his teeth to hold back from the reality that he was taking you again. 
He leaned over you, hot breath huffing in your ear, puffing and groaning as he fucked you slowly.  He was trying to feel every sensation. He wanted you to know that each and every millimeter of your glorious wet, tight pussy was his.
‘Ohhhh. Fuck Chris… YESSSS!”  Your voice echoed off the concrete walls, and Chris wanted you louder.
“This what you wanted?  You wanted your thick cock inside you again. Hunh?  You wanted me to stretch your walls and fuck you raw, hunh?”  He started speeding up in time with your moans.
“Such a fucking filthy cockslut for me, baby.”  Chris grabbed your neck from the back. “Why didn’t you let Kevin hit, hunh?”  
You didn’t answer, you just moaned and Chris smacked your ass, hard.
“Chris! Fuck!”  
You screamed. You missed his ruthlessness when you fucked, you missed him making sure that you knew that he knew that you knew. You belonged to him. 
“I know why.” 
Chris stopped fucking you and pressed down harder on your back, reaching around to find your clit.  He swirled around it once, then started to press down slowly. 
“Because you would never beg him for that subpar dick that he has. You’re MY whore. You belong to me.”
He pressed down roughly, and you detonated around his dick.  He didn’t have to move.  Chris pulled out, leaving you cold and bereft.
You turned around and leaned up against the hood, panting and still desperate for him.  He stood there in front of you, dick sticking out of his pants, which were ruined, and still rock hard and ready. He was in a quiet rage.
“Why did you leave me?” 
You searched his face.  He sounded like he was about to cry.  You couldn’t quite see his entire face, but his eyes shone, bright with liquid.  You went toward him.
“You hurt me Chris.  I couldn’t stay. But let me take care of you now.”
You got on your knees in front of him, the hard concrete of the parking structure digging into your knees.  
Again, you welcomed the physical pain, distracting you from what you were doing to Kevin, to Chris, and to yourself.
Chris felt like he could fly.  You on your knees for him again was a dream. 
He took his cock in his hand, stroking it, while moving close to you. In no time, the back of your head was in his palm, and you opened wide to accept him, hand coming up to stroke what you couldn’t fit.
“Ah, ah. Let me.”  
You looked up at him to see an evil grin shine down on you. 
Chris looked down on an angel trying to swallow him whole. He brushed the tears away from your eyes as you struggled to breathe. You were perfection.
Moaning around him, you relaxed your mouth and throat and let him use you.  It was difficult, because you were out of practice, but you welcomed the letting go of all thought. 
You dripped down your thighs as Chris pumped into you, ready to accept what he had to give. 
After a few minutes, he stopped, and pulled out, grabbing you up to your feet. 
Then he bent down and grabbed you by the back of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing him and trying to grind down on his still-erect cock as he backed you to the car.
Your ass hit the hood, and Chris reached between you to first tear your panties off. He put them in his pocket as he swiped his dick up and down your dripping wet folds.  
He looked back up to watch your face as he pushed inside you, now, an easier path to nirvana.
He pulsed as he watched the pleasure take over your face, with your mouth slack and your eyes glassed over. This was his main purpose in life and he almost lost it.
He brought his hand up to bring you closer, breathed into your mouth as he squeezed your throat. You were high instantly, and clamped down on his cock as your body was wracked with waves of pleasure.
Chris let your body descend back down to the car as he pumped his seed into you, his mind fantasizing that he was impregnating you. 
He shook your body as the last ropes of cum spurted out of him. He ran his hand down your body as he pulled out, zipping up his pants as you came back to your senses on the hood of the car.
You stared at the stars as you realized what you had done.  You sat up and adjusted your dress, gingerly climbing back down to the ground.  
Chris kissed you on the forehead, and this time you let him get into the driver’s seat. You got in the passenger side and Chris reached into the glovebox and handed you some wet wipes.
“Fix your face. And your knees.” 
He nodded down to your legs, which were dirty from the parking structure floor.  He watched you wipe your knees off, but stopped you as you went higher.
“No. I want you to feel me all night long.”  
You wanted to be a brat, but you didn’t feel like sass right about now. You felt kinda terrible.
You got another wet wipe and fixed your makeup as best you could as Chris drove you back to the restaurant.
“Chris, I…”
“I know.  None of that meant that we’re back together.  That was for some kind of something, I dunno, something Kevin might have done?” 
You looked down, ashamed. Chris lifted your chin up with his hand.
“I want you to come to me on your own.  You’ve gotten that out of your system, and I’m glad to be of service.”  You looked up into his eyes and at his wry smile.
“But remember, you still have a choice. I’m here if you choose me.”  
He leaned over and gave you a tender kiss in front of the restaurant.
You smiled at him and climbed out of the car, watching as he drove off.
Chris’s heart was beating out of his chest as he watched you turn and go back inside. He fought the urge to turn around. It was better this way.
You walked in the restaurant, and pulled Kevin over to the side of the restaurant in dark alcove. 
“Listen. Do you still want to marry me?”
He looked you up and down, taking in your state, from the faint marks on your neck to your scuffed knees.  He knew exactly what was up.
You raised an eyebrow at him.  
Three hours later, a sleepy Chris answered the doorbell in Brooklyn.
He smiled at you, in the Captain America t-shirt and jeans that you’d stolen from him after a photoshoot, looking like his favorite Disney princess. You.
You took him in, clad in grey sweatpants that hung off his magnificently cut body.  He blinked at you sleepily.
“The wedding is off. Chris, I….”
He reached out and grabbed you, pulling you in the brownstone and shutting the door behind you.  He had you pinned up against the wall as you tried to speak.
“Shut up and let me taste you.”  
You grinned and wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you upstairs.
The next morning, Chris was on the phone with Scott.
“Yes, tell the workers at the warehouse to dump all the products….I don’t care, the river, the landfill…. Y/N can’t find out that I bought up all her stock…. We’re going to be married..... I know what the fuck I’m doing Scott. We leave for Aruba this afternoon. Listen, I’ll call you later.”
Chris hung up and turned to find you in the doorway, frowning and rubbing your eyes.  
“We’re going to Aruba?”  
You smiled and yawned, sleepily stretching.  That was all that you’d heard of the conversation.
Chris gave you his stunner smile.  
“Yes. It was going to be a surprise.” 
He reached down and swung you up in his arms, carrying you into the bathroom bridal style.
“Now let’s get in the shower.  You’ve been very naughty, gotta get you clean for your wedding day.”
You giggled as you relaxed in Chris’s arms. “It takes two to be naughty, Chris.”
He winked at you as he turned on the shower. “Don’t I know it.”
I know it’s different. Let me know if you like it. Like, comment, reblog! 
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leah-bobeea · 4 years ago
Magazine Girl; Steve Rogers
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You ever start writing a fic about a journalist reader at two am who’s eventually gonna end up doing steeb, over his desk, biting down on his expensive leather belt?
❀ ❀ ❀
Warnings: CEO!Steve x Journalist!Reader, Angst, Steve’s a little mean, Bossy Steve, Shy/Anxious reader, Dom!steve, mentions spanking, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, coercion (a little teensy bit), Bad writing lol
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Terrible writing w/ a terribly rushed ending. Written on my phone, in my notes app, not beta read, and barely proofread.
❀ ❀ ❀
Yes, your hands were busy. Not busy typing out a rough draft of this stupid article on Steve Rogers, not busy calling his secretary to set up a meeting with the man, or the closest to him you could get, not busy doing their job at all. They were busy tapping your pen against the glass tabletop of your desk, successfully annoying Wanda, who sent you an aggravated look from across the room.
“Seriously, Y/n?” Wanda moved from where she was at her desk, clearly not making a breakthrough on her article for this month's issue either. You could only shake your head in reply. Throwing your head back to stare at the ceiling, you starting explaining. “Maria gave me this huge article, Wanda. Cover! And, trust me, I know she’s testing me and doesn’t think I’ll actually be able to do it so she can fire me, or belittle me, or- or something! I don’t know what to do, help me, bestie.” As you finished rambling you looked up at her with your best puppy dog eyes, hoping for some of that amazing advice she gives.
Wanda laughed and pulled a chair over from an empty desk, sitting down and haphazardly throwing her feet on top of your cluttered tabletop. “She wouldn’t give you an article you couldn’t handle, she loves you, Y/n. If it’s truly as difficult as you’re making it out as that means that she knows you’re ready for it, and you’ll do amazing. Who’s it on anyway?”
She was doing such a good job at easing your nerves until she brought up the topic. You whined high in your throat and threw your head to the side before uttering, “Steven Rogers,” you turned your body back to Wanda, “What more do I need to say?” Her eyes widened just a little. “Sheesh...I’d start making phone calls, and praying, maybe?”
❀ ❀ ❀
“Hello, Miss. Carter, um- this is Y/n L/n with Shield Mag-“ “Please hold, dear.”
You pulled the phone away from your head and let it rest on your naked thigh, quickly pressing the speaker button. It was times like this when you were grateful that you let your grandma convince you to buy a house phone. Peggy Carter was the fifth person you’d contacted trying to get an interview with this man and she was the second lady that humored you enough to at least pretend like she’d get back to you.
She’s his main assistant so you might have better luck this time...
Thirty minutes later you had your head inches off the ground and your toes wiggling in the air. Humming the annoying hold music to yourself, you braided, unbraided, and re-braided a single strand of your hair. At thirty-nine minutes you were ready to give up until you heard a click on the other line.
You scrambled to turn off the speaker and press the phone back to your ear.
“Miss. Carter I was hoping to set up an interview with Mr. Rogers, over the phone, in person, or through email, if that’s possible?” You asked, hopeful that she wouldn’t shoot you down immediately like everyone else.
“Well, Magazine Girl, I only do in person. But I am a very busy man, so I need to know right away, what’s in it for me?” Your breath hitched and you almost fell and cracked your head open from how startled hearing his voice made you. Then, you nearly gave yourself a head rush from how fast you sat up.
“Well, um, Sir, you would get a headlining article, and uh, a cover on the June issue of Shield Magazine. That’s um, that’s if you want a cover- you don’t have to be on the cover if you don’t want to, just the interview would be mentioned on the cover, but-“ His chuckle was gritty and vivid, effective in stopping your babble. “I’ll see you Friday around noon. Goodbye Magazine Girl.” He hung up on you before you could even comprehend anything but that captivating laugh.
You rubbed at your eyes and grabbed your planner and pen. “Friday at noon...”
❀ ❀ ❀
The next day you were back in the office, sitting in Wanda’s stiff chair with twin caramel lattes sitting in front of you. That was the thing about you, you’d come to work early bearing gifts just to tell your closest friend your good news. You’re sweet like that.
When Wanda arrived it was fifteen minutes later and your latte was halfway gone. Hearing her black stilettos click on the glossy linoleum made you perk up immediately. As she approached, you stood, handing her the latte and wrapping your arms around her lithe body.
“I got an interview!” You squealed, rocking your bodies side to side. She stilled you and smiled. “Gosh, that’s great, Y/n. How’d you get it?”
“Well, I called, like everyone, and he picked up, Wanda! he picked up! I’m scheduled for Friday, and my Lord, Wanda, his laugh, it's like honey...” You trailed off, sighing at the thought of him. Your head was rested on her shoulder, a faint smile on your face. “You’ve got a crush on him!” Wanda exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders and holding you an arm's length away to get a good look at your bashful face.
You gasped, “No I do not! That would be totally unprofessional!” The cackle that erupted from her made her sound like the wicked witch of the west. And honestly, under her stare, you felt like Dorothy stuck under that house.
When Wanda was finally done laughing maliciously she let you go, plopping down in her desk chair and sipping her latte. She pointed over and your desk and gave you a look. “Better start drafting those questions... we wouldn’t want you to blank on your crush.” “Wanda!”
❀ ❀ ❀
The days leading up to Friday were excruciatingly long, yet the hours until twelve flew past all too quickly.
It seemed as if your wardrobe was never ending, full of clothes that you deemed inappropriate for a meeting with the CEO of American Enterprises. You threw yourself back onto the bed, hair and makeup done but body still wrapped in a fluffy white towel. “Oh Milky, what am I gonna wear?” The soft white kitty glared at you from the pillow she was perched on, meowing at you aggressively.
Ten thirty blinked on the clock and you sat up, glancing at all of the clothes that were scattered on the floor. “I guess this will do.” You picked up the same emerald blazer you had chosen originally and layered it over some basic Levi’s, and gray low cut blouse flowing over your form. A belt was necessary, so you grazed over your options. Brown wouldn’t go, even though it was your only fancy belt. The only black one you had was old, the leather cracked and worn, but it had to do. You slipped on some pretty black heels, lucky that you painted your toes a similar color to your blouse. After accessorizing you sprayed your signature perfume, the one that got you your first college-aged boyfriend, and the same one that you were wearing when you got your first real job.
By the time you were on the Metro, it was eleven o’ six, and you were worried. If you were late you’d lose this chance, and probably your job. The car stopped around eleven fifteen, giving you fifteen minutes to make your way to the building, check-in, and try to not seem so nervous.
Finding the building wasn’t difficult at all, after all, it is the second biggest building in New York City, competing with Stark Tower. The “A” at the top wasn’t illuminated, but it still stood out against the other buildings, cowering over them.
You found that the doors were heavy and if you denied Wanda of going to those burn boot camps you would have extreme difficulty prying them open. The inside was classy, just as you expected. The lamps had blue shades and the front desk lit up with a design that resembled the American Flag, but with less curved stripes and only one large star.
The receptionist was one of the women who shot you down immediately when you called and was a little surprised when you checked in. “Hello, I’m here for Mr. Rogers, twelve o’clock?” She searched for something on her computer, clearly trying to see if the appointment was legitimate. When you were proven correct, she handed you a temporary security badge and a sharpie to write your name on it. “Have a seat over there when you’re finished. I’ll call for you when Mr. Rogers is ready for you.” She smiled, it was fake, but it helped you feel more comfortable.
The red couch was stiff and small, clearly not meant for long periods of sitting. The badge was clipped onto your blouse, not your blazer, and the weight of it was pulling at the already low cut neckline. You thought about moving it, but your attention was quickly turned to the coffee table, where your magazine sat, opened to an article you wrote. Your hands were a little shaky as you went to close the magazine, but you were interrupted before you could grasp the bent pages.
“Miss. Y/n? Mr. Rogers is ready for your interview. Head up to floor thirty six, the door on the right.” Miss receptionist sounded bored, her eyes never left the monitor in front of her. “Thanks.”
Some of the others in the waiting area looked up to you after hearing where you were going, causing you to blush.
You felt lucky to get the elevator to yourself. Thirty-six floors is a long way to go, yet you got there in under three. In the elevator you adjusted your outfit and flattened your hair, hoping it wasn’t frizzy.
The door on the right was clearly not just a meeting room but an office, which you thought was odd. You also found it odd that no one was in the room, you expected to at least be met with his assistant or secretary, if not Steve himself.
Your eyes scanned the room to make sure it was completely empty before taking a seat on the leather chair on the opposite side of the big desk. You opened your notebook and got out your lucky rooster pen before going over your questions once again, hoping he didn’t think they were stupid.
You waited fifteen minutes for him, growing increasingly irked as the minutes built up. When he walked through the door you felt like your heart stopped.
Six-four build covered in a black suit and tie, white undershirt pristine. Blonde hair disheveled and a perfectly manicured beard. The door slammed shut and you heard the clinking sound of a glass being set down. Steve lifted his head and you snapped yours to the front, hoping he didn’t catch you checking him out.
The room was silent besides a rustling coming from behind you. You busied yourself with your notebook, highlighting the questions you wanted to ask most.
“You’re a very patient girl.” He observed. Steve made you wait on purpose. He knew from the first person you called that you wanted an interview, he was friends with Maria Hill after all. But he wanted some entertainment, and after looking into you, he knew you were the right girl. So far he’s made you wait an hour and fourteen minutes for just a smidge of his attention.
“Yes, Sir.” You mumbled, accidentally stopping the highlighter too soon, pressing it down, and letting the pink ink bleed to the next page. He hummed in approval as he rounded the corner, drink in his hand, coat jacket discarded, sleeves rolled up, first couple buttons loose. Finally, Steve sat in the big chair, keeping eye contact with you as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the mahogany table.
“Give me that.” Your eyebrows furrowed at his statement, “What?” You asked, putting your pen down on your lap. Steve motioned for your notebook, and you opened your mouth, starting to stumble over your words. “Oh? um- Okay?” You handed it over to him and he relaxed back into his chair. A question bubbled in your throat, but you didn’t let it escape. Instead, you watched as his eyes scanned the papers, blue cursive, and pink highlighter, little stars and flowers drawn in the corners. “Mr. Rogers, are you ready to start the interview?” You tapped your watch, twelve twenty four.
He nodded, “Yes, I’m ready.” You cleared your throat and went to ask for your notebook, but he beat you to it. “Miss. L/n, is there an achievement or something that you’ve contributed to me that you are most proud of?” Why was he asking you your own questions? “Sir, I-“ He cut you off once again. “Answer the question, doll.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “I- um, no. I haven’t contributed anything to you that I should be proud of, Sir.”
“Is there a particular moment or memory of building this relationship that stands out to you?” He continued with the questions, tilting his head to the side. Why was he twisting the questions onto you? When you didn’t come up with an answer he chuckled, sounding sickly sweet like molasses dripping straight from the sugarcane. “Patience finally wearing thin, honey?” You nodded eyes staring at his chest, you couldn’t quite muster up the courage to look him in the eye.
He snapped your notebook closed and slid it towards your side of the grand desk. “You couldn’t answer my questions correctly, Y/n.” You nodded, eyes now downcast, admiring the pattern on the blue carpet. You felt like you were going to cry. This big scary man was mean and just wouldn’t let you conduct your interview and you didn’t know why. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“I know you are, doll. But, if you can’t answer my questions how can I answer yours? You have nothing to offer me.” This was it, you were losing your chance. “Business wise, that is.” Your head shook, and your hands were clasped together, your left thumb rubbing your right nail back and forth. “I don’t understand, Sir.”
“I’m friends with Maria, Y/n. If you’re able to get this article done and get me on the cover you’re gonna get a promotion, you want that, right doll?” Your eyes went wide, “Yes, Sir.” Now, he stood, coming around to the front where you are and leaning against the desk. “She said to make it difficult, but I don’t care enough to do all that. So, doll, I’ll answer your questions. They’re quite good actually. And I’ll do a little photoshoot for the cover, but you’ll need to pay me back.” You gulped, hands suddenly sweaty, you felt like a little chihuahua, trembling under his gaze.
“How? Um, how do I pay you?” Gosh, even your voice was shaky. “Stand up. Lose the blazer.” Steve commanded, slowly unbuckling his belt. You could faintly tell from the buckle that it was Hermès. You stood and took off your blazer in a rush, folding it poorly and setting it on the arm of the chair. “Atta girl.”
He placed his hands on your shoulders and then ran them down to your hands, giving them a little squeeze before he hooked his index fingers into your belt loops, pulling you closer. So close that the tips of your shoes were touching. He leaned down to kiss your neck and you stiffened, but when he grazed his teeth over the bruised spot he just created you melted into him, your hands grasping at the pristine white button up, letting out a little whimper.
Steve pushed you back a little and took in your form, then he pulled the little security badge off, tossing it to the side. Like a little kid, he pulled at the neckline of your shirt. “Off.” You would’ve giggled at him if he didn’t look so scary right now. His blue eyes were piercing into yours, left hand so tight on your hip you thought he might leave bruises.
By the time your shirt hit the floor, he was pushing at your shoulders, hinting at you to go to your knees. “Sir, I don’t know-“
You started, knees hitting the carpet underneath you. He shushed you and guided your head to look up at him. “It's okay, baby, you don’t have to know how. I’ll do all the work, doll. Now, undo your bra.” As expected you did as he asked immediately, fumbling with the clasp until it fell down your arms. It ended up next to your thigh as you watched him pull his belt through the loops.
Steve walked around you and kneeled down, belt in his hands. “Put your hands behind your back.” You nodded immediately, so submissive, completely at his mercy. “Yes, Sir.” Steve loved how polite you were. He made quick work of restraining you, tying your hands to rest against your jean clad ass. The metal felt harsh against your skin and the soft, expensive leather snaked up your arms.
When he was back in front of you he sighed and shook his head. “I should’ve had you unzip me first.” Hearing Steve say that finally brought you to the reality of what was about to happen. You watched with big eyes as he undid the button and then the zipper, the sound making you tremble. His dress pants puddled on the floor and you were in awe as he massaged his bulge through his boxers. Slowly, he pulled them down to the middle of his thighs. His cock bounced up to hit his abdomen and he hissed as he stroked it a few times. “Open as wide as you can, honey.”
As always, you did as asked. Your tongue stuck out a little, wetting your bottom lip. He grasped the back of your head and leaned you forward a little, then you felt his blunt tip on your tongue. You gagged and spluttered when Steve was about halfway seated, he pulled out and leaned down, kissing you sloppily. “Breathe through your nose, baby. Don’t forget.” Then he was back at slowly entering your throat. “Fuck...” he grunted, finally fully seated in your throat, your nose pressed against his nicely groomed pubic hair. He caressed your throat then, rubbing the bulge in your throat, resisting the urge to press down and have you choke on his cock even more. “So good, Y/n.”
Steve started rocking into your throat, slowly fucking it as spit leaked from the corners of your mouth. After minutes of abusing your throat, he finally pulled out, adoring the way tears ran down your cheeks and how you hiccupped, wanting to desperately rub at your raw throat to soothe it. Your hands pulled at the belt and your eyes begged Steve to undo it. “Up, doll.”
He hoisted you up from your armpits and bent you over the desk. Steve pressed kisses down your back and reached in front of you, unbuckling your belt and throwing it somewhere to the left of you, then he unbuttoned and unzipped your pants, tugging them down with fervor.
Steve undid your restraints and left more kisses down your back until he reached your ass, spreading your cheeks to reveal your tight hole and glistening cunt. “I’d love to see this ass all bruised and red, but I’ll have to save that for another day.” His index and middle finger ran circles on your clit, your back arching to press into him more. “Sir, please!” You gasped, your hand flying out to the edge of the table and nearly knocking over the glass of whiskey he left on a coaster when Steve finally pushed two fingers into your aching hole.
“Gotta open you up first, doll, get you all sloppy and ready for my cock.” You cried out as he hooked his fingers, rubbing the magic spot inside of you. “Please, Steve, please.” He cooed at you, pulling his fingers out, and instead traced his name over your clit. “You gonna come, baby? Huh? You gonna drench my fingers, little girl?” You were moaning in wanton, hips humping his hand desperately. He brought his other hand down and started fingerfucking you again, giving you just enough to push you over the edge.
Your moans were breathy, your legs twitching, and you were panting by the time your orgasm faded. “I hope you know I’m not done with you yet, doll, I still haven’t come inside you.” That made you whine high in your throat and you tried, to no avail, to slam your legs shut around his hand.
Steve’s right hand fisted his cock a few times, making sure he’s rock hard and dripping with pre-cum, while his left kept your lips spread, showing him your gorgeous pussy. The blunt head at your entrance shocked you, and you yelped at the intrusion. “Sir!”
He leaned his head down and spit where you were joined, trying to make the glide even easier. “Shut up, doll.” He snapped after you cried out. Once he was as deep as possible inside of you he reached for his belt, looping it over as if he was going to spank you, and stuffed it into your mouth. “Bite down,” Steve demanded, a hand snaked around to the front of your neck where he was applying light pressure.
When you tried to push back against him he held your hips down against the wood steadily and started snapping his hips at a fast speed. Each thrust pushed you down onto the table, letting your clit rub against the mahogany wood.
Your vision felt spacey like you could black out any moment as he choked you. Your orgasm washed over you and you had to use all the strength you had in you to keep biting down on the belt. You didn’t want to know what would happen if you disobeyed his and let it go. Steve’s hips harshly snapped against your ass a few more times before he stilled inside of you, filling you with his spunk.
Before Steve cleaned you up and let you leave his office he had to finger his cum back inside of you, making sure none of it went to waste. Then, he made sure you had a way home, and a way to contact him, because, “Now you’re no longer Magazine Girl, but My Girl.”
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mashi-sims · 4 years ago
Ranking AHW's S5 Episodes
I know that ranting about how bad some of the episodes this season were isn’t going to change the fact that they were, in fact, bad, but I still wanted to do an overview of this season in my opinion, and I love ranking stuff, so here it goes:
Also, I should mention that, yes, this is Cooliver biased, although I did take other plotlines into consideration, but mostly Cooliver. Also, lol, I could only add 10 photos so the #13, #12 and #11 don't get one, also they don't deserve it.
Tier 1: I wish they could be un-written, please.
13. 5x12 How Oliver Got His Groove Back
I’ll start with my least favorite episode, and the one we all wish we could unsee. This is the episode where Oliver is feeling down because the girl WE, THE AUDIENCE, just realized he liked, doesn’t like him back (which is a whole other thing), so Katie gets him a date with this girl that’s never been introduced in the show before. Oliver doesn’t want to see her, but he still does, and then he realizes she’s nice, and just like that, he’s happy again. I feel like this plot would not have been that bad if it hadn’t been so out of character, unexplained, and utterly designed to be filler for the season. Worst episode from my perspective, wouldn’t watch it again, barely watched it the first time, ugh, next-
12. 5x11 The Guardian
Same thing with this one, very uneventful episode that talks nonsense, introduces the idea of Oliver liking Lindsay and thinking they’d been dating, but nobody knew about it! How convenient! And again, doesn’t progress into anything, and it just feels out of character, forced, and like they didn’t even try to hide that it was a filler episode. Wouldn’t watch it again, I don’t even think about it, I’ve erased it from my mind. The only reason why this episode is ahead of 5x12 is because of Kathryn and Anna-Kat, and JD trying to find his egg donor, other than that, still pretty ugh.
Tier 2: Did the writers really look at their script and think; “ah, well done”?!
11. 5x07 Under Pressure
I kinda enjoyed this episode even if it didn’t include any Cooliver. I liked Anna-Kat’s storyline about not feeling her popularity and sticking to Franklin, I really really love these two together! So cute! Also, Taylor helping Oliver relax and not stress out that much was nice, although not amazing. Katie and Greg’s double date that led to a city council rivalry, I don’t care for it. Overall, I don’t know if this was intended to be a filler episode, but it totally felt like one to me; a nice episode but not one I’d watch again.
10. 5x05 Kids These Days
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Eh, pretty uneventful. Katie wants Franklin and Anna-Kat to be more edgy and to take more risks, ends up in completely nothing. Oliver wants Boosterin and he accidentally drugs Greg, also ends up doing nothing for the storyline. The only thing I liked about this episode was seeing how Cooper cared about Oliver and how Oliver said “Your boy is doing both”, the Cooliver content was still good; other than that, eh. Also, the strange order in episodes this season really threw me off.
9. 5x04 Homeschool Sweet Homeschool
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Nice episode, but not one of the best. Mommy blog, Cooliver moves to the basement, Andre shows up and it’s all weird now, eh. I enjoyed this episode because of the Cooliver’s interactions more than anything, but it’s not the greatest in my opinion.
Tier 3: *Sits down on the couch with popcorn and a blanket*
8. 5x06 Mother’s Little Helper
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I also enjoyed Cooliver this episode. Although their drinking arc was pretty pointless and, again, ended up being nothing!!, I liked seeing them together, and that shaking they gave each other was funny. This is the episode where Tami was introduced, and I really liked her from the beginning, although I do wish they would’ve given Katie’s original second breakfast club some sort of closure so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about liking Tami and JD, eventually.
7. 5x02 Psych
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This episode always made me feel stupid because I never understood what was going on with Taylor, why she didn’t take her gap year, why she never told Katie and Greg that she had gotten in, or at least make something out of it, why she decided to go to another college or if Greg got her in just so she didn’t have to take a gap year, bUT THEN I realized they didn’t actually talk about it, so I’m not the stupid one, I think.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this episode. I like Katie’s storyline of getting involved in other people’s lives after she sells her lasagna business (again, did they ever talk about that or am I stupid?)
This is the episode where we can see the change in Cooliver’s dynamic (a good thing), and the iconic line “stop bothering our boyfriends” saved my life. Having Taylor And Trip with Cooper and Oliver hanging out in the same frame is one of my favorite things and adds a few days to my life.
Franklin and Anna-Kat’s relationship also picks up in this season, and I really enjoy them in this episode. Also, Greg was very funny here, and I am grateful lol.
6. 5x08 Encourage, Discourage
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I really liked how this was a Cooper-centered episode, really diving deep into his character instead of keeping him as a shallow side-character. By the way, how did Cooper get so much development and Oliver lost most of his? What was that? Anyway, Cooper saved this episode. I would’ve liked for Oliver to be a more supportive friend in this episode, but he was still there, at least.
Also, Cooper doesn’t think he’s too good for Oliver! Bless his heart.
5. 5x10 Getting Frank with The Ottos
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I liked this episode very much! Again, Anna-Kat and Franklin melted my heart, but Oliver and Cooper squeezed it with Cooper’s realization of not wanting to go to Harvard, but Oliver eventually understanding and supporting him? Please, get married. Also, Oliver saying “We’re Cooliver”, and Trevor asking them if they were breaking up made my day. Could’ve been better and a bit more eventful, but it was good nonetheless.
4. 5x13 The Election
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I really liked the finale, despite not having any Cooliver at all, the ending was pretty awesome, and I believe it really sets the tone for what could potentially be a great S6, that is if that’s actually happening AND if the writers stop it with the bullshit. Franklin and Anna-Kat getting engaged was very sweet, I adore them! Taylor and Trip getting really engaged was a bit cringe, but still adorable, and I love it! I just wish they had paid more attention to Oliver in this episode, but well, I guess his bang is not here yet and not every episode can be a banger. I hope that whatever comes next will be good enough that the wait will be worth it.
Tier 4: *Chef’s kiss, no pun intended*
3. 5x01 Graduation
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Although this episode doesn’t really belong to this season, and it doesn’t share the same 〜vibe〜 with the rest of the episodes, since it has more of a S3-S4 energy, it’s still in S5 and I wanted to include it, too.
Not my favorite, but it’s one of the good ones imo. So much stuff happens in this episode that it almost feels cramped and overwhelming to me, with the graduation and the wedding, but I get that it was necessary to set the scene for S5 and close S4 even if it didn’t turn out the way they’d originally planned, and it came out fine considering the situation the producers were in, which can’t be said for every episode this season lol.
Taylor and Trip were adorable in this episode, Cooper was amazing, Oliver moping around was something I didn’t know I needed in my life, and Lonnie’s speech about not wanting his relationship with Greg to end, even if I never cared for his storyline, was really nice.
This episode made me think that S5 was headed toward amazing things, but not everything was good.
2. 5x09 The Heist
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I love this episode because of Cooper’s development. Again, why couldn’t Oliver get that too? However, I did like how they made Oliver seem like he might’ve been a bit thirsty for his fellow Cooper over there, telling him multiple times that he’s good looking? Come on, tell us what you really mean.
Anyway, Cooliver really shone this episode, round of applause.
1. 5x03 Coupling
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This episode is superior, bite me. I love everything about this episode, not only Cooliver. Katie and Greg trying to be supportive of their kids having sex with their boyfriends? Yes! Parallels between all four couples? Yes, please! Cooper and Oliver having their first married couple fight, Cooper feeling like he’s being replaced, but Oliver is doing it for the both of them and their future together? Yes! Masterpiece of an episode. I have no more to say.
Hands down, my favorite episode this season. Too bad mostly everything went downhill after that. I hope we do get a season 6 and that things pick up. This series deserves redemption, and Cooper and Oliver deserve to be happily in love together. Thank you.
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zalrb · 4 years ago
tv rewatch: gg edition s2e1
LOL the recap of the last season is so DRAMATIC
i like how they start with nate making out in a car and all you see is blonde hair so you’re supposed to be like, is it serena??? no just an adult who should know better.
and now she’s betty’s mom on riverdale because ofc she is. 
i don’t know of any reading where the author isn’t immediately talking to the people who came to hear them read. the bookstore sets you up with a table at the back of the room with a pile of your books and a pen because authors need MONEY. 
“i told him it was good as your story in the new yorker” you mean his diary entry?
penn bulked up a bit in season 2 tho.
i get that they’re trying to show jenny is interning in a hostile work environment but if her superior is just talking about how everyone needs to do twice as much and jenny is already done, she wouldn’t deride her for already being done, she just would be dismissive and give her more work to do.
dan, you can start a story without a date being the title.
“blair will never forgive you for you did to her” it turns out that blair, in fact, forgives a lot of shit that chuck does to her. #truelove 
lmao like they really would take the jitney. blair waldorf would not do buses.
“the only thing lamer than dating dan humphrey, is mourning dan humphrey.” lol blair.
i didn’t realize that robots got jealous, did they update your software while i was away? now, that line would be some terrible dialogue about patriarchy with a wooden delivery.
“well, if you call a different girl every night dating.” yes, jenny, that is literally what dating is.
ok i’ve studied with some harsh writers in the past but if dan is genuinely having writer’s block then his mentor would do something to help, like if he isn’t the type to actually talk about what it is that’s blocking dan then a free writing exercise or a prompt, a book recommendation.
honestly, nate’s makeouts/sex scenes with mrs. robinson 2.0 do not look hot.
“how well do you know blair waldorf is kinda boring for those of us who actually know blair waldorf.” “not to mention, transparent.” drag him. 
chair angst! “see you at school” sounds better than nate’s “good catching up.” 
i remember when i watched in real time when blair took the pin back i was like YAAASSSSSSSSSSSS oh teenage zal, you didn’t know then that chair would become one of your notps. lol.
“i don’t even like james!” “thank you i was waiting for that.” lol serena is nicer than me, i remember when initiumseries didn’t like a dude and she finally said it and i was like so are you done now? like are you done?
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“besides, it’s tourist season in the city, easy pickings.” wow chuck are you ever not predatory? 
you know, it’s interesting, rewatching gg and blair and chuck because in season 1, we see how chuck falls for blair, we see him view her in a way nate didn’t, we see him jealous, we see him enamored but really, post limo save for texting each other when she was at nate’s fitting and that one soft moment on her birthday, we don’t really see how blair views chuck because she’s so caught up with trying to work things out with nate. i mean, yeah, shippers are going to say she didn’t want to admit that chuck means anything to her, she felt guilty for sleeping with him so she threw herself into being with nate, but because chuck is blackmailing her and she’s stressed out the entire time by the time we get to the finale when they’re kissing on the dance floor and even now, it’s like hmm, i think i needed to see a bit more of what blair misses with chuck when she isn’t with chuck in season 1. we needed a little more of those texting moments where she’s happy and giddy while with chuck or a bit more of what happens in season 2 where she’s fantasizing about him and then stops herself. i just bring this up because when she’s talking about how she didn’t want chuck to know how badly he hurt her and stuff i’m like i get it, i’ll go with it but i think there needed to be more.
but dan’s writer block is stupid.  just ... write something ELSE. at least TRY.
“I know that face, that face is not your friend!” lol eric.
nate is just so ... basic. lmao. 
the hamptons is the richest they ever look actually.
“thanks for giving me another chance.” “thanks for being worthy of it.” what has jenny done to be worthy of it tho? 
“trying to ruin my marriage?” you’re a grown ass woman. 
cece just looks like she’s hitting on dan, it’s uncomfortable
i’m your biggest fan i’ll follow you until you looooooooooooooove me. 
that kiss also isn’t as hot as it’s supposed to be, i guess because it’s supposed to look hot since it’s performative. 
i actually liked serena’s dress. or well, i think it’s OK.
so finally rewatching the derena scene where dan sees the serenate kiss has me like, is dan an ass because he’d been two-timing girls throughout the summer? yes. is he wrong for being frustrated that serena is kissing nate to make someone jealous and she can’t tell him who or why? no, not when he says that it’s the same drama different city because this is exactly what broke them up in the first place, she can’t be honest with him about things that are happening even though those things find a way of getting involved in his life somehow. but this is the point of derena and the two people from different worlds context but instead of it being a class difference it’s mostly that serena always finds herself in some kind of drama involving the same people and dan will never understand why the drama has to exist at all but they love each other anyway, so it’s basically this 
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which is also supposed to be chair in a different way.
what’s funny though is that those girls are mad that dan was making out with one of them when he was supposed to be meeting someone else but the girl he was making out with brought a date without telling dan so, i mean. all they had to do was change ‘date’ to ‘friend’ to make him appear more of a sleaze.
blair’s face when marcus speaks in his english accent is HILARIOUS.
lmao why would nate and betty’s mom leave TOGETHER? 
aww three words, eight letters... the way blair leans forward and holds her breath just trying to urge the words out, if there’s anything i can say about chair it’s their chemistry.
i feel like it’s unrealistic to think that dan knows how to build a fire.
also sex on the beach is like ... sand, man, sand EVERYWHERE.
xoxo zalrb
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dutifullybitchypeach · 4 years ago
My two cents worth for the first six chapters and some reasoning around IC and Nesta. All my own personal opinion. Read if you want but it's just my general thoughts. Please, please don't flip if you disagree. I love Nesta and the darkness she is in right now and her behaviour is taking over this sassy no nonsense Queen and it needs to change.
Is the House of Wind a prison...technically no. Nesta just does not have the ability to fly or winnow. And no one is on standby to be her taxi. She can leave by walking. Amren threw her that challenge on purpose. She's not alone, Az and Cassian live there. And the Priestesses. Yes it has dark memories. Yes. I know that and I take it on board.
On a side note, it's irritating to hear 'I'm not your prisoner" from Nesta (who I like!!!!) I think of Azriel, Feyre, all the Fae Under the Mountain, even Elide 💗. Then again everyone's idea of prison is different. But the fact remains. She CAN leave. It's just bollocks hard. For a reason
But we know it's what she needs. We know that. We don't have to like it. Not one likes the reality. The ultimatum is uncomfortable and harsh. Our way or fuck off. They are not suggesting manual labour or degrading her. They suggest training, food, working in a library, purpose, being part of something. This doesn't sound bad to me. It just sucks it comeing across as an order. But this is Nesta's POV and she doesn't do requests or pretty please. The fact I got riled up reading it is a compliment to Mass. I had to take a major step back and reassess. Nesta sees everything as an attack. And no that is not her fault. Stay with me! I agree people enjoy provoking Nesta ( Rhys, Morrigan, Cassian) and then get affronted when she bites back. At some point I'd enjoy her retaliation akin to her ripping their head off :) And their vow to never go there again.
The IC 'review' is what annoys me. The "we" will decide where you go from here if you play ball. My hope 🤞 is that Nesta will TELL THEM where she will go/what she will do with sass. But right now sitting on a rock instead of trying to train is fucking juvenile (Again I stress I like Nesta). She hates her power as far as I can tell. But she is so low she can't see the wood from the trees. Or the hand that is been given to her.
Does Feyre have a right to be embarrassed. Yes. I'd die of shame if my sister (I have 3 btw) kept at that again and again and again all on my families dime. Without even being polite or respectful to anyone. She's only ever provided for Nesta. Period. Not to mention being a high lady with all the responsibilities that entails. Living her own life (well earned) and well life in general! I mean Jesus, Nesta is not her only priority. She maybe ours lol! But Feyre has 101 things going on. Give her credit. She tried with Nesta several times. Gave her space and time which Nesta wanted while still making the effort to reach out. Nesta needs to acknowledge that. Feyre was bankrolling her self destructive lifestyle and it had to stop.
The whole "your behaviour reflects badly on us". Well yes it does. Nesta doesn't get a free pass. The whole of Pyrithian is rebuilding and our girl is pissing away money. That's not even hers! Her behaviour does undermine the Court, folks must eye roll when IC lay down the law when your sister/ sister in law is prancing around being a with a big fuck you. Everyone is broken and rebuilding. And it's a slap in the face. Is the saving face irrelevant to Nestas issues, yes! But is Feyre allowed to feel fucked over, yes! Sisters say shit when they fight. Arguments are not flawless debates. Their emotive and bring out the worst in people. Feyre darling is feeling the pressure of being high lady and it came out all wrong. Especially when it's your sister acting up.
And Nesta never tried (as far as Feyre can tell) WE know Nesta IS trying, and surviving every day is a battle. But Feyre doesn't. Why would she. Nesta doesn't speak to her. But their relationship is so toxic that it's beyond Feyre to get it. And that is not her fault. NO ONE is perfect. There is only so much responsibility Feyre can CONTINUALLY take.
Rhys being there. I have a feeling that a male will not let his pregnant mate anywhere near someone he is afraid of. It's instinctive. Someone who hasn't trained to control their powers especially. He is on High Lord mode cause guess what he is a High Lord. This is his court and the people in it his responsibility. Not to mention the oncoming drama with the queens on the horizon and general court bullshit. Does he abuse his position of power.... well in this world the HL have the power. Everyone is answerable to one. Even Amren obeys the rules. Nesta doesn't/won't recognize that. Which is rare. They tricked and lied to get her "consent" surprise surprise a dick move from Rhysand/Feyre. We know they will do that for the "greater good". Lie, steal etc all in the name of saving the day. He screwed Morrigan over in front of her ass Father for flip sake! My point is the NC stability is his priority now more than ever if impending fatherhood is on the way. It's no surprise he wants Cassian to take on more responsibility. Nesta is a liability cause she is AWOL. It's worth noting he had this plan for months but Feyre refused preferring to give Nesta space and the opportunity to decide for herself what she wanted. So we could assume if Rhys had his way Amren and Nesta would have still been friends and it would have been far different. Amren would have been by her side. Do I condone his domineering behaviour, no not in a million years. And neither did Feyre. Will he apologise? Probably not he's an arrogant ass. And wanted to control the room. Fact. He wants/needs Nesta on board the team to bolster his ranks. She is that powerful. We KNOW he will do anything to protect his family (baby on the way).
Morrigan and her nasty comment on sending Nesta to The Court of Nightmares. Cassian acknowledges it's an insult but also the truth. That's a harsh fact on how Nesta is percieved right now. But I believe she wouldn't just thrive there, she would CONQUER ;) I don't know if Morrigan is referring to the people that abused her or the "type" of people that live in Hewn City...? Will we give HER the benefit of the doubt... hmmm.
Morrigan and that comment on good people giving Nesta the benefit of the doubt...that's Morrigans issue. She never gave Eris the benefit of the doubt and yet he proved her wrong with Keir. She's all over the place as a result . And she's been lying for 5 centuries. To her family. Cassian said he values the raw honesty that he has with Morrigan. Wow is he going to get a shock some day. Nesta may be a bitch but at least she's an honest one. And Morrigan knows it which must rattle her to no end. Point is Mor isn't supposed to be in this story very much and Nesta never really cared for her opinion anyway. So neither should we. I've checked out of Mor. Knowing she won't give Azriel closure or honesty just makes me not consider her opinion. It suits her to keep Nesta down in the gutter so her lie can continue.
Amren - her behaviour. I have to remind myself Amren is OLD, a stint in the Dungeon is probably a standard response! Her idea after the Summer Court fiasco and the jewels was to go there and crush them. Amren is by nature harsh. Which is why she gets on with Nesta the most. Cassian tells us she cares. Nesta can't see this. Her comment on Nestas sex life in ACOFAS. People ran with that. Fae lifestyles always kind of disgusted her. She wasn't Fae so bodily functions were an alien concept. Now she's Fae she's slightly horrified. Also no one else has much to say on Nesta's bedroom antics. Cause it's a non issue Mass doesn't do slut shaming. So neither should we. Speaking as a woman also here.
Elaine - we know Elaine craves peace and quiet. Confrontation is not her thing. Being there would mean Nesta would use her as a crutch, and I'm not sure Elaine wouldn't cave. Nesta pushed her away on purpose and Elaine choose to try and find some sort of contentment. That's her right and choice. Agree or disagree. She walked away or decided she can't deal with Nestas difficult behaviour. I don't know. Or is she oblivious to the situation ?! Who knows. Elaine is an enigma! It's the first 6 chapters! Right now they are two different people and have been drifting apart since ACOWR. Nesta is a dichotomy of pushing people away and hurt when they stop trying. It's exhausting for the people that have to deal with it. Who are not perfect and have their own issues and lives. Elaine has stepped back from this situation. Because either she recognizes it needs to happen or cannot sway the majority. Though I think Elaine did say something to Feyre, cause when Nesta pressed her she refused to say what Elaine thought. Just that she wasn't there and not part of the issue. Feyre is high handed when it comes to her sisters. Because that's the role they allowed her. Nesta is fighting back. And Feyre takes it personally. Which is only natural. They're sisters.
Cassian! Ah Cassian. He was spectacularly rejected and being around Nesta is a constant reminder. That's enough to make me cringe in a corner. He acknowledges he stayed away cause it hurt too much. He's a soldier and has serious self discipline. He has no idea how his behaviour/comments hurt her until she confronts him. Deliver him a few home truths. Another well deserved kick in the balls. Flirting with Mor, not sure his behaviour there has ever changed. He keeps it normal cause being around Nesta gives him the shakes!! Lol. He is slack jawed after Nesta and wants her badly, passion we know is big thing for them. It ignites them. Raw and real. Recognising Morrigan is aesthetically beautiful is just a fact. We know she's a looker. So what. Meh to this issue some people have.
We know from spoilers they start training and communicating and Mass is a Nessain ship so I'm excited to see this grow and flourish! I've read spoilers here on these two so I've no qualms.
Cassian for me is right. He and others have been through similar situations before so can empathise. But until she answers him back without snapping he won't be able to be that shoulder to lean on or turn too. He's not going to be her Prince though. Nesta is her own Queen!
I've read some spoilers on her friendships and I'm so happy. I've no idea how it will go but it says to me that the IC have a block when it comes to Nesta and don't see her the way others do and Nesta opens up to people who don't have a predisposed prejudice.
Also the IC have no idea how Nesta is going to react at any stage. It's like walking around on eggshells. Why would anyone actively choose to be around someone like that. That and very obvious fact they are BUSY AF. They don't have time to have a daily bollicking from Nesta. Yet all fall in when the plan is announced. Make what you will of that.
Some further musings:
Nesta being reminded she has to be respectful to Clotho and the priestesses is sobering. Like wow, people can't trust you will have basic manners. Again I know this is Feyre saying it but Christ to worry about that. Will be interesting with Gwyn and that friendship and a nice reality check for the IC.
I spent 4 God damn books understanding Rhys motives. He's a prick yes. Which I enjoy. But the bastard people are making him out to be I don't agree. Half of Pyrethian hates/hated him, Nesta hating him won't stress him. Or her for that matter. They have a 2 people they both care about in common and will just have to deal.
Training in Illyria, well Nesta is powerful, training in the mountains is probably damage control if she explodes. And a change of scenery from her prison!
Rhys was controlled for 50 years, Amren escaped worlds to be free. I don't believe they want to control Nesta.
Families are messy and fucked up. The intervention is a perfect example of how arseways it can get.
Azriel being Azriel I'm not sure about anything with him right now. I've read the snippets and spoilers and I'm all over the place. He is one of my favourites. FYI when I say IC I never mean Azriel I don't know why but I always imagine he finds it just plain drama and avoids it at all costs. Nesta is drinking and gambling away her life. Okay! Nesta is now training and we are all on board to help. Okay! Nesta is a powerful Queen and we are all afraid. Okay! Nesta has turned Cassian into a drooling mess and hes ass is hers. Excellent ;)
Sisters! They need to deal and respect each others independence. They are all in the wrong. It's just annoying at this stage. Personally I'll rip into my sisters when I need to but usually get a red mist when anyone else does. Even if they are in the wrong. I have a habit of always defending them.
So overall the angst killed me in the first 6 chapters. Did Rhys dominant shite irritate me? Yes. Do I want Nesta to make it clear she's not a pawn in his/their world? Yes. In spectacular fashion please.
Did Feyre handle it well? No. Does she ever deal with Nesta well? No. Perhaps only when Nesta is more inclined to talk. Which is rare. The ultimatum we know from Cassian sickened Feyre she recognizes it for what it is it but really cannot see any other option. Her fault or a combination of factors you decide. It was hyper tense situation we all just wanted to get through.
Would we be so angry if this was a soft approach headed by Elaine/Feyre/Amren? Would Nesta even react?
Cassian compared Nesta to a sleeping dragon who has just been woken up. Nesta needed a kick in teeth. A major reality check. Life in Pyrethian is hard. This a fae world. She is angry and incensed they have dared to 'interfere' and 'assume' she will be controlled. I want her to tackle her demons, confront her fears her issues with herself and others and live! Live! I've no idea what she wants and can't wait to find out.
***I've read some spoilers on the end. The rumours and the actual basic plot ending. I'm like Mass I love a HEA. And am hopeful I'll be satisfied. I had a similar theory when I heard the pregnancy rumour. A move by Nesta that would never have anyone doubt her.
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dylinski · 5 years ago
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Warnings: SMUT! bondage (but barely), language, violence, kind of dom tommy (but y/n is a brat so it doesnt last long), angst (obviously)
Relationships: Thomas/Reader
Word Count: 7.5K
Author: @dylinski​
A/N: Here’s my fic for day 4 of tomuary!!!! if i get them finished, i plan on posting two more but we’ll see how that goes. lol hope ya’ll enjoy and let me know what you think please. i’m really unsure about writing smut and idk if this is any good, so if i shouldn’t write anymore it would be nice to know. lol
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There’s something about running for your life and fighting against all odds to survive that make a person reevaluate their life, but with Y/N, that’s not the case. Being in the scorch with a bunch of boys wasn’t much different from the glade, so what was there to consider? She knew who her friends and her enemies were and that’s all she needed to know in order to survive in this world. If Thomas had just listened to her when she said not to trust Teresa, more of them would be alive, but him not believing anything Y/N says is to be expected. Since the moment he came up and out of the box, something repellant between them switched on. The only proper way to describe it is when you try to force two poles of a magnet together with the same polar direction.
Fighting their way out of the maze, through the scorch, and now in this abandoned town lets a person see a lot of death and Y/N was tired of it. If that meant trying to convince Thomas that running around and attacking WCKD at random to find Minho, risking other’s lives, was a bad idea then she was willing to take all the blame. They were so close to paradise and they had saved so many souls already. At least Vince agreed, having one person on her side is nice.
There was another meeting, discussing all the usual topics, but Thomas seemed more pissed off than usual, which is saying something as of late. He’s been nothing but a pissy bitch since the search for his raven-haired friend had turned sour and unwilling. The meeting was held in a moderate-sized room, big enough to hold the handful of people permitted. Thomas was leaning on both hands over a table with Newt at his hip, what a surprise. They were combing over a map with Vince and Jorge, arguing about a last city or something. Y/N was sitting in the corner, rolling her eyes at practically every other word, a sad image of men and boys arguing over nonsense around the circular table. 
Newt would look up every once in a while and give her a sympathetic smile to let her know she wasn’t forgotten in the exchange of emotions and words. She liked Newt, he had always been kind to her when most of the other boys treated her like she was fragile and delicate in the maze. He never doubted her or underestimated her abilities despite what was between her legs, well, until that little shit popped up and out of the ground. Motherfucking Thomas, the angel, the savior, the one who will lead us to paradise. Yeah right, more like the one who will lead everyone to their preventable deaths.
“Look! He was there, okay? I know it. Minho was there!” The vein in Thomas’ neck was protruding and defined from the strain he was putting on his words. He was desperate. “We grabbed the wrong container!”
“Thomas, there was a 50/50 chance and we made a choice of which one to grab. Not to mention the odds of him being in either train car, to begin with, were small.” Vince was calm and collected, he always managed to keep a cool head.
“Yeah, but he was there! If I had just..” Thomas was quieter now, but no less desperate.
“You didn’t pick the wrong one, Mate. We saved at least 100 people from WCKD today. I wouldn’t call that a failure. We didn’t find Minho, but I have faith we will. He’s still out there, I know it.” Newt looked up at Y/N when he finished, and she couldn’t help to give a forced smile. Leave it to him to be the voice of reason, but also the one to egg on the bumbling buffoon everyone seems to eagerly place their faith in.
“Newt, I get that, but he was there, he was right there! If we hadn’t been so pressed for time I could have-”
Y/N jumped up, utterly pissed at this point and tired of hearing these idiots run round and round in the same circles. “You could have what, Thomas? You could have picked the ‘right’ container? Hmm? Why don’t you go tell that to Sonya? Or Aris? I’m sure they’d love to hear that you saving their lives, along with everyone else in that box, wasn’t your goal and you’d gladly trade them for the single life of Minho.”
Everyone in the room fell silent and it was filled with the light of the moon shining through the missing part of the ceiling. The flames from the lanterns danced on everyone’s shocked faces. Y/N was never one to prance around the daisies when it came to stating the obvious. Thomas looked almost ashamed and it was honestly annoying. She was tired of his pitiful ’I didn’t ask for this’ routine.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Despite the guilt that raged in his stomach, he used it to fuel his anger towards Y/N, which was to be expected. He took most of his negative emotions out on her, his own personal punching bag, but he could never land any punches because she honestly couldn’t care less. She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, shooting knives at him and his nostrils flared under her eyes. An unknowing battle of spiteful gazes between them.
“Well, as entertaining as it is to watch you two practically have hate-sex with each other, we need to discuss our options.” Jorge obviously chose his words to jolt the two out of their staring contest and it worked. They both made faces like they had tasted something sour, scrunching their noses at the idea of actually wanting each other. Well, I mean, it’s not the first time Y/N had thought of it, but just because he had the body that could rival a god doesn’t mean she was ignorant of his pea-sized brain.
“There’s nothing to discuss. We’re not risking anyone’s lives to go to the last city, if it’s even real.” Y/N couldn’t help but sights the relief of Vince seeing reason.
“I’ve heard things over the years, that it was a last resort for WCKD, their place of operations. I’ve never managed to make it that far north, but it’s one of the safe heavens that were put into place when things went to shit.” Y/N huffed in annoyance, thanks, Jorge. Great job at giving the little shit ideas.
“Look, we could make it there with a small team in a week and then be back with Minho in no time.”
“No, Thomas. I’m not risking any more lives to save one person. This is a suicide mission. If it’s anything Jorge says it is, the city will be a fortress. Not to mention the road to get there, riddled with the infected. We don’t have the people or the resources to take on a fight like that.” Vince was tired of arguing with him, so he was standing his ground and that would be the end of it. Thomas may have been the leader in the glade and the scorch, but here he was allowed the privilege to have a say by Vince.
“I don’t need an army, just two or three-”
“Thomas, no!” Vince was done with these petty arguments and put his foot down. “The ship is almost done. We’ll be ready to sail in less than a week. There are casualties in war, and in this world, the life of one doesn’t out way the lives of the many. We’re not going and that’s final.”
Thomas grunted and threw his arms up in rebellion, stomping off to brood somewhere by himself. 
Y/N couldn’t help the small smile of satisfaction that crept onto her face from seeing him so pissed off. She strode over to where Newt was standing and crossed her arms, leaning her back against the table to face him.
“He’s hurting you know? He blames himself. He blames himself for everything honestly.” The smile melted away just as easily as it appeared. There goes Newt, always defending his puppy.
“He should! I told him not to trust Teresa!” Newt let a small shudder roll over his body at her name and Y/N couldn’t help but feel empathy and guilt for mentioning it.
“We all trusted her, except for you, of course. You never let us forget it, but we had no reason not to. She helped us, she helped Thomas. Maybe you were just jeal-”
“For the love of God, Newt, if you say I was jealous, I’ll break your other leg.” He chuckled at the threat, knowing it was empty and mostly a joke. It made her smile a bit, seeing him smile and laugh. He was always like a brother to her and she missed seeing him so happy. A lot of them haven’t been able to feel that way for a while now. Not since Thomas showed up and shucked it all up, anyway. 
“He understands why you hate him.” Y/N was caught off guard, lost in her own head when Newt broke through.
“I don’t hate him, I just…” There wasn’t really a word for it. It was like Thomas was made specifically to boil the blood in her veins and ignite a fire in her stomach that was begging to rage. He knew exactly how to get under her skin and press her buttons, and most of the time he wasn’t even trying.
“You two are a lot alike actually.” Newt let out a chuckle and ignored the hard stare directed at him. “You’re both stubborn as bulls, reckless too. Jumping into things without thinking clearly. You’re guided by emotion rather than logic, but there’s nothing wrong with that.” He turned his head to face his friend and curled up the corner of his lip. “Go get some sleep, we’ve all had a long day.” Newt patted her shoulder and limped off, leaving her alone in the room that now felt huge.
Y/N wasn’t really that tired, so she decided to go around to her favorite spot by the water that she found when they first arrived. The way the moonlight danced on the water in the darkness created the illusion of twinkling lights and reminded her of looking up into the sky in the glade. She hopped down from the ledge onto the sand and trotted through the thick and moist beach towards the large rock that always managed to be warm despite the sun. When it finally came into view, she halted in her tracks.
Of course, Thomas would fucking be there, laying on her rock in her secret spot. A low grumble resonates in her chest as she clenched her fist and stomped towards him. He heard and sat up hazily, having been lost in the limbo of sleep and consciousness.
“What? Who’s...oh. It’s you.” He laid back down, resting his head on his arms that were raised over his head.
“That’s my spot.” Y/N spoke through gritted teeth and clenched fists, trying not to punch him.
He lifted his head slightly and opened one eye, looking Y/N over and then let his head fall back down. “I don’t see your name on it.”
Y/N’s jaw went slack as she let out a small whine of protest, which seemed to put a shit-eating grin on Thomas’ face. Despite being pissed as hell, she couldn’t deny that his smile, with the crescent eyes and the way the moon illuminated his face, was...beautiful. No. No no no no. She’s mad and he’s an annoying little shit that gets everybody hurt or killed. Okay, good. She couldn’t stand the thought of actually being attracted to him.
“You know, Newt says-” Thomas was cut off by her.
“Newt says a lot of things.” Despite being so close to him, Y/N still couldn’t help but feel the rise of annoyance as she rolled her eyes.
Thomas sat up on his elbows and looked over at Y/N. The way he looked at her, and the light of the night with the waves crashing, for some reason it made her feel vulnerable. She moved her arms that were crossed on her chest down to wrap around her stomach. Thomas tilted his head in the most quizzical of ways like he was trying to decipher her. She was a puzzle he couldn’t quite solve, but so terribly wanted to. 
Tired of being gawked at, Y/N took the few steps between them and leaned against the large boulder, her back mostly facing Thomas. She looked up to the sky that was mostly black and empty and let out a sad sigh. She missed the stars, but since they left the maze they seemed to have all died out.
“I know, I miss them too.” Y/N shot a look over her shoulder at Thomas who was looking up. She couldn’t help but linger her gaze on him, he looked so...broken. He must have felt her stare because the muscles in his arms flexed under his weight as he shifted uncomfortably. His jaw clenched, but he still kept looking up, searching for something they both knew he’d never find.
“Why do you want to save Minho so bad?” He broke his lock on the sky and looked at her like it was the stupidest of questions, which it was. “I mean, I know why, but he’s probably dead. We haven’t heard anything about him in months and-”
“He’s alive.” Thomas laid himself back down flat against the rock. “I know it, I can feel it in my gut.” He spoke like it was the truth, something factual rather than the simple feeling that it really was.
“Yeah, but what if he’s not? Are you willing to risk our lives, your life, for someone who may not even be alive?”
He sat up fully and his eyes were dark and full of emotions she couldn’t quite decode. His posture changed to confidence and purpose. “Minho would do it for me.” He looked out to the ocean and crossed his legs, letting his elbows rest on them, placing his cheeks between his hands.
Y/N couldn’t argue with him there. She had known Minho longer than Thomas, and if there was one thing he’d never do, it would be leaving a friend behind. Thomas scooted over and patted the hard surface next to him. She examined the spot and looked up to him, questioningly. He gave her a small smile and she climbed up next to him. There was silence between them, not having much to say, as they shared the space and took in the sea and its illusion of stars.
“I’m going,” Thomas spoke softly as he continued to stare out at the water. They could hear the waves lapping against the stone as his words echoed. Y/N wasn’t entirely sure what he meant. Was he going now? Going to sleep? He looked up and his lips turned down, eyes full of sadness and it hit her. He was going to the last city, alone.
“What!? You can't go! Did you not hear Vince? It’s a suicide mission!” Y/N surprised both of them at her exasperation to get Thomas to stay. I mean, sure she didn’t like the guy, but it’s not like she wanted him dead.
He looked at her and pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. “I don’t care. I have to at least try.” The look in his eyes was pitiful and unrelenting. The decision was made, and once he made his mind up on something, there was no use arguing with him.
“If you want to die, that’s fine, I won’t be a part of it.” Y/N hopped down from the rock and started to walk away hurriedly. “But I’m telling Vince.” 
Thomas’ eyes grew wide and he jumped from the rock and chased after her. “No! You can't say anything!” He grabbed her arm and she reactively spun around, landing a solid punch in his gut. Thomas grabbed his stomach and took a step back, grunting in pain. She rolled her eyes and turned to continue walking when Thomas ran up behind her and tackled her to the ground.
“What the fuck, Thomas!?” She struggled but managed to spin around, her back to the sand and Thomas hovering over top her, caging her in with his arms as they held her wrists down over her head.
“I can't let you tell anyone before I leave!” His hot breaths were huffing into her face, a contrast to the cold breeze that had chilled the air.
Y/N looked up at him in frustration and confusion, but mostly at herself. Her eyes flitted down to his lips for the slightest of seconds, but she had to throw those thoughts from her mind. Sorry, Thomas. She slammed her head up into the boy’s nose and he let out a shout as he flew back, grabbing his face and releasing his grip on her arms. She wiggled out from under him and stood up to keep going, but a hand wrapped around her ankle and she face-planted into the hard earth and let out a groan, rubbing the sore spot on her head.
Thomas climbed up on top of her, straddling her waist from behind. He held her wrists to her side this time, avoiding the possibility of her bucking her head back and hitting him in the face again. She writhed underneath him and fought as best she could, but he was stronger than her. It didn’t help that he had the advantage either.
“Are you jacked!? Let me go you little shuckface!” She let out screeches and shouts as she struggled, but it was no use. She gave up and relaxed under him. “Well, you can't hold me down forever! What’s your plan here slinthead?”
Thomas didn’t reply, obviously trying to make this shit up as he went along. He pinned her arms behind her back and stood up, making a grunting noise as he pulled her up with him. “Oh, now he’s the quiet brooding type. Couldn’t get you to shut up for the life of me in the glade, but now you got nothing to say?”
“Shut up.” He grunted through his teeth as he pushed Y/N forward a bit, jerking her around as they walked. He still had her arm pinned behind her back and it was getting kind of painful now.
“Where are you taking me? Are you gonna kill me? Didn’t think you’d have the balls. Well, actually with all the people you’ve killed over the last year, it probably won’t be that hard.” Thomas threw Y/N up against the wall of one of the buildings as they passed through the camp and her head bounced off, now throbbing in two places. She slammed her eyes shut and grabbed the back of her skull as Thomas slammed his hands into the wall on either side of her face. His body was pressing into hers and she could feel every muscle tense as he gritted his teeth and flared his nostrils.
Their faces were inches apart as he growled at her. “I’m getting fucking tired of you reminding me how many mistakes I’ve made!” She has seen him angry like this before, and it was intense, but to have it directed at her, if she was less of a stubborn mule, she probably would have klunked her pants. Thomas was like a raging sea when he was truly angry, everything in his path swallowed up and demolished. He had so much anger, so much hate towards WCKD and himself that when he reached a tipping point it would all spill out like an erupting volcano, and Y/N just happened to be in his path.
“You walk around, talking shit about me to everyone and I can’t take it anymore! You think I don’t carry those people with me, that I don’t know the lives I’ve cost!? I didn’t want any of this! I never asked for it. I didn’t want to be the leader! That’s Minho’s job, but for some God-forsaken reason, everyone but you thinks I’m some savior. I just want to save my friends! I just want to get as far from WCKD and this fucking place as I can! The last thing I need is you reminding me how royally I’ve screwed up every five seconds!” He pulled her off the wall, she was mostly shell shocked from his burst of fury. He gripped her bicep tight enough to leave a bruise as he guided her further through the camp. “But first, I’m getting Minho.”
They traveled the rest of the way in silence which was preferred by Thomas since he was trying not to wake up anyone anyways. They made it to the small building that Thomas had claimed as his own and he shut the door behind them. He pushed Y/N down forcefully on his excuse for a bed and she sat there, still and silent. Thomas paced and ran his fingers through his hair as his mind raced a million miles a minute.
Y/N gulped and wasn’t entirely sure what to say to keep him from exploding again. It wasn’t that she feared he would hurt her, she knew he wouldn’t, but she feared to see him like this. Seeing him like a rabid dog biting at the ankles of anyone who caught his eye. Thomas grabbed a shirt from the floor and ripped off a piece and grabbed her arm, pulling her up the bed.
“Are you serious? You’re tying me up?” Thomas glared at her and then proceeded to tie her wrist to the post of the bed. “Kinky.” Her words were meant to antagonize him, and it worked as he visibly clenched his jaw in vexation. He got up and started to walk around the room when Y/N cleared her throat and waved her hand at Thomas. “Well you’re not very bright, are you?” He looked at her with bewilderment and she rolled her eyes. “My other hand. What’s to stop me from untying your sad excuse for a knot?” Thomas growled under his breath, mostly at himself for not thinking about that possibility. He ripped off another strip of cloth and tied her other wrist to the opposite bedpost.
She wasn’t entirely sure why she was helping him, but she was starting to find this entertaining. Seeing him sputter around in an attempt to get himself killed and digging himself into a deeper hole. Y/N watched him with enjoyment as she crossed her ankles and relaxed against the headboard. He was scurrying around the room like a squirrel, trying to find things and stuffing them into a bag.
“So you’re just gonna leave me tied up when you leave until someone finds me, huh?” Thomas looked over his shoulder and huffed as he continued to rummage through his belongings. “Don’t forget your jacket, might get a little chilly.” He stood up from where he was squatting and threw his bag down hard on the ground and curled in his lips with impatience.
“Keep talking and I’ll gag you!” 
“Ooo, promise?” Thomas shot daggers as he glinted his eyes and growled. Y/N just smiled and wiggled her head in triumph. “If you wanted to get me into bed, all you had to do was ask.” Thomas rolled his eyes and turned to keep packing. She was getting bored of the silence and made an attempt to rile him up again.
 “Some of the boys in the glade used to talk, you know?” Thomas ignored her as she rambled on. “Apparently you weren’t very quiet when you used to, you know?” Thomas turned to her with curiosity. Since her hands were, tied she couldn’t make the motion, so she thrust her hips up twice, but he got the idea. His eyes went wide and he froze in place. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at his discomfort. “I overheard Jeff telling Zart about how they accidentally saw you in the woods rubbing one out and when you came you said my na-”
“SHUT UP!” Thomas grabbed what was left of the shirt from the end of the bed and shoved it into Y/N’s mouth. She just laughed through the fabric, her enjoyment muted. His cheeks were so pink that they looked like they were hot to the touch and it was almost adorable how flustered and embarrassed he looked. He was sitting on the side of the bed, his back mostly facing Y/N and his head hanging low in shame.
Finally, his cheeks turned from pink to red and he looked to her as he stood. “Well, what do you expect with you prancing around the glade in those short shorts and spaghetti-strap shirts!?” Y/N’s face went from amused to resentful. She tried defending herself through the cloth but all that came out was stifled noise. Thomas threw his arms up and huffed in annoyance, then grabbed the shirt from her mouth.
“I said, you fucking misogynist, that it was fucking hot out while I was working, unlike you who avoided his duties like the plague! Besides, how is it fair for you to fucking say shit like that about me when you paraded yourself around in those pants that clung to your ass while you were shirtless? Do you think I liked staring at your abs as sweat rolled down them?” Both of them were stunned into silence, Y/N realizing what she said and Thomas just amazed that she even thought about him like that. 
They both stared at each other, Y/N turning flushed and Thomas trying to hold back his smile. “Shut up!” She pushed her leg out to the side as she kicked him as hard as she could in the leg. He shouted at the impact and bent over to grab the spot that now throbbed.
“You’re such a violent little shit!” He hollered at her, referring to their brawl earlier.
“Yeah? Imagine me in bed.” Her words were sultry and aimed at being intimidating, but Thomas just smiled the most devilish grin. 
“I already have.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and blushed as she turned her head against her shoulder in the opposite direction of Thomas in protest. After a moment she looked back since he was so quiet and he was still standing there, looking at her with hunger and gnawing on his bottom lip. She narrowed her eyes and couldn’t help but look down and noticed the bulge in his pants. Her eyes went wide and she gasped as she went to kick him again. He yelped and swatted her foot away. “What the fuck, Thomas?”
“What!? You’re the one who said to imagine you in bed!”
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re such a whore!” Thomas had a smile of amusement at being called a whore like it was a funny joke. Y/N just huffed and turned her eyes up in annoyance. 
“C’mon, you haven’t thought about me?” Thomas sat on the edge of the bed, keeping distance between them in case she wanted to kick or headbutt him again.
“God no!” Her words were firm and strong, but she was betrayed by her face. His lips went dry at the lie and she licked them unknowingly as her eyes darted to his. She blushed and looked away quickly to avoid any further incrimination, but Thomas grabbed her chin and turned her back to face him. His face was so close to hers now, them only needing to whisper to communicate.
“Tell me, what did you imagine? Do you think about my thick cock while you had your fingers inside yourself?” She shuddered at his words and her mouth was like a desert, begging for water. Her lips were parted and she couldn’t gain control of her tongue as she searched his eyes, full of need and hidden desire. He licked her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue and a chill coursed through her. He pulled away and her face followed, but was she restrained by the ties on her wrists. She let out a small whine at the loss of his mouth. Thomas bit his lip and chuckled. “If that’s how your lips taste, I bet the rest of you tastes just as amazing.” His hand rested on her bare calf and trailed its way up her leg until it reached her thigh where the hem of her shorts began.
Her hot, panting breaths were mixed with his, their lips nearly touching. She wanted desperately to close the minuscule distance between them, but couldn’t make her body move, frozen under his touch. Thomas went in, but just before their lips connected he tilted his head and collided his mouth with her neck. She let out a gasp at the sudden feeling of his warm lips against her chilled flesh. He kissed and sucked at the spot just below her jaw as she leaned back, giving him more access. He worked his way down to the pulse in her neck and bit down, then licked over it to alleviate the red marks. The mix of pain and pleasure, hot and cold, had her rubbing her thighs together in search of friction. Y/N let out a small moan into Thomas’s ear and his hand made its way further up her leg. He continued to lick and nip at her neck, leaving marks and right before his hand reached her core he pulled away.
Y/N let out a whine of protest at the loss of his warmth as he stood up and started to walk away. She was finally able to find her voice, but just barely. She croaked out in a pant, “You can’t just do that.”
“Can’t I?” A smile crossed his lips and the asshole had the nerve to wink. She pouted and huffed in retaliation and Thomas was now standing at the end of the bed, his legs touching the mattress, directly vertical to her. “I’m not going to just give you what you want. You have to work for it, Princess.” Y/N’s eyes went wide, seeing him like this, so domineering. The last thing she ever expected was for him to be authoritative in bed, let alone letting herself be subdued by him.
Thomas was such an arrogant little shit, he got into crevices that she didn’t even know she had. Working his way through her walls and made her squirm. She tugged at the cloth around her wrists, digging into her flesh and creating a pleasurable sting, wishing she could jump on him. She’s not entirely sure if her desire is to jump his bones or beat his ass though. He laughs and leans over her feet, placing his hands on the mattress. “Come on, baby girl, beg.” He took his time saying the last word, allowing the ‘g’ to bounce off his tongue.
“I don’t fucking beg!” Y/N spit at Thomas and the wet hit his chin. He grinned and stood up as he wiped it from his face with his finger, then placed it in his mouth. He sucked on it and let it out with a pop. Even if her tongue wouldn’t beg, her eyes sure did. “Fucking Christ…” she mumbled under her breath, but he still heard and chuckled.
Thomas places his hands on her ankles and slowly slid them up the length of her legs, maintaining eye contact. He placed his knees on the bed and was straddling the lower part of her body. When his fingers reached the waist of her pants, he curled his fingers into the band and looked her in the eyes. His digits against her flesh were thrilling and like fire coursing to her core. He searched her eyes for protest, but Y/N bit her lip and gave him the slightest nod. He smirked and looked down as he dragged the clothing off her hips. The tug pulled her down slightly, now resting on her tailbone instead of her ass. He pulled her shorts all the way off with her shoes and let them drop to the floor.
Y/N crossed her legs, feeling vulnerable, but Thomas leaned in and forced them apart by her knees. She dragged her legs up, placing her feet flat on the bed as Thomas’ fingers trailed up her thighs, leaving a trail of fire. He leaned down, his heat breaths against the inside of her legs. He kissed and licked at the warm skin and left bruising marks as he sucked into it. His mouth made its way up painfully slow to her sex when he blew cold air across it. A shiver radiated up her spine and left her feeling dizzy at the mix of everything.
Thomas kept licking and sucking everywhere around her core, the place where she so desperately wanted him to be. Her hips bucked up uncontrollably whenever he got agonizingly close, but he would always move away. “Thomas..” His name was breathy and needy, a plea for him to stop being such a tease. He moaned at the sound of his name on her lips and it reverberated through her skin as he continued to kiss and she felt it in her core. The stimulation causing her to whine. 
“Tell me what you want, Princess.” His words vibrated against her flesh as he refused to release his lips. 
Y/N let out a couple hearty breaths when she finally panted out, “Fuck me with your tongue, you prick!”
Thomas dove into her core without hesitation and the sound that came from her was somewhere between a screech and a gasp. His tongue lapped up around her entrance, licking up all the wetness he caused. He hummed at the taste and it sent shivers through her body and down to her toes. “God, you’re so fucking wet.” He licked a stripe up to her clit and clamped his lips around the nub as he sucked hard. The pressure around it was inciting, but then he started to flick his tongue across the bundle of nerves. The two sensations mixing together sent a warm thrill down to her bones as her back arched up slightly. 
The noises coming from Y/N were a mix of moans and gasps as his tongue worked on her fervently. He let go of her clit and replaced it with the pad of his finger, rubbing circles into it. He traced the ring of her entrance with the tip of his tongue until her hips bucked up and he penetrated, just like she had said she wanted him to. He thrust his tongue in and out, drinking up the dampness she was producing for him. “So wet. Taste’s so good.” The words vibrated through her core and a deep long moan was released. 
“Fi..fingers.” She struggled to get the word out, but Thomas knew what she needed. He placed his mouth around her nub again, sucking and flicking while his finger traced the place his tongue had been. He looked up at her through his eyelashes and watched as she writhed under his torment. She looked down at him and whined, so he gave in and pushed a finger inside her. He slowly pumped it in and out as she let out soundless gasps. He wiggled his finger, stretching her out and slid a second one in. He pumped as he sucked at her clit and her moans were constant now. Her body, unable to keep still, was beyond her control and fully reacting to everything that Thomas was doing.
He scissored his digits, widening her for his cock. “Are you gonna come on my fingers, baby?”
“Mhmmm” That was all Y/N could manage with all the sensations she was feeling. That fire building in her stomach was overflowing and begging to spill out. She was such a wreck that she felt like she was being torn apart. Thomas curled his fingers and pumped them vigorously as he kept his mouth to her bundle of nerves and hit that spot that triggered everything. His digits brushed across it once, twice, three times, and then the coil broke.
Thomas watched as Y/N let out a silent scream and threw her head back. He smiled at his victory and hummed around her clit, causing her body to spasm through her orgasm. He licked around his fingers, taking in all she had to offer. Pulling his fingers from her, she went limp on the bed, panting with her eyes shut and her wrists red from tugging at the ties around them. He licked his digits, eating up everything he could and couldn’t help but be smug at how well he unraveled her. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet babygirl. If I made you come that good on my fingers, I can’t wait to see you on my cock.” 
Thomas started to rub the all too obvious tenting in his pants and Y/N opened her eyes, panting, and looked at him in awe. He pulled off his shirt and, dear God those abs and his chest. He wasn’t chiseled or defined, but you could still see the muscles easily. There was a patch of hair between his pecs that spread down and across to his nipples that were hard pebbles. Y/N licked her lips as she thought about running her tongue across them. Her eyes found the thick brush of hair just below his belly button that led down to the band of his pants that hung low on his hips, showing off the ‘v’ that disappeared into his waistband. 
Y/N gulped as she rubbed her thighs together, becoming aroused again just by the sight of the man. He reached a hand down his pants and started rubbing, as she poked his legs with her foot. “Take. Them. Off.” Thomas smiled and did as he was told. His pants fell around his ankles as he stepped out, kicking off his boots. He pumped his cock, the flesh around his swollen head begging to be tasted.
He crawled onto the bed, his heavy dick hanging between his legs as he hovered over Y/N. She was licking her lips so much they were bound to become chapped. He laid his body on top of her, his cock resting against her pelvis. He reached a hand under her top, pulling the hem up to reveal her breast. The rough pad of his thumb brushed over the sensitive and raised peak, making her close her eyes. She let out a hot breath and Thomas took advantage of her open mouth. He plunged his tongue between her lips and swirled it around, filling her with her own taste.
Their lips smacked against each other, creating a dance of tongues filled with moans and whines. Thomas released her mouth and trailed suckling kisses across her jaw and down her neck until he reached her nipple. He took it into his mouth and thrust his hips forward, rubbing his shaft against Y/N’s all too sensitive clit. She shuddered and met his hips as she bucked up against him. He let out a deep groan at the friction he’d been craving so frustratingly and lightly bit down on the flesh next to her nipple in response.
“Untie. Me. Now.” Y/N huffed, trying to keep herself coherent enough to speak.
“Not yet.” Thomas purred into her ear and licked a long stripe from her jaw up to behind her ear that left chills on her skin as the cold air hit the wetness. She grunted in revolt at not being untied but was distracted as Thomas thrust his hips up again and she let out a hitched breath. He zoned in his focus on her nipple, sucking and nibbling until Y/N was writhing beneath him.
Thomas started to kiss her passionately in a chaos of lips, teeth, tongues, and saliva as he lifted his hand not preoccupied with her nipple to untie the fabric around her left wrist. She pulled her arm away at the freedom and immediately wove her fingers through his hair. He gave her other nipple equal attention when he switched hands to release her other wrist. It went for his ass without hesitation. She drew her leg up over his thigh as her fingers dig into the flesh on his behind. He moaned into her mouth at the feeling of her touch, not realizing how sorely he needed it.
His hips bucked up against her core rhythmically now as they deepened their kiss in a flutter of groping and tugging of flesh. “Fuck me.” Y/N spoke into his mouth and Thomas growled in response. He leaned up, pulled her shirt over her head and lined his cock up with her cunt. His head and shaft were already slick with her wetness from gliding across her core. He pressed the tip against the entrance and slowly pushed the head in. Y/N let out a moan as she felt him move deeper inside her, inch by agonizing inch. Halfway, he easily slid in until he bottomed out.
He kept still, taking in her heat around him and allowing her to adjust to his size. She whined when he was still for too long and the look in her eyes was all the answer he needed. He hiked her leg over his hip for a better angle and slowly pulled out until she was almost empty. He slowly pushed back in until their pelvis’ met again. He repeated this excruciating movement until she couldn’t take it anymore. She gripped the back of his head, intertwining her fingers in his hair and pulled his face to her. She kissed him hard and pulled on his lip with her teeth letting it bounce back with a plop. He let out a rumble in his chest and thrust into her hard. A small yelp escaped her chest and she dug her other hand into his shoulder. “Fuck.”
Thomas pulled out slow again, but rammed into her hard. He did this a few more times until he couldn’t take it anymore himself. He started to quicken his pace and Y/N’s head fell back as she clung to him. Her moans and grunts unrelenting, littered with profanities and his name, egging him on. “Oh fuck.” She forced out her words with each breath as he pushed into her like there was no room for them with him inside.
“Fuck, baby girl. You feel so fucking good.” Thomas let his head fall into the crevice of her neck as he pulled her other leg over his hip, the heels of her feet digging into the bottom of his ass. He mercilessly thrust into her, over and over, moving the bed along with them and they were both practically screaming now. “Christ, princess you’re so tight.”
Y/N couldn’t answer, her mind too wired and out of control, just like her body. She let out noises she couldn’t decipher and felt that heat in her abdomen start to boil like a hot white flame. They were both covered in sheens of sweat, and she watched as a bead dripped down Thomas’ temple. The vein in his neck was defined and strained, pulsing visibly. “I’m so fucking close.”
Thomas reached down between them and started to vigorously rub circles on her clit, he shifted his pelvis and with his next thrust hit her g-spot perfectly. “Holy..” She gasped out as the build-up reached its peak, the split moment of feeling lighter than air, her stomach jumping. “FUCK.” Her dams burst and she let out a long and gruff breath, exhaling hard as she came around his thick cock, her eyes and head rolling back.
Thomas could feel her clenching around him and the hot pressure sent him over the edge as he came inside her, letting hot spurts coat her walls. He took his fingers from her clit and wrapped his hand around the base of his cock as he milked out every last bit of his orgasm into Y/N. He collapsed down onto her, their bodies a mess of sweat, saliva, and come. They both panted and sighed as they let their bodies catch up to the moment, exhausted from what just happened.
Thomas got up and grabbed a cloth, dousing it in water, then cleaning up the mixture of come from Y/N. He cleaned off his limp cock and let it drop to hang between his thighs. He laid back down in the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her as she curled up next to him. He reached over and played with the ends of her hair, examining her face. “I’m still leaving, you know.”
Y/N laid flat on her back and sighed. “I know.” She turned back into his side and looked up from his chest. “Let’s go get Minho, together.”
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Taglist: @xoprincessmel​ @bitch-banshee​ @parker-potter​ @writingsbychlo​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @fan-child​ @moongoddesskiana​
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ilovemygaydad · 6 years ago
title: until we meet again
pairing: demus (deceit/remus)
summary: a zombie apocalypse isn’t the place to be catching feels. unfortunately, dc is doing exactly that with a mysterious man that he met in an alley.
word count: 4.1k
warnings: remus, deceit, sympathetic deceit, zombie apocalypse, mentions of cuts and bruises, swearing, heated making out sessions, implied nudity, weapons, threats, almost attempted murder, mentions of broken glass, mentions of casual sex, mentions of hickeys, innuendos, fainting (once), mentions of STDs, death mentions, crying, sadness, anxiety, sort of breakups? it really isn’t one but idk, sexual attraction, possibly something else
***this fic obviously has a lot of triggers in it, so if you have any questions or concerns, or if you need a summary of parts with specific triggers, please send me an ask! your safety is my number one priority here, and i would hate for anybody to be engaging in unsafe reading practices!***
a/n: so this is... new for me. i’ve never written this ship or this kind of au, nor have i had deceit be the main character (in a serious manner, at least), and i’ve never attempted remus seriously, either. i hope i didn’t fuck up the descriptions of sexual attraction and making out because idk what i’m doing as a sex repulsed asexual! rip me i guess lol. also shoutout to @adultmorelikeadolt for listening to me ramble about this and proof reading it <3 they’re the real mvp here, so check their stuff out, too!!! also, this got way longer than i thought... whoops?
a/n 2: this is heavily based off of death valley by fall out boy! you can listen to it here
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consider buying me a coffee
DC breathed a heavy sigh of relief as soon as the beat-up VW bus screeched to a stop inside of the checkpoint station. It had been far too long since the last one, and each mile that ticked off on the odometer made him increasingly anxious. The dense forests of Maine were the perfect hiding spots for zombies or bandits, which Virgil so fantastically liked to point out every time that it got dark. Yet they trudged deeper and deeper into the state, driving towards the safety of Canada.
But finally, they had made it.
Roman threw the bus into park and hopped out of the driver’s seat, and the others piled out of the back right after. The checkpoint station was huge--easily one of the largest in the country--but its size made sense given that it was one of two in the entirety of New England. DC gazed around the part of the checkpoint that he could see, and he was in awe at how normal it looked. Other than the giant fences and sentries, it looked like an average New England town. If he hadn’t known any better, he would have believed that there had never been a zombie outbreak in the first place.
Neat, uniform streets of houses stretched before him with shops-turned-supply-stations interspersed between them. Children were outside playing, and adults were going about their days with only a slightly heightened level of concern. Unlike all of the other stations they’d passed through on their way from Miami, it was clean and calm, and a person didn’t have to worry about being pickpocketed or stabbed on their way back from getting their rations.
The guards advanced on them, and Patton talked to the officers as they searched the bus for illegal contraband. Once the bus was clear, they were ushered into the nearest building--a small, gray brick cube that looked more like a sad excuse for a shed than anything--and were tested for the virus. With the exception of Logan fainting, the group was completely cleared to continue into the checkpoint without issue. A guide was designated to them for their month-long stay both to help them become familiar with the checkpoint and to dissuade any of the residents from becoming hostile towards the newcomers.
They drove fifteen minutes into the checkpoint to the visitor park, which was where they were allowed to park the bus. Although their guide, whose name was Remy, offered them a tour, they politely declined. They had been on the road for nearly six days, only stopping to rest or refuel, which might have been circumnavigated had it not been for the Pittsburgh checkpoint being on lockdown.
Long story short, they were tired and really just needed to sleep.
Well, everyone else needed to sleep. DC was too keyed up from the trip to feel anything other than restless, so as soon as he was sure the others were asleep and that the sun had set, he snuck out of the bus and took to the darkest alleys of the checkpoint. He moved with expert silence through the night. His feet took him far from the bus to a more desolate area. Similarly to a normal city, the checkpoint had a dilapidated section of buildings that the more unfortunate people lived, which seemed proportional to the size of the area. 
It was eerily silent amidst the ruined structures. Aside from the occasional rat skittering across an alley, it was completely, utterly quiet.
Footsteps echoed just behind DC. Those footsteps were not his own.
Lightning fast, DC had his stalker pinned against the crumbling brick wall. He expected a fight back, but the man was merely grinning at him in glee. Electric green eyes stared at him with an unnerving amount of energy.
“The last time someone pinned me against a wall, both parties ended up without clothes on,” the man giggled, leaning his head as far forward as DC’s hold would allow. His mustache twisted along with each movement of his mouth. “I wouldn’t mind if this interaction ended the same way.”
DC decided to ignore that comment. “Why were you following me?”
“‘Cause you’re new! We never get visitors.”
That seemed fair. People tended to stay at their original checkpoints.
“And I think you’re hot.”
“Oh, and that makes stalking me so much better. I’m not disgusted by you right now.”
The man’s odd smile grew. “People usually are, so I’m not surprised.”
DC didn’t even know how to reply. He opened and closed his mouth, scouring his brain for a comeback, when a rogue hand tugged on his belt loop. Before he could even process what was happening, their positions had been reversed. 
Oh, shit.
“You’re so pretty when you’re pretending to be tough!” The man was surprisingly strong, and his hands held DC firmly in place regardless of how much he struggled. “I wonder what it would be like when you’re angry. Just fully animalistic.”
“Fuck you,” DC spat.
Logan probably would have been worried about how aggressively DC rolled his eyes. “In your dreams.”
“Who says we can’t make dreams a reality?” the man whispered in a voice that sent a chill running through DC’s blood. Was this man seriously flirting with him? Was he seriously flirting back?
“I don’t give myself up so easy to dirty street dwellers.”
The man smirked, and a dark glitter flashed in his eyes. “I put the ‘d’ in dirt, baby. I can show you if you’d like.”
DC was suddenly glad that the scars covering the left half of his face were gnarly enough to distract from any blushing.
“Come on,” the man crooned. “Come with me, and I can show you a good time.”
“No. No, I can’t.” DC rushed, and to his surprise, he was immediately let go.
“Okay.” The man took a step back, allowing DC an escape route.
The man gestured down the alley, still smiling. “You are free to go. I can’t keep you here.”
“Oh,” DC said. “Okay.”
As DC walked away, the man called, “Good bye!” He pretended that he didn’t hear.
For some godforsaken reason, DC found himself sitting on a dumpster in the alley the next day. Being out at night didn’t affect him much as he tended to prefer sleeping during the day, and he had yet to be caught by either guards or the rest of his group. Still, he hadn’t exactly been expecting to want to return to the place where he had met the strange man.
But he had, so there he was, sitting on a dumpster lid and staring up at the sky.
“BOO!” a voice suddenly shouted behind DC, and he barely managed to catch  himself before he could be sent tumbling to the pavement. The same giggling from the night before echoed through the alley as the man skipped around the dumpster, stopping right in front of DC. “Hiya!”
“I can’t believe you came back! People don’t usually want to be in this area of the checkpoint.”
“Well,” DC said, shrugging. “I’ve been told that I’m very usual.”
The man laughed, setting his elbow on the edge of the dumpster to place his chin in his palm. “You’re so funny!”
“Thanks.” DC tried to imagine what the man had found so funny, but his train of thought was cut short when the man moved again. He crossed his arms on the dumpster edge and rested his chin on DC’s crossed legs, looking up through his thick lashes. It took every ounce of restraint not to make a strangled noise at the very, very intimate position.
“So... Why did you come back?”
There was a second that DC considered lying, but he knew deep down that this man would be able to tell. “You.”
“Oh,” the man said breathily as if all of the air had been knocked out of his lungs.
“Kiss me?”
The tone of the man’s voice (the man--DC didn’t even know his name) turned dark, and he said, “God, yes.”
They moved quickly, and the second that DC’s boots hit the pavement, he was pressed back against the dumpster with a searing kiss. He hadn’t felt such an intense fire under his skin since before the apocalypse--since before he’d sworn off feelings altogether. A sharp flash of teeth ran across his lip before biting down so hard that DC was surprised his skin didn’t break. In retaliation, he thread his fingers in the other man’s hair and tugged, which elicited a surprised moan out of his companion. 
If DC’s skin had been on fire before, he was burning now, and he took advantage of the distraction to deepen the kiss further. Too soon, the other man pulled away, grinning dangerously with shining green eyes. His cheeks held a heavy flush that matched the red swell of his lips. 
“Do you want to take this somewhere more appropriate?” he asked in a husky voice that nearly made DC’s knees give out.
DC continued to sneak out to meet up with the strange man. It was fun and extremely enjoyable, so why wouldn’t he go back? He had to spend the month in the checkpoint anyway; it made sense to find something to do (literally) in his free time. Once his time was up, he would leave, and everything would go back to normal.
He could forget any of these meetings ever happened.
He would.
Because they were merely for sex. Nothing else.
They didn’t mean anything.
DC turned his head to look at the man next to him. They still didn’t know each others’ names. They were two strangers who happened to cross paths in a dingy alley. Nothing more than the product of long lines of choices. A high that they just couldn’t get enough of.
The man’s eyes were closed, and his breathing was even and deep. In the moonlight that shined through the broken window, the gray streak in his hair glimmered like a silver lake. The soft part of his lips was starkly juxtaposed with the harsh bruises and scrapes on his skin. If it were any other time, DC would have described him as stunning.
No. No, He wasn’t thinking like that. Sure, the man was attractive, but that was it. He was a good fuck--a good time during the god damn zombie apocalypse. DC wasn’t some fucking teenage YA protagonist yearning for the pretty bad boy. It wasn’t like he’d fallen in love with this crass, borderline violent stranger.
Holy shit, DC had fallen in love, and he had no idea what to do with himself.
The man’s eyes fluttered open and met his gaze. He yawned and propped himself onto his elbow, grinning his usual Cheshire smile. DC’s heart pounded heavily in his chest.
“Ready for another round?” the man teased as he traced the hickeys on DC’s neck.
“I-I’ve gotta go!” DC scrambled off of the stained mattress, throwing on his clothes with urgency.
“I just--I have to go.”
The man couldn’t even get another word in before the door to his room slammed closed.
The following three days were spent moping, napping, and pointedly not leaving the bus. Mostly napping. Definitely not moping.
He didn’t want to think about the pretty man from the alley. No part of his mind wanted to be reminded of soft lips and green eyes and burning passion. It was so damn tiring to confront the horrible reality of DC being in love. 
Because this was the apocalypse.
And he was going to leave in a couple of weeks.
The apocalypse was neither the time nor place to grow attached to a man who skulked around in alleys like the rat bastard that he was.
But god, he had fallen hard. DC would close his eyes and see a silver streak and tan, calloused hands and shiny scars. Memories of sharp teeth on sensitive skin mingled with the sensation of hot flashes in his blood, quickening his heart rate as he wished to go back and be held and loved. What deity had he angered in a past life to deserve the burden of emotions? Why couldn’t he have just stayed in the bus on the second day instead of going to the alley? How was he supposed to move on?
A sad, strangled noise escaped his throat as he contemplated his existence.
The back door of the bus swung open, and DC stilled, pretending to be asleep. He was luckily turned away from the door, so his tear-streaked face wasn’t visible to whomever opened the door. They clambered in and shut the door with a heavy thunk. They sat, of course, right behind DC’s back.
“Dee, I know you’re awake,” Virgil said. “I could hear you sobbing from outside.”
“I know what you’re talking about, Virgil. I was crying.”
Virgil huffed out a short laugh. “Wow, double lies. That’s pretty impressive.”
“Don’t go away.”
“Alright. I won’t.”
DC turned to glare at Virgil. There was no reason to hide his obvious crying when Virgil had already called him out on it. “I hate you.”
Virgil smiled sympathetically. “I know, Dee, but you’ve been in this slump for days now. Even Logan is starting to notice that you’re upset. What’s wrong?”
“I just...” he trailed off, trying to think of what he wanted to say. “I met someone.”
“We all have met people in the checkpoint, dude. We don’t know anybody here--oh. Oh, you met someone.” Virgil’s eyes went wide as the realization hit him like a truck. “You fell for them.”
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter anymore. I ran away.”
“You what?!” Virgil screeched.
“Please, continue acting so incredibly melodramatic. It suits you,” DC grumbled. He rolled his eyes and turned away. 
Virgil scoffed. “I can’t believe how fucking stupid you are! I might as well have a god damn rock for a friend.”
“Your words are so kind.”
“I’m sorry that you threw away your own fucking happiness because you’re afraid of love! You had it, DC. You found someone, and you want to just throw it away!”
DC pulled himself up, throwing a harsh look at Virgil. “We have less than two weeks left in this checkpoint. When that time is up, we will leave, and I will never see him again. Continuing to see him will only bring me more distress, not to mention that I have no idea if he even feels anything for me aside from sexual attraction.”
“Dude, can you shut the fuck up for a second? Seriously, for the past few weeks, you were happier than I’d seen you since well before the apocalypse.” Virgil let out a heavy sigh. “At least apologize. I know you like to keep up your morally-gray schtick, but he deserves to hear why you ran away.”
There were a few seconds of angry silence before DC spat, “I love when you’re right!”
Virgil merely smiled and pat his shoulder, climbing out of the van.
The sun wouldn’t be setting for a few hours, so DC had plenty of time to figure out what the fuck he was supposed to say.
It felt like major déjà-vu for DC to be sitting on the same dumpster, hoping that the man would show up. Sure, he could have just traveled to the man’s odd little apartment, but it was far more difficult to make a quick escape from a building than it was an alley. Thus, DC had settled to take his chances of sitting on the dumpster should his partner (fuck buddy? significant other???) be furious. 
Anger was a pretty valid response given the circumstances.
It had been a couple of hours since he’d arrived, and it was a bit chilly. He shivered, pulling his old leather jacket closer around him. His eyes squeezed shut as if he could will away the cold air. Canada’s weather was going to be an absolute bitch if Maine was bordering on unbearable for DC.
“Oh,” a familiar voice exclaimed from in front of the dumpster, and DC’s eyes snapped open. The man had his hands on his hips in a childlike pose, but the glimmer in his eyes bordered on murderous. “Y’know, I was starting to think I’d have to hunt you down myself, but you just waltzed back in like the idiot you are!” He shifted slightly, and the moonlight caught the metal of the knife in his hand.
“Don’t wait!” DC cried when the man lifted his arm in preparation to strike. “I didn’t want to apologize. Please, you don’t have to hear me out!”
“I do? I didn’t realize that I was under the jurisdiction of lying bastards!” The man laughed, but it was dark and lacking any humor.
“I love you,” DC blurted before he could stop himself. He clamped his hands over his mouth in horror.
I love you. The words hung in the air like a child’s mobile. They couldn’t be retracted; they couldn’t be taken back. Each syllable stuck in reality. I love you.
“Oh,” the man said, staring at DC in shock. “You aren’t lying.”
“Yes,” he lied. “I am. I wasn’t scared of my feelings. My friends and I won’t leave in a week and a half, and after that...”
The man let the knife drop to the pavement with a heavy clatter, moving to take DC’s hands. “We’re going to die. It’s just a matter of time before it happens, but what we do with that time is up to us.” He paused, and a wicked smirk twisted his lips. “Who you do is also a choice to make.”
DC choked out a laugh because it was so familiar to hear a stupid innuendo coming from this man’s lips. Love coursed through his veins for all of the stupidest reasons, but it felt so good. Virgil had been right--he was happy. He was purely, simply happy. For once, the apocalypse was on the back of his mind, and he was enjoying existence.
“I won’t have to leave,” he murmured despite himself. “It will last.”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it. Let’s make every second of this next week and a half count, okay?”
Maybe Virgil had been right about DC being an idiot, too, because he nodded and said, “Okay.”
There were only twelve hours remaining before DC had to leave the Maine checkpoint station.
There were only twelve hours remaining before DC had to leave the only person that he’d ever truly loved.
They were laying together on the man’s mildly disgusting mattress. The man--yes, he was still known as the man because they decided anonymous identities would be best--was lightly tracing his fingers down the bare skin of DC’s back, which would have been soothing if they hadn’t been acutely aware of the clock running out. 
“You should come with us,” DC whispered. He’d been mulling the idea around in his mind for a while, but he hadn’t known how to bring it up.
“Come with us,” he repeated fervently, sitting up. “The rest of the group wouldn’t mind one more person, and we could easily take you across the border.”
It was DC’s turn to say, “What?”
“No,” the man sighed as he sat up as well. “I can’t go with you.”
“Why not?!”
“Look around!” He gestured at the debris-filled room. Glass and rock littered most of the floor, and the rest was covered in clothes and containers of food. “I have no worth. I despise using the characteristics of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ but it isn’t fair to such kind people to have to take on someone like me.”
“They’d be happy to let you tag along--”
“I know, but I have to make it on my own.” His green eyes sparked with determination. “I’ll make it on my own.”
“Will you promise? I don’t care if it’s meaningless, but... it’ll make it easier to leave if I have reassurance that you’ll find me.” DC let his fingers intertwine with the other man’s in an attempt to forget about the pit in his stomach.
“I promise.”
One Year Later
Things had finally started settling down for the group. Nearly all of them had been able to secure some sort of job, and they had a roof over their heads that wasn’t attached to a vintage bus. Things were good. DC was happy, healthy, and safe.
A bit lonely, but he still had his friends.
He knew deep down that the man he’d met in Maine wouldn’t make it to Canada. DC had left him with a map marked with where the group was going to end up, but without a mode of transportation, the whispered promises to find each other would stay in the crumbling ruins of an apartment complex. That was okay, even if his heart still held on to the green-eyed stranger like there was a chance of being together.
When he’d eventually told the others of his fling, they’d all been supportive in their own ways. Patton gave him a long hug and whispered gentle reassurances into his ears, and Roman had told him that anything was possible until proven impossible. Logan scolded him about being reckless, claiming that he would have been pissed that DC had survived the apocalypse for so long just to be taken down by potential STDs. Even though Virgil had already known, he still offered a shoulder to cry on. DC would never admit it, but he appreciated how loved he felt.
He shook his head to clear his mind. It was nearly two in the morning; he should’ve been trying to sleep instead of dwelling on the past. Logan always liked to preach about circadian rhythm and all that jazz.
Whatever. DC cut his losses and went to the tiny kitchen, throwing a pot of water on the stove to boil. He took out his mug and a packet of chamomile tea that Patton had stocked for his insomnia as he waited. At least he was trying to coax his body into sleep. Virgil usually just listened to news stations on the radio until the sun rose. Old, paranoid habits died hard, he supposed.
A knock at the door pulled DC out of his thoughts. They never received any visitors, and they definitely were never this late at night. Cautiously, he grabbed the heavy flashlight from its spot next to the hall closet. He prepared to swing at whoever was outside and peered out of the peephole.
Bright green eyes stared back at him, and the flashlight clattered to the ground, barely missing his foot. He flung the door open because there was no way that he was seeing things right, but standing less than a meter away was the man from Maine. DC couldn’t believe his eyes. It couldn’t be real.
“Hey,” the man said as though they had never been apart.
“Holy shit.”
The man giggled, playfully setting his fists on his hips. “I traveled nearly three hundred miles to see you, and this is the greeting I get?”
DC wasn’t able to respond as Roman’s tired voice appeared behind him. “Dee, wha’s goin’ on?”
“Dee? Oh, that’s a cute nickname!” The man turned to Roman and said, “Hi! I’m his boyfriend.”
That sobered DC up fast. “He’s the one from Maine.” My boyfriend.
“Oh! Holy shit!” Roman’s eyes went wide with realization. 
“Roman, this is...?”
“Remus,” the man supplied.
“Roman, this is Remus.” The name felt like gold on his tongue. “Remus, this is my friend, Roman.” 
Roman held out his hand, which Remus shook. “I can’t believe you made it. How’d you even find us?”
“I secretly embedded a tracker in Dee’s skin before he left!” Roman looked horrified, and Remus cackled at the response. “Just kidding! He told me that you were going to Moncton, and I just asked around about a VW bus for a while until I found you.”
“Right...” It seemed that Roman had become thoroughly uncomfortable by Remus’ sense of humor. “I’m gonna go back to bed.” He paused, making direct eye contact with his friend. “And DC? Don’t be loud or whatever.”
“We won’t,” he assured at the same time that Remus said, “No promises!”
As soon as the door to Roman’s room was shut, DC threw himself into Remus’ arms. “You actually did it.”
“I did,” he said. “I promised.”
“I didn’t think you’d actually make it!” DC cried, feeling hot tears brim in his eyes.
“I didn’t either, Dee. I really didn’t.”
“I love you.”
Remus’ fingers tangled in his hair. “I love you, too.”
And maybe DC cried, but that was okay. He had someone to wipe the tears away, now.
now with a part 2 minific
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
break up with ur girlfriend (3/3) - dartmouth420
a/n: part 3: in which Raven makes an ethically questionable decision, Raja really doesn’t like mornings, absolutely nothing will crush Manila’s positive attitude, and Jujubee throws a curve ball
basically ye olde morning after weirdness
thanks for reading :)
Raven awoke tired and a little hungover in bed with Manila and Raja. She raised her head and sighed, then noticed the tall glass of water on the bedside table. She loosely remembered Raja padding out of the room just as Raven was drifting off (thoroughly fucked out and happy) and placing something on the bedside table. That was kind of her, especially considering the circumstances in which they’d met. Raven raised the glass and took a big drink, appreciative.
Raven sat on the edge of the bed quietly, not wanting to wake them. Maybe she’d go and make coffee or something. Or maybe she should just leave. Raven glanced over her shoulder. A perfect ray of sunlight was hitting the bed where Manila and Raja were still curled up, asleep, and whole thing was aesthetically glorious.
Raven wondered if what was about to do was ethical. But then she shrugged, and raised her phone. Also, she really liked them, and might be interested in seeing them again, so she held no malicious intent.
The photo she took was from a strong angle, consisting of the corner of her face, one eye visible, eyebrow raised, blonde hair smooth close to her head. Behind her was the bed, and Raja and Manila curled up, still asleep. Raja was deep in the covers, only one closed eye, her forehead and a streak her long grey hair visible. Manila was next to Raja, lying on her back fast asleep with her mouth open, the cover pulled up to her chin.
She hit send.
BITCH replied Juju, quickly, with about eighteen emojis, you fucked them both???
you bet replied Raven, smug.
Wait a sec, Juju replied. Then the second text came in.
what?? Raven looked down at her phone, concerned.
The blood drained from Raven’s face, and she looked back at Manila, who was… well, a young woman who’s last name she hadn’t asked for and who’s social media who hadn’t checked out. But in a big, multicultural city like this who would’ve expected her to be related to Raven’s best friend?
Juju sent her a text containing twenty laugh-crying emojis and one devil, followed by a vomit-face.
uhhhh, don’t be grossed out but she’s hot, replied Raven, who was finding the situation as distressing as it was funny. This new factoid raised the stakes, seeing this couple was no longer an entirely anonymous entity.
She mildly regretted sending the photo. Maybe it was an invasion of privacy.
idk if anyone knows she’s gay tbh that whole side of the family is pretty religious
i didn’t know lol
oh shit I’m sorry… was just trying to brag to u about my conquest haha
why are u like this it’s fucked up lol
idk lol
thanks for telling me
but like
i might wanna see her again?
maybe both of them ;) ??? typed out Raven, hitting send with some mild guilt. She’d definitely need to sit down and think about this later. After she had some caffeine.
o really?
aw <3
Raven smiled at the phone. She really loved Juju, they’d been best friends since college, and truly shared everything.
can’t wait to be ur in-law, teased Juju,
imma bring u really cheap wedding gifts
ur getting an off-brand slow cooker
anyway g2g <3 <3
hmu later <3
Raven got up and walked to the bathroom. She quickly rinsed her face and mouth. She put the unexpected information from Juju about Manila aside for now, and decided not address it. This really wasn’t the time or the place. Then she padded over to the kitchen. It was a bit cluttered, clearly well-used and loved.
There was an espresso machine on the counter, and Raven grinned. She knew how to work one of those, having done the time in her early twenties as a barista. While the water heated, Raven looked at the pictures on the fridge. There were kitschy magnets from a few places around the world, ‘Paris, je t'aime!’, and several photos, including two goofy school pictures of Raja and Manila respectively. Manila glared at the camera, about thirteen and deep in an emo phase, judging by her racoon-like eyeliner, back-combed hair and striped long-sleeved shirt. Raja’s picture was more innocent, a goofy-looking androgynous nine-year old with a big smile, round face and black hair sticking up awkwardly.
Raven snorted a laugh. She appreciated this couple’s sense of humour, displaying silly pictures on their fridge.
She sighed. She shared her apartment somewhat resentfully with two room mates. It wasn’t an ideal situation but it was cheap and because of that she’d been able to put aside some savings. If only Tyra would do the dishes every once in a while. Not to mention she was pretty sure Nicole had a crush on her, and she had to figure out how to let the other girl down easy. In fact, Nicole was probably taking her dog for a walk right now. Raven winced and sighed. Whatever, these were problems for Future Raven. Hopefully she’d find a better job soon, and move on.
The espresso machine was gurgling, so Raven moved over and dealt with it.
A few minutes later she snuck back into the bedroom with three cups of espresso. She was a little nervous, this wasn’t something she’d normally do. She was more of a leave immediately after sex or quickly in the morning kind of lover. But this felt like the right thing.
She put the coffee on the bedside table and sat on the bed, heart suddenly beating quickly.
The movement of Raven sitting back down on the bed disrupted Manila, who blinked her eyes open and yawned, stretching. The movement then woke Raja, who groaned and buried her face deeper into the pillow, disappearing under the duvet. Manila blinked and smiled sleepily at Raven.
“Good morning… oh! You made coffee!” said Manila, and she threw the covers off and made for the bedside table where Raven had put the little cups, “Oh my god, is that espresso?”
“Did somebody say espresso?” muttered Raja from deep in the blankets.
“Yeah, I made some,” said Raven, gently.
“That’s nice, you’re so sweet!” enthused Manila, kissing Raven on the cheek. Manila was shockingly perky, having been awake for less than one minute, “And I thought you were all mean and sexy last night…”
“She’s great. Keep your voice down,” muttered Raja.
Raven stifled a laugh, and sipped her own coffee. Manila crawled off the bed and threw on a robe, before sitting next to Raven and drinking her coffee in silence. Eventually, a long brown arm stuck out of the pile of covers that contained Raja, and Manila carefully put the cup of espresso into her hand. The arm retreated into the pile of covers almost cartoonishly. The only evidence of Raja’s existence was a small slurp and a happy sigh.
“I had a really nice time with you two, last night,” whispered Raven, putting a hand on Manila’s thigh.
“Aw thanks! I did too, and Raja as well,” replied Manila, quietly.
“Lovely, so… I can leave whenever, if you’ve got something you’re doing today-”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” replied Manila, smiling so that the edges of her eyes crinkled happily, “Neither of us have plans, you can hang out for breakfast, whatever suits you.”
“Right, well,” replied Raven, her heart glowing a little upon hearing she was welcome to stay, “I really need to shower.”
“Mmm, I think I’ll join you,” said Manila, putting down her cup down. They both glanced back at the pile of blankets and pillows that contained Raja somewhere deep within it.
“Yeah, she won’t be really awake for a while.”
Of course, Raven ended up on her knees in the shower eating Manila out against the wall. A truly good start to the day, Raven mused to herself as Manila squirmed and gasped, throwing her head back with pleasure. What could be better?
When they were finally done, they found Raja in the kitchen, starting to cook. The older woman had put her hair up on top of her head in a messy bun, wore dark-rimmed glasses and an elaborately patterned silk robe.
“Your glasses are too cute,” said Raven, as she towelled her hair dry. She was wearing a borrowed bathrobe, one of an apparently infinite supply, “Anything I can help with?”
“No, just sit there and look pretty,” replied Raja, with an affectionate smile.
“That’ll be easy.”
Breakfast was insanely good. It was better than any breakfast Raven had had in a long time, and she’d certainly worked up an appetite. Raja could really cook. They hung around the table for a while, chatting away about plans for the weekend and this and that. Eventually Raven changed, slipping her dress from last night back on, feeling a bit weird next to the other two, who were wearing relaxed weekend clothes. It was time to retreat to her own apartment and chill out.
“I think I’ll call an uber,” said Raven to Raja. Manila was checking her phone, and Raja was putting dishes in the sink.
“I can give you a ride,” said Raja, shrugging.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.”
“Okay, thanks,” said Raven. She supposed it’d be worth it to save the eight dollars on the ride.
“Manila, you want to come?” asked Raja, half-turning towards the other woman.
“Ah, no, sorry I have to make a call in a few minutes,” said Manila, giving Raven an apologetic smile.
Manila then engaged in a drawn out goodbye with Raven, leaving her with lingering kisses and an exchange of numbers. Raja watched from the door, lacing up her shoes, and raised a single eyebrow. Then Raven got her little purse and left with Raja. Her high-heeled club shoes clicked along the floor of the hallway.
In the carpark under the building, they approached an ugly 90’s style green car.
“Wow, this thing is ancient,” joked Raven, sitting down on the worn passenger seat. But unlike Juju’s car that seemed to be always covered in empty takeout containers and random garbage, Raja’s was meticulously clean. Raven didn’t have a car, but everything she did was comfortably within either cycling or public transit distance, and for anything that wasn’t Juju would drive her.
“Yeah, so everyone tells me,” chuckled Raja, shifting into gear, “But it’s reliable, hasn’t died yet. I made it through Hurricane Katrina in this thing.”
“You can drive stick?” asked Raven, curious, “Also… what?”
“Yep,” replied Raja, winking, “And I’ll tell you that story sometime if you’re lucky.”
“Hmm.” Raven was impressed and she eyed Raja’s tattooed hand on the gearshift as she confidently manoeuvred the car out of the parkade into the street. The bright sun burst through the windshield, and reflected off of Raja’s white Tshirt.
“So,” said Raven as they drove, after she’d given Raja her address. She felt a bit exposed, without any makeup on and her hair still slightly damp from the shower.
“So,” replied Raja, smirking a little at Raven’s uncharacteristic hesitance, “Manila gave you her number, right?”
Raven nodded, and then she had no idea why she said it, but suddenly it was out of her mouth, “It turns out I distantly know her.”
“Oh yeah? From where?”
“She’s my friend Juju’s second cousin.”
Raja stiffened at the mention, shifting the clutch and accelerating through the green light, “You know her family?”
“No. She just happens to be related to her. Juju’s my best friend,” replied Raven, inwardly cursing. Why had she even mentioned it?
“How did you find out?”
“Checked out her instagram this morning, realized the connection,” Raven lied quickly, guilt flaring in her stomach.
“Right. Well. Manila’s family is pretty religious,” said Raja matter-of-factly, but Raven could see lingering resentment in her expression, “Let’s just say they don’t approve of us and leave it at that. Maybe don’t mention this to your friend.”
“Of course not.”
Raven wondered if she could have handled that better. But then again, family was complicated.
They pulled up at Raven’s soon after that. Raven was having a hard time getting a read on Raja, so she decided to say exactly how she felt and Raja could interpret it however she so desired. They’d been quiet for the last few minutes of the drive. It was a beautiful day, thought Raven, looking out the window at the bright blue sky.
“Well, I had a great time with you two last night and I hope you stay in touch, I’d love to see you again,” said Raven, with a warm smile as she opened the door to get out.
“I had a good time as well,” said Raja, with a half-smile, “I, ah, just felt a bit weird with you bringing up Manila’s family. I’m basically suspicious of anyone who knows them since they’ve been so shitty to us over the years. But yeah, I like you too. Until next time.”
And then Raja leaned in and kissed Raven intently. Raven raised her eyebrows, surprised. And then Raja pulled back and gave her an absolutely filthy grin, and when Raven left the car she waved. Raven waved back and saw in Raja the same goofy energy as she’d seen in the childhood photo on her fridge. It was a bit of a shock after her cool exterior, but charming.
Hmmm. It seemed the night before had worked out in the best way possible. Raven opened the front door to her building and nodded pleasantly to her elderly neighbour, who looked her up and down disapprovingly.
Raven walked up the two flights of stairs towards her apartment, feeling thoroughly satisfied. She had work on Monday and a bunch of laundry and groceries and chores to do before then. Also, Juju would be back Sunday afternoon and she was looking to reuniting with her best friend after their brief time apart.
There was much to discuss.
The following morning she received a text.
You doing anything next weekend? :P
Raven raised an eyebrow and replied, new phone who dis
It’s Manila!!! Omg you’re the worst lol
that’s what they all say
hmmmmm i think i’m available friday ;)
Yay!! We’ll be in touch, Manila sent a quick photo of herself and Raja, a selfie in Raja’s car. Manila was sticking her tongue out at the camera and Raja was looking at something out of frame, light reflecting off her glasses. There were bags full of groceries behind them in the back seat.
Raven smiled down at her phone like a love-struck fool.
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Does anyone know your bank pin number other than you? Who? I don’t even have one of those yet.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend who was depressed? I'm not sure. I know she's told me before about being diagnosed with depression, but I’ve forgotten if it’s mild or severe, or if she has the whole thing or is just showing symptoms of it. She only mentioned it in passing so I figured it wasn’t something she wanted to touch on further.
Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? Probably but I’d have to be really careful to not end up shattering my legs or any other part of my body haha, but knowing me I’d probably land badly. I live on the second floor but the house isn’t that high, so I think I could give it a shot.
What would you do if you found out the last person you called was pregnant/got someone pregnant? I’d be very confused because she’s very gay and also because she’s only been staying at home since March.
Can you taste the difference between brand name food and store brand food? I wouldn’t be able to relate since store brand’s not really a thing here. Only SM makes their own stuff but they’re purposely cheaper because they’re meant to be of lower quality to begin with. Other than that, we don’t really have a choice but buy brand name.
Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? Just the tampons, probably. I never need condoms so I have no reason to feel awkward buying them, and in fact I’ve volunteered to buy them for Angela whenever she feels shy haha; I definitely have no reason to be embarrassed buying pads because periods are a thing. I will likely feel most awkward getting tampons since I don’t know any one person who uses them where I live and it’ll most likely be seen as an unusual purchase since they’re quite uncommon.
If a stranger went in your room, would they be able to tell what gender you are from just looking at it? Probably. I have a poster of Nam Joo Hyuk, several Audrey Hepburn memorabilia, and a lot of pink stuff so it very much looks like a stereotypical girly room. I do think it’s kinda balanced out by the amount of WWE merch I own, but yeah otherwise my other stuff screams girly.
Are your parents gullible? When it comes to home stuff my mom is basically a witch; she can immediately tell if my dog peed somewhere, if I lost something, or if a dining chair isn’t positioned right. But when it comes to fake news on Facebook she will occasionally flock to them hahaha I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to remind her that phones DO NOT emit radiation from 12AM to 5AM and that it’s only a ploy to get people to sleep early lmfao. My dad is pretty intelligent and won’t be easily fooled about anything.
Do you still own a VCR? I know my parents owned one but I don’t know if they still brought it here when we moved 12 years ago or if they already threw it out.
About how much money have you spent on food in the past two weeks? :( Zero pesos. The only thing I’ve spent on this entire quarantine was a bottle of soju I asked my dad to buy and I paid him after.
If you were in a car accident would the last person you kissed care? Yes.
If you were looking for a new pair of shoes where would you go? UPTC since they have like ten shoe stores there.
How much was the last pair of shoes you bought? I haven’t had a new pair in like a year now, but the last one we bought cost arounddddd ₱4200, if I remember correctly.
What color is the computer/laptop you’re on? Did you buy it yourself? Gray. No, it was a gift from my parents.
Do you have a second home? I guess I count my childhood home my second home. My grandma and cousins remain in that house, so we visit from time to time and when we’re there I’ve noticed that I still retain the same tendencies and habits from when I still lived there.
Would you be surprised if you saw the last person you texted smoking? I’ll use the last person I chatted in this context since I haven’t texted in a hot minute, and that person would be Andrew. I’d be quite concerned since they’ve told me they’ve quit smoking, so there must be something extremely stressful going on for them to start smoking. I’d check up on them immediately.
Does the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer repulse you? I do super hate the smell of beer even though I have no other choice but to drink it sometimes; I still find the smell of cigarettes disgusting although my contempt for them has lessened over the last few years seeing as a lot of people I know are smokers so I’ve been around that smell a lot, and also because I’ve started too. I’ve never been around weed and I don’t know how it smells.
Was the last person you kissed younger or older than you? Younger by a month.
Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? Not really? What I get most frequently is people thinking I was grumpy at first, but tbh I am pretty grumpy so they aren’t far off from the truth. With me it’s usually a what you see is what you get thing whether someone’s meeting me for the first or the 78th time.
Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Nope, not a thing here. I’ve always found the variety of cookies so fascinating though and I’ve always wanted to try the Thin Mints and Samoas since they’re what I hear about the most :(
Do you like waffles? They’re okay, though I only ever eat waffles with fried chicken and never just by themselves. I prefer pancakes.
Do you watch birthing videos on a day-to-day basis? Nah man wtf? I have no reason to be doing that lmao.
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive? I don’t find either attractive. I get curious when I see tattoo because I wonder what the story behind it is and what it means to the person who has it, that’s all. As for piercings, I don’t really like them < Pretty much. Like I don’t go looking around for tattoos on a person to find them attractive; I just like hearing the histories behind them. Same with piercings, I don’t need them to be attracted to someone.
Would you talk to someone you don’t know on the internet? Only on social media that I’m already familiar with and comfortable in, like on this Tumblr, or Twitter, sometimes Facebook. I wouldn’t go to like Quora to ask something or join forums or even post anything on Reddit.
How often do you drink Monster? Never. Energy drinks scare me lol.
Have you ever made totally pointless videos with your friends? I’ve made those for myself, but not with friends. I remember filming a house tour with my flip phone’s video camera back when I was like, 8 hahaha I was ahead of our time for sure.
Do you like to buy those Warped Tour compilations? I don’t even know those existed. I just knew of Warped Tour and that all the cool bands of the time would play there, but that’s it. I’m clueless about everything else that goes on in there.
Do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth? You mean just a restaurant? Inside, for sure. I would never agree to eating outside and am always willing to wait a few extra minutes. I hate having to contend with passersby while I eat my food as I feel that it ruins the experience as well as the time I have with the person/s I’m eating with.
Do you own a nightgown? No but I had duster dresses that I’d wear to bed as a kid, if that counts lol.
Have you ever made a house out of a giant cardboard box? Probably not. My mom wouldn’t allow us to play with those and she’d immediately view them as trash that needs to be thrown out.
Have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom? No. I usually used the sheets as a cape or robe, then I’d pretend to be a queen.
Do your grandparents know how to operate a cell phone? My paternal grandparents do. My maternal grandfather used to regularly use a phone before he passed. My maternal grandmother refuses to learn :(
Have you ever had sex or something like it? Hahahaha ‘something like it.’ Yeah, I’ve had sex.
Have you ever read a George Orwell book? I tried reading 1984 when I was like 13 but didn’t understand it from the get-go. I haven’t continued it since but honestly I’m very open to revisiting it one of these days.
Have you ever worn fishnets? I don’t remember ever doing so. I feel like it’d be so uncomfortable; I hate wearing stockings as it is.
How many piercings and tattoos do you have? I only have my ears pierced and no tattoos < Sameeee.
Is someone in your family affected by Asperger’s? Nope.
In a hotel do you always nose through all the drawers and cupboards? Hahahahaha yeah, just out of curiosity. I’ve never seen anything interesting, but I keep trying.
Would you rather go out to eat or be eaten out? Be eaten out right now. I’ve had too much abstinence from sexual activity for my own liking lol < Ok it’s 1 in the afternoon but SAME lol
Do you always wear your seat belt? Honestly, no and it’s a shitty habit that I need to correct ASAP. I never notice that I’m not wearing them until it’s one of my parents riding with me and they scold me for driving out of the village without a seatbelt. I do put it on when I enter bigger cities with more police patrolling the area like Ortigas and Makati, or when I drive out of town, but usually it stays off.
Have you ever liked someone much older than you? No. I’ve had a crush on a teacher, but I obviously didn’t legit like him haha.
Have you ever been in a play? Just the annual school plays we do that all students are required to be a part of. I forgot to mention this in a recent survey but I was in an acting club in Grade 1 and I played Cinderella’s prince in our culminating play, heheh.
Do you have any secrets that nobody knows about? Sure.
Is there ice cream in your freezer? Yeah. My parents love ice cream so we always have an ample supply of their favorite flavors. Sometimes we’ll also have a tub of cookies and cream since it’s our (the kids’) favorite flavor.
Have you ever started to laugh but played it off as a cough successfully? For sure. I always laugh at inappropriate moments so I do fake coughs a lot.
Have you ever liked the lyrics of a band but hated the music? I suppose so. Hate is a strong word and I’d rather not use it, but while the music my girlfriend listens to wouldn’t be what I’d tune into on a regular basis, the lyrics are admittedly very well-written and intelligent and reflective, and I don’t mind it when she shares her favorite songs with me :)
Does your bathroom have a window? Yes but they’re high up on the wall.
Do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? No, I’m really scared of threading :( Everyone always gets out of the salon with their eyebrow area all red and tingling and it’s enough to scare me off of threading forever lmao. I’m not very conscious about how my own eyebrows look, so I just let them grow out.
When you were younger did you read the A Series Of Unfortunate Events books? I’ve only seen snippets of the movie.
Who was the last band you saw live? Paramore. I miss them already.
Do you believe prayer really works? I’m not gonna invalidate the fact that it works for a lot of people. But it’s just not my cup of tea, and I honestly don’t know how to feel whenever someone says they pray for me since I don’t believe in it anyway. Of course I thank them, but on the inside I’m always a little puzzled.
Are you a fan of the band Gym Class Heroes? Never been. I know Stereo Hearts and that was always a fun song to sing, but it’s not my favorite either.
Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? I don’t really have either, but I’d go with frosted flakes I guess?
Have you been on a date in the park? I would love to have one of these if we actually had parks. How nice would it be to take a long stroll, have a picnic, and just sit on a bench talking for hours?
Ever dated someone you were best friends with first? Yes. At first I didn’t want to risk it since we were reeeeeally close, but I don’t regret asking her out.
Are there any diseases/health problems that run in your family? Thankfully no. Although my grandpa and his sister did pass from heart attacks and I’m starting to be scared that it might develop to be a pattern for some of us. But other than that, both sides of the family are relatively healthy.
Do you have asthma? No. But Gab does and I get really worried once her breathing becomes labored at night. I keep telling her to get a new nebulizer after her old one broke, but I dunno what’s become of that request of mine.
Are tongue piercings slutty? No, and it’s not like being slutty is a bad thing lol.
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40? No one in real life but I do still have a crush on CM Punk who’s turning 42 this year hahah. I don’t think that crush is ever gonna go away.
Last person to take off your pants, besides you? Gab.
Do you remember those cool highlighters that smelled like popcorn? I knew about markers and ballpens, but not highlighters.
Might you enjoy hanging out in the woods for day or two? No thanks. I’d rather have somewhere to go home to or rest at by the end of the day, and if I was gonna do this I prefer to be with someone who knows a thing or two about surviving in the woods.
Have you ever written something on a bathroom stall? Nope. The worst thing I’ve done was write on one of the desks in grade school.
Least favorite alcoholic drink? Out of the ones I tried, I didn’t like whisky at all. Too bitter for me < Twins. I hated the ever living shit out of Jim Beam and Jack Daniels when I tried them.
Have you ever kissed someone named Paul or Luke? I haven’t. I have a cousin named Luke that I used to babysit and I kissed him a lot when he was a baby, if that counts lol.
How did you meet the last male you texted? I met them at the Marcos heroes’ burial protests. I have no idea how I started talking to them, but I think it was because they were wearing a Nexus shirt and I told them I like it, and we started talking from there.
Have you ever had an embarrassing email address? Yup. I wasn’t allowed to make an email address when I was young so I had to sneak around and make a fake Yahoo username so my parents would never find me. I don’t remember what it was anymore but it was for sure embarrassing so I’m just grateful my brain threw that memory out.
Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand? OMG this survey is so long. I put it on my left hand.
Do you have a bull ring through your nose? Nope, no piercings.
Do you and your dad get along? Better than my mom and I.
Can you see your purse right now? Nah, it’s in my room upstairs.
Are you wearing any perfume? What kind? I am not. I haven’t had a reason to in a while.
Are there products in your hair? Just shampoo and conditioner.
When you get colds, do you use nasal spray to help get your nose unstuffy? No. Whaaaat, those exist? I just blow my nose or just live through the stuffiness.
Do you actually like sneezing? I love it, it’s such an underrated sensation lmao. It feels better when you’ve actually been needing to sneeze for a while and it finally comes through.
Have you taken a shower yet today? Nope, I usually take them at night.
Do you have one best friend who is always there for you? I have two.
Do you wear skirts a lot? Not really, I don’t like skirts because I feel exposed wearing them. I prefer shorts.
Do you wear sweatpants a lot? Nope.
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? I can remember five pairs right now, but I have many other kinds of bottoms in my closet like culottes and leggings.
Do you like hoodies? They’re okay. I find them more comfortable if they belong to someone else, hah.
Big ones or the form fitting kind? Form-fitting if I’m buying for myself; big ones if I’m borrowing from Gabie.
Do you wear polo shirts a lot? I never wear them. My mom made me wear them often as a kid and it made me feel like a boy, so I’ve kinda had a predisposition to be wary of them as I got older since I was teased frequently enough about being a tomboy as a kid as it is.
Did you ever actually have a rubber duck? I think we probably did.
Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? I have one big regret and the rest of my ‘regrets’ are small and are stuff like “I regret not picking up food on my way home because I’m now hungry.” The way I’ve always thought is that I did the things I did before because I chose to do them and I was happy to do them, and I’ve honestly felt barely any regret even though things didn’t turn out the best. There’ve been mistakes but I’ve just chosen to learn from them instead of regretting them at the same time. Do you love your computer? Love it.
Do you drink coffee? Yeah. I’ve been doing it a lot this quarantine but I think it’s been giving me headaches, so I stopped for now.
Do you basically like all of your clothes? No. There are some at the bottom of the pile that I’m no longer crazy about anymore.
Do you shop mostly with your parents, your friends, or by yourself? My mom. She tends to know what looks best on me, and she also pays for the clothes hahaha.
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kissmetae · 6 years ago
Charme et luxure
x Taehyung
❧ AU: Oh yes, the city of Paris. The city of love is it not? But how come it is known as such? The atmosphere has something special about it, something special that changes people... In the air lingers infectionate charm, but at night charm can easily turn into lust... A turn that you had imagined and longed for ever since you stepped off the plane in the city itself for a getaway, hand in hand with your lover... 
|| SMUT + romance | 4.8k | x reader ||
❧ Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
❧ Rating: Mature || sexual content, unprotected sex, language
❧ Smut features: (In no particular order) Passion gone rough, tae in control, in front of the mirror, in bed, riding, humping, from behind, missionary, in the dark, top + power bottom !tae, fight for control, mention of taking rude photos, cursing, romantic and dirty lol, oral, encouraging dirty talk and more...
❧ A/N: Title tr: Charm & Lust thanks google translate
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There was something about the city…
An enchanting aura.
Air that in an almost magical way changed how you took in everything.
Every act, every view and every word.
It infected everyone and everything with charm.
 The city of romance they say…
As night fell the power it had grew stronger.
Was it all just sugar in water based on what you had heard or did it really have something in the air?
The shimmering light, the flowers in the shop windows and the picturesque streets… did it have it all?
All that was missing was the fresh bake scent from the corner bakery in the morning but it had closed for the day.
 Your hand was held firmly by the large soft hands of your love.
Long coat, beret and a vintage camera on his shoulder all tied together with accessories by Chanel… he melted into the aesthetic to say the least.
 Dark sky, yellow street lights and groups of friends talking and laughing in foreign languages.
You had just had dinner together and took a detour in the crisp evening cold to see the Eiffel tower shine brightly on your way back to your hotel.
 Walking all day had made your feet sore and you were relieved when you finally stepped into the elevator of your hotel.
 Taehyung’s gaze was burning against your side and you hesitated at first to look over but your curiosity got the upper hand.
His eyes had the familiar longing darkness to them…
He leaned closer slowly, eyes moving from yours to your lips and back as if he couldn’t make up his mind what to focus on…
 You weren’t one to lie for yourself… you had been waiting for this ever since you stepped off the plane earlier today.
Something you had shamelessly dreamt of in secrecy and looked forward to oh so much.
For every beautiful day of adventures to end in fulfillment of your deepest desires and cravings in the most erotic way.
 Packing, you had this in mind with caution.
Every set of lingerie mindfully selected, every outfit and every fragrance too; To enchant not only his eyes, but all his senses.
 The elevator dinged before he got the chance to make a move and you stepped out, walking down to the hall towards your room.
 On the desk stood a few shopping bags from earlier, one of which containing a selection of macarons.
Something you were eager to try… but Taehyung had other immediate plans for the two of you.
 He unlocked the door with the keycard and let you enter first.
The door shut by itself behind him and his hand instantly found your hips in the darkness. With a swift move he spun you around to face him and within seconds he had your back against the wall in the small hallway and his soft lips crashed against yours.
 ”I want you so bad.” He confessed with a whisper between the kisses, pleading.
His hand found the camera strap on his shoulder and he carefully slipped it off, placing the camera down gently on the carpet floor, lips not leaving yours.
With his coat his gesture quickly grew aggressive.
He yanked it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor behind him.
He pushed himself tighter against your body, pulling his shirt out of the hem of his jeans.
His breathing grew heavier and he let out a lustful whimper, demanding more action.
 You held on to his shoulders, struggling slightly to step out of your boots.
Taehyung’s hands caressed your arms and he pulled away from your lips with a serious expression.
The type of serious expression he’d always have when he was horny.
A dangerous expression you’d joke, but it was quite the intimidating gaze.
His hands found the belt of your coat and pulled it apart, following that he pulled the zipper down and moved his hand up under the fabric and over your shoulders to make it fall.
 He moved even closer.
The tip of his nose brushed against yours and his eyes looked down before meeting yours, immediately making you drown.
The dark pattern in his eyes was almost hypnotizing.
Your lips parted slightly, needy for the touch of his lips…
 Were you falling?
Or did he really have the power to make your knees this weak with just his gaze?
”T… Tae.”
His hands supported him against the wall on either side of you.
”I’m so in love with you…”
The eye contact broke as he let out a flustered chuckle.
”I was expecting something dirty.” He confessed.
”I can give you dirty.”
”Then let me hear it.” He gave you a cocky look, tilting his head to the side slightly.
You placed your hands by the sides of his neck, feeling the soft warm skin. Causing his eyes to seemingly get bigger.
”How about… I show you instead?”
He smirked, followed by a lick of his tongue across his upper lip.
 His hands fell from the wall and he bent down slightly. Before you knew it you were swept up in his arms bridal style.
”Showtime baby”
 He carefully placed you down on the edge of the large bed and took a step back, placing his hands on his hips and his tongue making a second appearance.
That habit he had would drive you beyond crazy one day…
 ”What are you doing with that tongue?”
”Not what I should be.”
He took a step towards you again and placed his hands on your thighs, leaning down.
”It should be exploring you, but I want my show first.” He said, raising a brow suggestively.
 ”Sit down.” You ordered, standing up from the bed.
Eager, he took a seat.
If he was deliberate or unaware you didn’t know, neither did you care that he had his thighs spread wide, making the growing strain against his jeans show clearly.
 It distracted you.
He noticed, amused.
With his hand behind him he leaned back slightly, looking up towards you.
 You pulled a hand through your hair.
Crossing your arm across your body you grabbed the hem of your dress and pulled it up over your head, revealing the red lace decorating your figure.
Your legs had black mesh thigh high stocking with a lace hem.
A surprise perhaps since your dress was just long enough to cover the hem and make them seem like usual tights.
 Taehyung looked pleased.
You smirked at him and placed your hands on his shoulders, climbing up over him.
His hand moved up your thigh and he let out a suffocated whimper when your lips suddenly crashed against his, lips finally reconnected.
 With a strong grip he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down on top of him. His tongue found yours and you could practically taste how needy he was.
Yet he was acting so patient?
This could become fun…
 You lowered your hips, attempting to grind against his bulge. The soft friction made him moan softly against the kiss.
How vulnerable he was in this state…
He wanted you so bad huh?
Well you wanted to see more.
 He rolled you over, getting on top and climbing off.
He was breathing heavy and hastily took off his shoes and practically pulled his shirt apart.
It fell to floor along with his belt shortly thereafter.
His hands reached for the button of his jeans and he quickly freed his bulge from the tight fit.
He leaned down and quickly pulled off his socks along with the jeans and got back up on the bed, now in only his underwear and shiny jewelry.
His lips immediately found yours again and his hips found their place between your thighs.
His big hands stroked up the curves of your sides as his tongue explored your mouth even deeper than before, swirling around your own.
Taking your breath away quite literally.
 With each touch, each soft groan and every second; you felt your need for him grow stronger and stronger and more and more unbearable.
Horny, wet, needy, whatever…
You needed him now.
You wanted him.
You craved him.
You broke the kiss.
You leaned your head back against the pillow, chest heaving and Taehyung catching his breath above you.
He swallowed.
The silence spoke more than your words.
 He sat up, sliding his fingertips down your body to your thighs.
”Let’s get rid of the rest.” He said in a low tone.
As his hands moved further down so did your stockings with them.
He caressed your ankles as he slid them off past them.
 With gentle hands he reached up and grabbed the sides of the red lace concealing you and began to slide them down your thighs.
He was moving fast and impatient but his touches felt teasingly slow.
He threw your panties to the floor and spread your legs for him to return to his initial spot.
But he only moved halfway before leaning down and placing a kiss against your lower abdomen instead, to your surprise.
Another further down and with each soft kiss he moved further and further.
His fingers lightly caressed your heat, spreading your lower lips for him to place a kiss against your clit before suddenly flicking his tongue across it, like hitting the switch for your body to squirm and your wetness to get worse.
 Your reaction to his touch made him scoff with a smirk.
Was there any compliment more pure than a physical reaction to the most impure touch?
 His middle and index finger dragged up and down your slit, as if he was inspecting the soft warm skin, coating his fingers with your need for him.
You moved your legs as your lust grew. A pointless attempt for relief.
Your thighs moved closer together, attempted.
But Taehyung’s strong hand stopped you. Gripping your inner thigh firmly while his other hand remained.
”Don’t get too excited… we’re taking it slow tonight.”
”You’re going to drive me crazy.”
”Good, then you’ll know how it feels for me.”
His words made you flustered.
”We’re not fucking tonight… we’re making love.”
Oh how cheesy…
Was it the atmosphere of the city speaking through him?
Your thoughts were quickly abandoned as Taehyung’s lips stole your attention back.
Soft lips pressing gently against your clit again, placing soft kisses and gently sucking.
He licked across with his tongue, earning a moan from you.
As if it had been what he waited for he suddenly slid two of his long fingers into you.
No warning, no words.
His mouth was busy.
 You inhaled sharply and reached down to grab his hair.
His fingers moved slow, pulling out and sliding back in at a relaxing pace, building you up well.
But of course relaxing when his tongue and lips were abusing your most sensitive area wasn’t the easiest and the lethal combination of the two together made your muscles tense up.
You squirmed, his name falling from your lips desperately.
His fingers curled before pulling out, leaving you with an ache almost unbearable.
If it wasn’t for his body blocking you, you could’ve crossed your legs to soothe the ache.
 ”Sit up.” He ordered, slightly out of breath as he himself sat up, making your hand slip out of his soft locks.
You did as you were told and his arms reached around you almost immediately, unhooking your bra and pulling it off your arms, tossing it to the floor, leaving you in nothing.
 The bulge in his boxers was bothering him more then he showed.
More than anything did he want you to pleasure him the way only you could but he wanted to take it slow… passionate.
But his passionate fucking always ended in lustful desire taking over and making it rough.
Not that either of you minded…
 He stood on his knees, hands on his hips and thumbs under the hem of his underwear.
The streetlights outside made a warm dim light enter the room and you could clearly see the contours and curves of his body and his honey gold skin almost shimmer in the light.
The sweat that had formed over his chest made him glow.
 His hands moved over his hips, pulling the final piece of clothing down his toned body.
You could see the relief in his expression once his thick erection was exposed.
With a quick move his boxers fell to the floor at the end of the bed and he crawled over you.
Forcing you to lean back more and more the closer he got until your back his the soft sheets again.
 His lips pressed a delicate kiss against your neck and moved down in a trail, down your neck slow to between your breasts.
Hands travelled up your sides and squeezed your breasts firmly.
His touch was…
It was something only he could deliver. The firmness, the pleasure and the safety along with it.
 He didn’t have to say it ever.
You knew his hands could never hurt you.
They gave you comfort, pleasure and teasing tingles…
 His lips latched on to your left nipple, tugging at it softly and letting go, immediately making it hard.
 His lips moved to your other as his hand on your left travelled up across it to gently pinch your nipple between his thumb and middle finger.
 All this pleasure wasn’t fair…
You wanted him to receive it too… you could not only see, but feel how needy he was and how he was suppressing it.
You knew him too well for him to get away with it.
You wanted to caress the tip of his cock with your lips, lick up his shaft and drive him crazy too.
Hear his sweet low groans and spread the precum all over the head of his cock with your feather light touch…. all while he whimpered.
 You placed your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look up and his attention to leave your nipples alone.
You kissed him.
Immediately distracting him.
You rolled over so Taehyung was on his back and you straddled him, not breaking the kiss once.
His hands landed on your thighs, moving up and down.
 The makeout continued, grew more heated and increased your heartbeats.
After a long while you pulled away to catch your breath and quickly moved down his body.
His eyes followed your every move with a burning gaze and he pushed himself up on his elbows.
 His cock rested against his lower abdomen, pink at the tip and already dripping precum for you.
The few bulging veins beneath went from the base to the head.
With a feather light touch you followed the thickest one from the base to his tip.
He exhaled deeply.
The lightest touch being more than enough.
”Fuck I love when you touch me baby.” He groaned, biting his lip and leaning his head back.
 With a determined grip you wrapped your hand around the base and leaned down, swirling your tongue over his tip.
 You placed a soft kiss at the tip before pushing past your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth and sucking gently.
You moved your hand in a slow jerking motion up and down his shaft as your mouth continued to pleasure him.
 He moaned your name.
Mouth open and eyes half closed,
One elbow supporting him as his other hand gripped the sheets tightly. Sexy…
Had he always been this sensitive?
”Babe slower, please…”
”Gentle… you’re going to make me cum too soon.” He groaned, breathing even heavier.
He whimpered.
”It feels so good…”
His elbow failed him and he lied back down on his back, hiding his face with both hands briefly before moving them up and tangling them in his hair.
 He wasn’t one to curse… but when you had sex he couldn’t prevent the foul words from slipping.
All other words were too weak.
 ”Baby, baby stop! Stop! STOP I’M GOING TO CUM!” He begged.
He groaned loudly.
Frustration echoing.
 You let him slip out of your mouth, a small string of saliva forming from your lip to his tip and quickly breaking.
The buildup for both was becoming almost gruesome.
His whimpers and words made you twist and turn, knowing the sounds and words were all for you.
 You needed him bad…
Your inner thighs were practically soaked… heart beating hard.
 ”I can’t wait anymore.” You panted.
”Neither can I.”
He sat up and with his hands on your shoulders he easily pushed you over to the side on your back, moving fast.
 His hips positioned between your thighs and his hands sliding down your torso to your hips.
His cock by your thigh, the anticipation making the knot within even tighter.
 With one hand he grabbed his cock, a sight always lethal.
Watching him masturbate was something you enjoyed almost a little too much to be shameless….
His beautiful hands pleasuring himself while his mind played out the most sinful imaginations…
 He dragged the tip up and down your slit before positioning himself.
Barely inserting the tip, his hand returned to your hip and he bit his lower lip.
Holding his breath and grunting low he pushed his thick length into you.
The fit was tight but the stretch felt so good.
So longed for.
So good…
He adjusted himself slightly as he slid in deep, all the way he possibly could, but being gentle.
A sudden soft kiss attacked your neck.
”You look so beautiful like this.”
 After briefly letting you adjust he pulled out half way and thrusted back in gently, repeating the move in a soft and gentle pace but making sure to go as deep as he could.
 If the windows would’ve been slightly lower you would be able to see the full view of his hips from the side reflecting in the glass, moving passionately against you.
 His lips found yours, kissing you roughly.
You tangled your hands in his hair again.
One hand slid down the back of his neck and over his shoulder blades.
His pace increased, thrusts getting faster and shorter.
The kisses were fueled by pure desperation. His lips touching not only your lips, but beneath and above, missing and hitting just right until his tongue took over.
With his grip tightening he buried himself deeper with a grunt followed by his tongue licking up the side of your neck.
So much for passion as his desire took over, making him crazy.
He pressed his forehead against yours, making you able to look into his eyes.
His mouth was open, his breathing heavy just like your own.
You pulled at his hair and he scrunched his nose in response to the soft pain.
As a result his thrusts grew slower, almost as if you’d just tamed him. Making him come down from his chase for release and back to his passionate movements.
He hid his face by your neck, his breath tickling your sensitive skin and the sound of his exhales sending shivers through your body.
The sound of his voice and the sound of his breathing never failed to either relax you or arouse you. Sometimes both…
His stamina never failed to impress you.
Was he effortless? His hips moving back and forth in rhythm with your needs, fulfilling every need for every type of touch in once and getting you closer and closer to the edge of your high.
The security and trust you had for him made you able to relax and embrace what was to come. You held him tighter and grew even more vocal.
But sending him signs that you were close without words turned out to be a mistake this evening.
He abruptly pulled all the way out.
Leaving you feeling empty and metaphorically hanging off the edge by one hand as he stared down at you with a smirk.
He moved to your side, grabbing your waist and pushing you over onto your stomach.
His weight pressed you down against the bed as he climbed on top of you. His tip teased you briefly before he thrusted back into you, stretching you out even more as the fit from the position felt a lot tighter.
He moaned loudly, blended with a sweet sigh of relief.
A hand tangled in your hair and he began to hump you.
Soft kisses were placed against your shoulder and his thrusts became rougher.
Your build up made it easy for him to send you back to the edge.
How many times this close would you have to suffer through until you lost your patience?
“Do you like this baby?”
“Do you like it?”
His words were teasing.
You were a mess, of course you liked it.
“Yes…” You sighed, trying your best to contain yourself.
“You’re so quiet suddenly…”
He pulled your hair playfully.
“You know I like hearing you.”
Unseen by Taehyung, your fist was tightly gripping the sheets beneath you out of frustration.
You moved your hips back, meeting his thrust and making him whimper in that deep tone…
“Taehyung… stop.”
He obeyed immediately, suddenly concerned.
Did you not like it?
His hand let go of your hair and he climbed off of you and placed a hand on your shoulder instead, pushing you to your side as you rolled over.
“Are you ok?”
A surprised gasp escaped him as you suddenly threw yourself over him, hands on his shoulders pushing him back and swinging your leg over him and straddling him.
You had had enough.
Moving quick you reached behind to grab his cock and positioned him by your dripping pussy and lowered yourself over his thickness, unexpectedly taking over control.
He groaned.
Aroused by your move and the pleasure worsening his build up, a buildup he was doing his best to hold back from release, but he knew he was practically doomed at this point.
His tongue licked across his lower lip and his hands grabbed your hips, controlling your pace but you urged him faster.
With each lower he would thrust up, refusing you to do all action.
He wanted to be in charge, no matter if he was on top or bottom. He had set his mind to being the source of your pleasure tonight, no other. Including you.
You pressed your hands against his chest for support as well as a pointless attempt to hold him down but he was stronger than you and your thighs were getting sore.
His expression was… hard to describe, but calling it sexy might be enough for you to imagine it yourself. His eyes had a dark focus on you, mouth slightly open and the tip of his tongue visible between the plump swollen lips. His hair was messy and pulled back, revealing his bold brows and the sweat on his forming on his forehead.
For a brief moment you considered moving from his hips to his face but the loss of the deep pleasure wasn’t worth the sacrifice….
His eyes shifted their focus, suddenly looking beyond you instead of at you.
You looked over your shoulder to see whatever distracted him but there was nothing abnormal in the room. Only the desk and the large mirror on the wall.
As you looked back Taehyung effortlessly sat up ad wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Hold on and don’t let me slip out.” He smirked, eyes still focused behind you.
He pressed your chest tight against his and his other arm moved to support you under your butt.
With a low grunt he stood up from the bed and carried you across the room before sitting back down on the carpet floor.
His hands moved to your butt cheeks and his chin rested against your shoulder.
“Keep riding me baby.”
You could hear the smirk in his voice.
His hands controlled your pace and he hummed delightfully by your ear.
Why here?
Well, your back was now facing the large mirror in the room.
Giving Taehyung a dim view in the darkness of your reflection… a reflection pleasuring him.
“I wanted a full view.” He chuckled, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
Seeing himself get fucked, or seeing himself in control you as you fucked him seemed to turn him on… a lot.
“You look so good baby.” He whispered, playfully slapping against your butt.
“I wish I could take a photo of this…”
“Get your camera.”
“No, I know your close baby… we can take the photo next time.”
“It sounds more like you’re the one close…”
“Ssssh, just keep moving… and don’t stop.”
He closed his eyes, relaxing and holding you tight.
He leaned back and you looked down at him with a smirk before crashing your lips against his, this time in a passionate slow kiss as you rode him faster.
“Yes, faster baby….”
“Just like that…” he groaned, whispering between the touch of your lips.
“Help me…” you begged, hiding your face by his neck and holding on to him tight.
Faster and faster, the knot within getting tighter and tighter as a result.
You wouldn’t let this go this time…
You needed your release, so did he.
You wanted it to end, you wanted your high so you could lie in his arms afterwards and cuddle… the type of cuddle you always had after sex, especially when he would praise you for riding him…
He tightened his hold around you, guiding your movements and pressing you down deeper on his cock. Helping was hard in this position unless he lied down but instead one of his hands moved across your hip and between your bodies, locating your clit.
His fingers’ teasing touch drove you insane.
Going faster was hard, but you were desperate and his touch only made it worse.
He bit his lower lip to hold back a groan and you could tell he was about to release.
Failing, his lips slipped from the grip of his teeth and he let out a deep groan, leaning his head back.
A desperate chase for each other at this point…
You moaned, but it came out sounding more like a whimper as your muscles tensed up.
His expression was tense… teeth biting his lower lip yet again as his breathing grew shorter and faster until he ended up holding it.
A loud groan echoed through the dim lit room.
He exhaled deeply, followed by a shaky moan and you could feel his release within.
His hand was exhausted but his touch never left you, desperate to make you climax as he came.
A second too late, close enough… you muscles finally released over him and your arms went limb over his shoulders as you embraced him. All movement coming to a halt as your muscles pulsated around his cock, not a drop of cum being spilled.
His hands pressed against your back soothingly as you both came down from your highs, catching your breath.
He kissed your shoulder tenderly and stroked his hands up and down your lower back slowly.
You remained for a while, reluctant to pull out.
This was one of the many moments you wanted to last forever but sadly couldn’t…
But at least they could be re-lived and re-done, over and over and over again….
“I’m pulling out baby.” He whispered.
You moved up slightly and his cock slid out of you, spilling his release as he did.
Before allowing you to get off he took a last look in the mirror to appreciate the view. A view of your glowing back and his large hands caressing it, your beautiful figure in its most beautiful state and his dick between his thighs, glistening from your wetness.
“I really wish I had my camera…” he whispered again. “Next time I’ll have to bring it to bed…”
You chuckled softly.
“What would you name that exhibition?”
“They’re only for my eyes.”
“I private exhibition.”
“Exactly… maybe raw beauty? Naked beauty? Referring to you.”
He leaned back and smiled sweetly.
“Let’s move somewhere more comfortable.” He suggested and patted your hip softly.
You carefully stood up, thighs slightly shaky.
Taehyung got up with ease and grabbed his shirt from the floor and handed it to you.
You put it on and meanwhile Taehyung disappeared into the hallway and returned with his camera.
“Just in case, I don’t want to miss another opportunity.” He confessed, smiling shyly.
He placed the camera on one of the nightstand tabled and pulled you down with him on the bed, pressing his body close to yours and his hand stroking up and down between your hip and waist.
“Your cheeks remind me of roses.”
“How come?” You asked shyly.
“Because you always blush after we have sex.” He teased.
“I blame the city.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes and let out a short soft giggle.
“You make me blush all the time, is it hard to confess it’s because of me?”
He reached for his camera and removed the lens cap.
“Take off the shirt.”
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